Episode 25: Tinnitus and Pain, One and the Same? — Prof. Peter McNaughton

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Jan 23, 2012

Prof. Peter McNaughton from King's College London is not only a very nice guy (for example, we had to re-attempt our recording three times due to technical difficulties and he was extremely accommodating), but also a very interesting researcher – a unicorn if you will.

He has been researching chronic pain for decades and from there developed an interest in tinnitus, because he believes the two share some important commonalities in terms of the underlying mechanisms. For reference, it's almost unheard of for a researcher from another field to develop an interest in tinnitus.


He also happens to believe that tinnitus, like pain, is a peripheral rather than a central phenomenon. A controversial idea within the tinnitus field, but Peter likes to shake things up a bit, and we hope the tinnitus research community welcomes healthy debate on the topic.

In fact, check out our Tinnitus Week 2025 thread for some responses from tinnitus researchers about Peter's theories.


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This episode was produced by @Markku and @Hazel, with the transcript created by @Hazel as well. Do you want to take part in creating the podcast? Let us know.

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