sorry to hear that zeo, but that's basically what I tried to explain to you in the first place.... Tinnitus as strong as you seem to have it usually doesn't ONLY come from ear wax.... but still I hope it will go away for you soon.
But the point is nothing else could have caused it, I've eliminated everything else that could do so. It started ONLY when i got the wax, not before and not after. (only when i used the bluetooth in ear device and headed for like 4 sessions and at NORMAL volume levels, nothing loud etc)
The ENT said it was a simple case and has had many cases of strong tinnitus from wax, he is still fairly confident after our last phone chat that it would be gone or at least lessen by the weekend. What i find interesting is that the sound isn't in my left ear anymore, seems to be in my right now, and my right ear is feeling hot and noticeably feels swollen (though i am assured that is impossible as ears inside don't swell in that way) also i wanted to know why it almost went 100% when he cleared it and then its gradually got louder, i thought a virus was to blame however i am told that i would find i have a loss of hearing if that had been the case. (i am starting to loose it a teeny bit in my right ear….)
Also since typing the above reply it seems a little better than it was? it seems to be fluctuating in intensity a fair bit, from not too noticeable to VERY noticeable! weird (and before you ask, not with stress either)
I mean this is 2013, nearly 2014 and there is no cure or magic pill for this? this is not acceptable for any human being. Surely this is bullish*t? the human body is a terrible machine!
Anyways, i guess we will see, though i rarely have luck with my body (stomach ulcer, kidney stones, prostate issue and plenty of other random things that would confuse and perplex you all -and no, no underlying health issues or genetic disorders and I'm only 32!) so i doubt it will be better, perhaps it will be even worse? most likely eh!