Eardrum Pressure Whenever I Burp


Nov 16, 2017
Tinnitus Since
June 2015
Cause of Tinnitus
Earphones, Bus Braking, Burping (air enters ear canal)
Whenever I burp the gas seems to go from my throat straight to my left ear. This sometimes results in some brief pain when the pressure is a lot and the eardrum bulges outward, typically when I'm about to burp after a meal.

Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?

It feels like I'm involuntarily performing a Valsalva maneuver on my left ear every time it happens and it could damage the inner ear. Welp, it also seems to be be spiking the tinnitus a little bit in my left ear as well.
Hearing feels a little weaker, it might just be anxiety though considering I don't have vertigo, nausea, or dizziness. I notice the tinnitus in my left ear is a little louder, again might just be anxiety. Eating less food and eating more slowly to prevent gas from building up.
Eating less food and eating more slowly to prevent gas from building up.

I need to do this as well. In the past(maybe even now), I've been eating quite quickly. Do you think that can cause the issue when we burp?
Also, when I burp, sometimes my affected ear rings as well as I let the air out. Does this happen to you too?

Hearing feels a little weaker, it might just be anxiety though considering I don't have vertigo, nausea, or dizziness. I notice the tinnitus in my left ear is a little louder, again might just be anxiety.

Yeah, could be that. Other than the pressure when you burp, what else do you experience with regards to T?
I need to do this as well. In the past(maybe even now), I've been eating quite quickly. Do you think that can cause the issue when we burp?
Also, when I burp, sometimes my affected ear rings as well as I let the air out. Does this happen to you too?

Yeah, could be that. Other than the pressure when you burp, what else do you experience with regards to T?
Usually nothing happens, but this one time it was enough to hurt my eardrum, it was after that I felt like my tinnitus spike. I was also eating very quickly before this happened so it definitely contributed to the gas.
Usually nothing happens, but this one time it was enough to hurt my eardrum, it was after that I felt like my tinnitus spike. I was also eating very quickly before this happened so it definitely contributed to the gas.

Well I've been eating quickly for a while. Maybe it's because of what I'm currently going through that my ears react to burps now.
Maybe when you burp some gas is going up your eustation tubes from the back of your throat ?
Not sure if that is possible so someone might respond to my post for you.

love glynis
Maybe when you burp some gas is going up your eustation tubes from the back of your throat ?
Not sure if that is possible so someone might respond to my post for you.

love glynis

I don't know if you're responding to me, but if you are, is that possible with someone suffering from ETD?
Whenever I burp the gas seems to go from my throat straight to my left ear. This sometimes results in some brief pain when the pressure is a lot and the eardrum bulges outward, typically when I'm about to burp after a meal.

Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?

It feels like I'm involuntarily performing a Valsalva maneuver on my left ear every time it happens and it could damage the inner ear. Welp, it also seems to be be spiking the tinnitus a little bit in my left ear as well.
I also have this problem for some weeks now. I used to practise valsalva maneuver, and then stopped because I heard that you shouldn't do it. The ENT's told me this was fine, but they know nothing. Well, now I have this instead. I also notice that my tinnitus seems to spike.

Do you know why this happened for you. Do you still have this problem?
I also have this problem for some weeks now. I used to practise valsalva maneuver, and then stopped because I heard that you shouldn't do it. The ENT's told me this was fine, but they know nothing. Well, now I have this instead. I also notice that my tinnitus seems to spike.

Do you know why this happened for you. Do you still have this problem?
I've had this problem for years now, but never found anything on the internet about my problem. Telling the doctor about it got only a "huh, that's weird...", which isn't really a surprising response considering how absurdly specific the problem is. I've never had a problem with the burping until I got tinnitus in my left ear from another incident, after I got tinnitus in my left ear I discovered the burping actually spiked my tinnitus, and dulled my hearing--of course this could be caused by anxiety and/or stress from worrying too much.

As for the question if I know anything about this condition... I don't really understand why this happens, why it's only my left ear, and why it seems to be only me with this problem, etc...
I know doctors warn people against holding in sneezes because the rapid expulsion of air from your lungs can easily enter your ear canal through your throat and rupture your eardrums, which is sort of what's happening to me, except it's an involuntary action--I don't consciously hold in my burps.
The only thing I know is that I have GERD, which causes overproduction of stomach acid, which in turns leads to me unconsciously swallowing a lot of air into my stomach, which comes back out as gas. I find myself burping every few minutes, especially during movement, and I try very hard to consciously not hold it in when burping. The only thing I can do is try to control how often I burp so I've been taking Ranitidine in the hope of controlling my stomach acid, but it hasn't worked that well, other lifestyle changes including smaller meal proportions haven't resulted in any improvement since I'm burping excessively even on an empty stomach. I'll be visiting a doctor soon to get a prescription for PPI medication, which is very effective for GERD sufferers and should hopefully mitigate the stomach gas issue, and as a cpnsequence, my tinnitus spikes as well.

tl;dr if you have the same problem try controlling your belching with medication
Thank you for your response. I have a question, did you perform valsalva before you developed this problem with air in the ear?
I have GERD and I am also having the issue where burping pressurizes my ears. Both in my case. Afterward, if I hum my right ear will vibrate. I can usually cough a certain way and clear the ear when it vibrates like that. But that's the only technique that relieves it.

My ears also constantly pressurize when driving even in areas with no elevation change.

Both issues only manifested once I began having tinnitus.
When I burp my right eardrum expands outward painfully. It only happens with my right ear. Shouldn't this air be going out my eustachian tube, not pushing out my eardrum?
Could it have anything to do with this circle on my eardrum?


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You'd probably want to ask a medical professional like a GP or ENT that question because there appears to be minor tear to me.

Looks like the circle has shrunk/almost gone. Symptom still the same though...
Can't go to ENT at the moment, but thanks for the help


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I'm having this right now, with my right ear. Maybe I'm just imagining it but my hearing in that ear might be ever-so-slightly reduced as well. This is accompanied with a "haki-clash"(One Piece anime fans know what this is) sounding tinnitus that occasionally arises in either ear (usually my right) but never sticks around for long.

Just had COVID-19, actually I probably still have it but most of my symptoms are completely gone. I do wonder if there is some fluid build up around the Eustachian Tubes due to the infection, and if that may be a contributing factor... I was also blowing my nose a lot for a couple of days, but most of the popping I felt was on my left side, not my right.

I occasionally get pains in my ears that linger so I'll give this a few days.
I'm having this right now, with my right ear. Maybe I'm just imagining it but my hearing in that ear might be ever-so-slightly reduced as well. This is accompanied with a "haki-clash"(One Piece anime fans know what this is) sounding tinnitus that occasionally arises in either ear (usually my right) but never sticks around for long.

Just had COVID-19, actually I probably still have it but most of my symptoms are completely gone. I do wonder if there is some fluid build up around the Eustachian Tubes due to the infection, and if that may be a contributing factor... I was also blowing my nose a lot for a couple of days, but most of the popping I felt was on my left side, not my right.

I occasionally get pains in my ears that linger so I'll give this a few days.
Same thing happens to me, and I keep burping over and over again. I haven't had any permanent worsening, I think, from it but I really feeling like I'm exacerbating the problem. Extremely annoying. It's like my body is trying to hurt itself.
Same thing happens to me, and I keep burping over and over again. I haven't had any permanent worsening, I think, from it but I really feeling like I'm exacerbating the problem. Extremely annoying. It's like my body is trying to hurt itself.
I know the temptation to do dumb things just to figure out what makes my body tick is... a thing. I sometimes wonder if my body is trying to destroy itself too lol. Gotta try to catch yourself in the act and come up with a way to trick yourself into not doing it.

Anyway, the painful ear burping thing seems to have subsided for the most part... that was pretty short lived. I guess it really can be attributed to being sick or stuffed up, in some cases.
I'm having this right now, with my right ear. Maybe I'm just imagining it but my hearing in that ear might be ever-so-slightly reduced as well. This is accompanied with a "haki-clash"(One Piece anime fans know what this is) sounding tinnitus that occasionally arises in either ear (usually my right) but never sticks around for long.

Just had COVID-19, actually I probably still have it but most of my symptoms are completely gone. I do wonder if there is some fluid build up around the Eustachian Tubes due to the infection, and if that may be a contributing factor... I was also blowing my nose a lot for a couple of days, but most of the popping I felt was on my left side, not my right.

I occasionally get pains in my ears that linger so I'll give this a few days.
I had exactly this after a cold last month. Blew my nose too much. Now, even after a month, blowing my nose a tiny bit will automatically do a Valsalva manouvre - I simply cannot blow my nose anymore. Burps go out the left ear too and were painful. Not painful anymore but still travel through the ear. I hope this settles...
Thought I was the only one who had this. Happens every time I burp, hiccup or yawn. It feels like this strange pressure/movement in my right ear.

Anyone still having trouble?

I've had it for a few weeks now after an ear infection.
I have the same issue. In my opinion, it might be related to a dysfunctional tensor tympani muscle and eardrum retraction.

After experiencing acoustic trauma, the tensor tympani muscle behind the eardrum can become tense or tighten up for several months, sometimes even developing spasms (TTTS). In this case, the eardrum is often pulled inward and not in its normal position because the tightened muscle is still trying to protect the inner ear from loud sounds.

This tension can lead to hearing distortions, such as muffled hearing and a sense of ear fullness or pressure. When you burp or yawn, your Eustachian tube opens, allowing air to circulate into the tympanic cavity. This circulating air briefly pushes the retracted eardrum outward, creating a sensation similar to performing the Valsalva maneuver, even though you're just burping or yawning.
I have the same issue. In my opinion, it might be related to a dysfunctional tensor tympani muscle and eardrum retraction.

After experiencing acoustic trauma, the tensor tympani muscle behind the eardrum can become tense or tighten up for several months, sometimes even developing spasms (TTTS). In this case, the eardrum is often pulled inward and not in its normal position because the tightened muscle is still trying to protect the inner ear from loud sounds.

This tension can lead to hearing distortions, such as muffled hearing and a sense of ear fullness or pressure. When you burp or yawn, your Eustachian tube opens, allowing air to circulate into the tympanic cavity. This circulating air briefly pushes the retracted eardrum outward, creating a sensation similar to performing the Valsalva maneuver, even though you're just burping or yawning.
Would an ENT be able to see if the eardrum is pulled inward, or is it only slightly retracted but enough to affect hearing? I also had my ear's vibration measured by the ENT, and it was normal.

I'll try using an infrared warming light over the next few days. Maybe it can help calm down this middle ear issue a bit.

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