Hey Jason. I am going to give you the run down of what's probably happening and what's going to happen to you. This is exactly what happened to me, and many of the other people who go through tinnitus.
Like me, you probably have hearing loss at a really high frequency and the test did not even go high enough to notice it. You probably have tinnitus as a result of the rapid hearing loss. The hearing loss is not bothering you because it's at such a high range, that you don't even notice it. The tinnitus does bother you, because it's constant, and annoying as shit.
You're going to get progressively more pissed off and desperate about the tinnitus as it hangs around longer and longer. You're going to monitor it every second of every day, wondering if it's getting louder, or softer. You're going to freak yourself out and convince yourself that it's changing tone, and it's getting worse, when in reality it's exactly the same as it has always been, and probably always will be.
You're going to start going to tons of doctors and probably paying ass loads of money to try their shit therapies and sound generators for habituation. Then, you're going to get more depressed and suicidal as you realize that none of it works and that you just wasted all your savings in addition to still having tinnitus.
Then one day, about 6 months from now, you're just going to start living your life as normal again. The tinnitus will probably still be there, exactly like it is now, but you will just stop monitoring it. You will be depressed at first, that everything you do is a little bit less fun, because you have an annoying ring in your ear during all of it. However, you will accept that you have no choice in the matter, and you would rather be doing the things you enjoy with a ring in your ear, than not doing them at all.
Then, after you have completely surrendered to the tinnitus for a good 3-4 months, you will start forgetting that you have tinnitus. The ringing will become so familiar to you, that you will forget what silence sounds like. The tinnitus will no longer be a foreign threat, and will instead be a normal part of you. At this point, you will be habituated, and you will look back and laugh at the stupid things you did when you first got tinnitus.