ENT Department with Interest in Tinnitus, Is This All They Could Offer?


Nov 6, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
loud clubs initially, now louder due to noise & vibrations.
I was referred to an ENT with more interest than most in tinnitus, according to my GP, this was through the NHS, it was the usual talk about how to cope and how to reduce stress and anxiety and they said that I should get counselling. But if I didn't have tinnitus I wouldn't be like this in the first place.

Okay, so I do have anxiety and I do get stressed and I am depressed, but not before my tinnitus got very, very bad from after 10+ years of liveable tinnitus, it has got extremely worse, I thought that there was things such as sound therapy (listening to certain sounds) and other treatments, I guess not on the NHS, they just fobbed me off to a councillor.

I don't believe a councillor will help, I would rather be dead sometimes, it's the noise, if I didn't have tinnitus I could live a decent life but I am tortured, I am going to ask the GP about oxytocin and pramipexole, I hope to get some relief, but I just see no point in living if I don't want to be awake.

When I dream I dream peacefully, it is the only life I get in peace, when I am not awake, so no wonder I would rather not be alive.
I understand what you're going through as I've been diagnosed with severe tinnitus since the first time I saw my ENT. That was six years ago. Six years of severe tinnitus but I manage to get through the day, every day. I have more important things going on in my life than to worry that much about my tinnitus. It's a struggle, it's an annoyance, but life could be worse. Some days are better than others and that's what gives me hope.
Didn't ENT refur you to audiology as ENT don't provide tinnitus aids like White Noise Generators etc.
It's Audiology where you get the best care along with counselling to help your mental well-being.

Love glynis
I don't believe a councillor will help, I would rather be dead sometimes, it's the noise,

Those of us that experience loud intrusive tinnitus know how you feel @meeb Although it isn't easy try to change your attitude towards counselling because it can help with tinnitus. I agree with you that ordinary counselling won't help but I'm talking about counselling with a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist, that is trained in tinnitus management and the perception of it. Some of these people also have tinnitus so will have understanding of the condition and the treatments available. Ask your GP or ENT consultant whether it's possible you can be referred to the people I've mentioned. If you haven't read my article: Tinnitus, A Personal View, please read it by clicking on the link below.

Best of luck

Didn't ENT refur you to audiology as ENT don't provide tinnitus aids like White Noise Generators etc.
It's Audiology where you get the best care along with counselling to help your mental well-being.

Love glynis
Sorry, it was audiology not an ENT, but yes this was their answer.

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