I've had tinnitus for a couple years, went on an elimination diet for a while, then started reintroducing food. When I munch on sharp cheeses - Parmesan for example - will *within seconds* start the ringing. Not so bad then it is cooked and combined with other foods, I still risk it sometimes
Also, on the rare occasions I eat milk products before bed (cream, ice cream, cheesecake, sigh) at least 50% of the time I wake up feeling the onset of an ear infection, which usually goes away by lunch, and sucks... but is a good reminder to get back on track.
I also had chronically stuffed up nose until I had cut out dairy for a while. It's really dry where I live, but the milk made it worse to the point of rock solid. Turn out my mom said I was tested as a child and was sensitive/allergic/or intolerant and cut it out of my diet til I was about 5. Tinnitus and other problems didn't start until I was in my 30s (though I did get ear infections as. A child / teen)
If you have any of these other symptoms, I'd suggest cutting out the triggers like cheese for a while (a month maybe?) and reintroduce one thing at a time and track it slowly.
Tinnitus annoyance was an 8/10 for a while, I get it now sometimes, mostly when I cheat, but it's is a totally manageable 1 or 2/10. (I've changed other things too).
Good luck!