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Everything Sounds Tinny


Jun 3, 2017
Orlando, FL
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic trauma
I got noise induced tinnitus (mild) three months ago after going to a club. Now I can't listen to music or talk radio without it sounding tinny. Plus, I can feel my ears closing up when I try to listen. Does this improve over time or is my hearing ruined forever?
I got noise induced tinnitus (mild) three months ago after going to a club. Now I can't listen to music or talk radio without it sounding tinny. Plus, I can feel my ears closing up when I try to listen. Does this improve over time or is my hearing ruined forever?

I don't know what tiny means, but i can tell you that your tinnitus is still very new and it can take sometime to adjust. Possibly see an audiologist or ENT and see what they say...
Hey Flamingo, sorry you have to go through this, I have experienced this tinny sound during my first month or two of acoustic trauma, it reacted with my voice primarily (could have possibly been ETD as well). It seems to have gone away for me (knock on wood). As for the feeling of having clogged ears (acoustic fullness) I still have the feeling every now and then. I notice its most when there is background noise present, like wind or outside noises. People report this may go away with time, but I don't know from personal experience (its been 4 months or so for me), could take more time.

Hope you feel better soon!
I have this too. I was crying myself to sleep every night because music sounded so tinny, high-pitched and overall shitty. It seemed like it was analog sounds coming from cheap speakers. I made several posts here complaining about just that.

After almost a year, it improved in the sense that music sounds closer to what I remember it to be. I can tell, because my favorite songs no longer sound broken even after setting the equalizer to default. But it's not back to 100%. However, I am grateful that music is enjoyable for me again. I adjusted by buying a good sound system, lowering the high frequencies on the equalizer, setting the volume on low, and saying goodbye to my earphones.
Is there some volume threshold above which this happens?
At any volume some sounds are distorted. For example, the sound of certain voices now can hurt to listen to whereas before screechy/harsh voices were just annoying. And music doesn't have the fullness it used to. I have a 50 dB hearing loss at 4KHz but I wouldn't think that would cause this type of distortion.
I don't know what tiny means, but i can tell you that your tinnitus is still very new and it can take sometime to adjust. Possibly see an audiologist or ENT and see what they say...
Thanks fishbone. Hopefully my hearing system is still adjusting and will get better over time!
I have this too. I was crying myself to sleep every night because music sounded so tinny, high-pitched and overall shitty. It seemed like it was analog sounds coming from cheap speakers. I made several posts here complaining about just that.

After almost a year, it improved in the sense that music sounds closer to what I remember it to be. I can tell, because my favorite songs no longer sound broken even after setting the equalizer to default. But it's not back to 100%. However, I am grateful that music is enjoyable for me again. I adjusted by buying a good sound system, lowering the high frequencies on the equalizer, setting the volume on low, and saying goodbye to my earphones.
Yep, that's what I'm experiencing. Thanks for sharing. I don't want to even listen to music anymore. It's too painful and doesn't sound good. I'm glad to hear it can improve with time.
I don't know what tiny means, but i can tell you that your tinnitus is still very new and it can take sometime to adjust. Possibly see an audiologist or ENT and see what they say...
I trust what the people on this forum say more than I do the ENT or audiologists I saw. Most were not very helpful at all.
I trust what the people on this forum say more than I do the ENT or audiologists I saw. Most were not very helpful at all.

I understand 100%, I have been there as well. I usually tough it out with most issues, but if i feel like something is wrong, i will go see a doc. 2 weeks ago my hamstrings were in bad shape and i had to go see a doc. Tinnitus is a struggle and you are lucky that this forum exists and members like myself come to support.

I would have given anything, to have had this forum almost 30 years ago, when my tinnitus first started.

Just hang in there and stay strong..
Now I can't listen to music or talk radio without it sounding tinny.

Your auditory system has suffered a noise trauma and this will take time to heal and therefore is not something that can be repaired in a few weeks or even a few months. Sorry to sound so sobering but these are the facts as I see it. Depending on how severe the acoustic trauma and the steps you take in treating it will help determine how successful your recovery will be.

Ideally the best treatment for this is TRT that includes the wearing of white noise generators. This treatment is expensive but not always necessary. I advise such a treatment to be started no sooner than 6 months in after onset of tinnitus preferably a little longer. I have written many posts on this treatment so please refer to them in my "started thread" and read my article: Tinnitus, A Personal View. You should be seen at ENT and tests carried out on your auditory system. A referral to a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist is also advised, whose trained in the management and treatment of tinnitus.

I helped to counsel someone in this forum that was experiencing a very similar thing to you and will paste the post below titled: From darkness into light. I strongly suggest you read my post: Hyperacusis, As I see It. The link is below and advise that you do not use any form of headphones even at low volume. Use a sound machine at night by your bedside for sound enrichment. Although everything sounds tinny at the moment with time this will improve. The important thing is not to "shut off yourself" from sound in preference for silence or start to over-protect your ears using ear protection such as earplugs. More is explained in Hyperacusis, As I see it.

Please read the post below.

All the best

From darkness into light.

Tinnitus is not an easy condition to live with when it is severe. So it always pleases me to hear when someone habituates and is able to put the passed behind them and look forwards to a brighter future. A forum member contacted me recently to express just that and has agreed for me to include some of his comments although his name has been changed. Anyone having difficulty habituating I hope they will find this post helpful.

Last year Marcus was in a distressed state and convinced he would never see light again at the end of the tunnel. He works as an electrician and while up a ladder one afternoon, suddenly heard a loud ringing coming from a fire alarm that was on a nearby wall. He didn't pay it much attention and wasn't concerned about his hearing as he believed it would soon stop. He continued working but this proved not to be a good idea as the alarm continued for another twenty minutes. When it finally stopped and there was complete silence he then noticed ringing in his ears. Over the following days and weeks it gradually became louder and more intrusive.

I remember his out pouring and condemning himself in this forum as if it were yesterday. He couldn't believe he had done such a thing. Staying in that vicinity with no hearing protection and not coming down off that ladder had resulted in his whole life being turned upside down. With the benefit of hindsight one is often able to see mistakes that could have been easily avoided if they only knew. In his own words life as he once new it was completely over. Married with two young children he enjoyed regularly going out with the family but all that came to an abrupt end. I and other forum members tried to make Marcus look at the positive things in his life and not to give up hope but little of this was having any impact. The walls of negativity that he had built up to surround himself were just too great and it seemed no amount of good advice was able to get through.

His symptoms will be familiar to those that have suffered noise trauma to their auditory system. Intrusive tinnitus with hyperacusis, that can vary considerably especially in the early onset of the conditions. I understood his distress at not being able to enjoy listening to music even as a form of distraction from the noise. Everything sounded distorted to him as if it is coming out of a broken speaker and his ears would hurt when certain sounds were heard. His appointment at ENT was some time away which is often the case when tinnitus is not accompanied by dizziness, balance problems and impaired hearing or continuous pain in the ears.

Contrary to what some believe, the best treatment for tinnitus in the early stages and when there are no additional symptoms, as mentioned above is to leave it alone. The ears and auditory system are very delicate and often right themselves when left alone. Many people habituate to tinnitus within the first six months sometimes a little longer and the condition has been known to go away completely. Marcus had taken time of work, as he just wasn't in a good place and couldn't function properly. One good thing is that he was under the care of his GP and taking medication to help cope with his moods. Tinnitus can be such an emotional roller coaster in the early days so often no two days are the same. An antidepressant often helps a person from becoming too down so acts as a safety net when those low points arrive.

Marcus became a frequent visitor to this forum and I believe it helped him, although his outlook on recovery was quite bleak and negative. Perhaps knowing there were people around him in this virtual world of cyberspace, gave him the support and sanctuary that he needed to vent his frustrations which at times I believe were overwhelming. I hadn't seen him for quite a while but got an acknowledgement from him recently by private messenger. I have omitted my comments.

It changes a lot over time doesn't it. Not just one's perception of it but the tone itself.
For me it ranges from a jet engine noise to hum, I used to hear it all the time but now I only hear it in silence.

Just past the 1 year mark for me. Feeling much better now. It sure does take time.
How's things with you? I really appreciate the help and advice you have offered to me over this time, and the help from other people in the forum.

It's a terrible condition. I did go too see Guns n Roses last weekend at Slane castle. Used professional ear plugs, was a great show and no negative consequences apart from a crazy two day hangover lol

The fact the concert was outdoors made it possible, it still peeked at over 115db at times.
I still haven't been seen at ent yet, did bother chasing up the appointment. No point really. I will take your advice and chase up ent and see if I can get an appointment. Just to do the tests.

, I'm much much better now, I was in a very dark place. It was a terrible time. Things have improved, the distortion in music has gone and things sound normal again. I can even setup an eq system hear the different frequencies, when I first suffered this I couldn't hear bass, everything sounded flat, really was a bad time, I'm surprised I survived it to be honest.

I now have a new appreciation for sound and music. I just wish I understood this before. I still have slight balance issues but mostly I am happy my hearing has improved, It is very difficult too accept when it happens as I am sure you know.
I will always use hearing protection at loud events, concerts etc. The guns n roses concert felt fine with my pro plugs in and I noticed many others using plugs too. Good to see.

I'm back at work and able to spend time with my family. Thanks Michael for your advice (even at those times when I didn't believe it)


Tinnitus is a struggle and you are lucky that this forum exists and members like myself come to support.
Yes, I am! This forum is a godsend. Along with keeping me sane, I have learned so much from you and others on here as far as what to do, what not to do and what to expect. A big heartfelt :thankyousign:to the entire community!
Your auditory system has suffered a noise trauma and this will take time to heal and therefore is not something that can be repaired in a few weeks or even a few months.
I thought that once we blew our auditory system it's gone for good. In other words, the body cannot repair the ear. What do you mean by healing?
I thought that once we blew our auditory system it's gone for good. In other words, the body cannot repair the ear. What do you mean by healing?

The auditory system can make a full recovery from noise trauma. By this I mean you will be able to hear everything as you did before the trauma. You might have some hearing loss and you might not. Therefore, I advise you to start taking a good quality Gingko Biloba. Avogel is a very good brand that I get from Amazon UK. 15 drops in a little water 3x a day.

You maybe able to get an equivalent in US so take a look: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=node=4853&field-keywords=gingko+biloba+tincture Tincture is better than tablets as it enters the blood stream quicker I'm told. Gingko increases blood circulation to the body extremities. Feet, hands and head including the auditory pathways.

I suffered very severe noise trauma 21 years ago when I first got tinnitus. I thought my hearing was completely blown. My whole head was numb for months and everything sounded as if my head was under water. I made a full recovery and have no hearing loss, according to my hearing test. I believe GB helped me that's why I continue taking it. I also advise you to take magnesium tablets. See a herbalist if possible for advice. Magnesium helps repair nerves. Since the auditory system is mostly made up of nerves, I think it's a good idea to start taking it. I did and believe it helped.

Your auditory system will recover and it's possible your tinnitus will reduce to a low level and could go away completely. If you follow my advice in Hypercusis, as I see it. I believe your hyperacusis will be cured in time. This means never using headphones again even at low volume.

Hope this helps.
All the best
However I don't understand how your hearing returned to normal after NIHL when that damage (dB loss) is supposed to be permanent.

To the best of my knowledge @Flamingo1 I have no hearing impairment. I am a Audiophile and take listening to music very seriously. I can hear all the subtle nuances through my HI-FI. Whether I'm listening to Opera, classical or Jazz - something that I'm immensely thankful for.

Hello, I have similar symptoms of a mid-pitched tinnitus only in my left ear around A# and my hearing in my left ear sounds like holding tinny headphones about a couple of inches inch from my right ear. I'm sure to when my symptoms started or what they mean as I have no experience in this matter, although I think I have had it for about half a year but ignored it until recently when I have only just come to realise that it may be tinnitus. It seems a bit on and off as some days I wake up with it and some days I don't, I used to take it for my ears popping in my sleep but I had no luck with pinching my nose and blowing. I still put it off until today where I compared the sound in both ears with headphones after getting annoyed at this ringing sound where I realised my hearing was extremely different. I'm 15 if that is useful information too. Can you recommend anything to me or will it just go away on it's own? I don't recall listening to music very loud although recently I have been playing drums for a few minutes about every week as I am teaching my friend. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Hi Lex. Your post about more or less recovering from hearing music as distorted and weedy has halted a massive panic/grieving episode I've been having for about an hour. Thanks :)

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