Experiencing Ear Pressure, Hearing Changes, and Persistent Ringing — Anyone Else?


Jan 1, 2025
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi, I'm Michelle. I experience this strange pressure or fluid sensation shooting through my ears, followed by my hearing dropping out or dimming (if that makes sense). After that, I get a high-pitched ringing, and my ears feel muffled and strange for the rest of the day.

I also deal with daily buzzing or static-like noises. Does anyone else experience this?
Hi Michelle,

I have not had exactly the same symptoms as you, and at one point, my issues also included a mild infection. However, my original "eeeee" tinnitus, along with a fluid sensation (kind of like when water trickles out after getting caught in your ear after swimming or a bath), started after a period of muffled hearing. I also noticed that if I chewed gum, I would hear a squeak with each chew.

After about three months, it has mostly settled into a buzz, though I still experience occasional fluid sensations and odd pressure issues, but without much muffling.

I am still waiting for an ENT appointment, and I am far from an expert on these matters, as I am relatively new to all of this myself. My best guess is that it is some combination of allergies, TTTS, and/or Eustachian tube issues.

The fluid sensation seems to be a rare symptom, as I have not found many people talking about it.
Thanks for the reply! I hate that sensation when my hearing suddenly drops or cuts out for a second, and I know the ringing is about to start. It feels like a water balloon deep in my inner ear.
I would not describe mine as a water balloon exactly, more like a dripping sensation.

While a brief hearing dropout followed by ringing is not uncommon, and daily buzzing can be a way tinnitus manifests, it sounds like it would be worth following up with an ENT if you have not already. There may be an underlying cause for the water balloon sensation.
What brought this on? That's an important part of tinnitus, although I hope yours is just temporary. Meanwhile, watch your health, eat right, get away from stress or loud noises etc.
For me, it's a mystery what caused it. I've seen three ENTs, but none have had any answers. My hearing is normal, and they don't think it's Meniere's, laryngitis, or vestibular neuritis. They checked my eardrum and said it's fine, with no fluid in the middle ear.

I wonder if it could be some kind of middle ear myoclonus since I experience thumping and fluttering.
I have experienced exactly this—my hearing fades, followed by a loud sound. It's similar to fleeting tinnitus, but not quite the same.

Sorry you're dealing with this. Is your tinnitus constant?
Hi! The buzzing or staticky tinnitus is almost constant. The high-pitched ringing usually follows a strange sensation that shoots through my ears, making it feel like my hearing drops out for several seconds.

Is your sound a high-pitched ringing? It's very distressing. ENTs have no idea what could be causing this.
Hey there,

I have had the exact same symptoms as you since my tinnitus worsened. The episodes are so strange! I also occasionally experience a sudden high-pitched ringing that overwhelms my hearing, ear rumbling that lasts for over five minutes, and muffling.

Unfortunately, I have seen an ENT, but no physical issues were identified. I had not heard of middle ear myoclonus before, but I will look into it. My hearing, as confirmed by an audiologist, is also unaffected.

I hope your symptoms improve.

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