@Striveon ,
so sorry to hear you are struggling so much just now.
I do take Omeprazol for acid reflux, which looks after that very well.
(just 10 mg night and morning.)
I take 2mg Melatonin to help me sleep longer.
But really for all things medical I would get in touch with @GregSacramento - he is the guy on here with real knowledge and experience.
As nobody has any real curative answers to "T" I look for and practice things that make me feel a bit better.
When we meditate, we still hear our "T" of course, but as we begin to feel more comfortable and calmer, we hear it with much less anguish.
We often drift away in a meditative dose.
Then throughout the day that calming reflex can still help us.
It takes a bit of practice, but please let me know if it calms you at all.
**How to stop bruxism and approach deep relaxation.
Sit quietly in your chair,
(Assume the demeanour of a baby.)
With your lips closed, allow your jaw to hang comfortably loose, your teeth apart.
Allow the inside of your mouth to relax and go quite quite soft.
Allow your throat to soften.
Become aware that your tongue is now floating in water.
Just continue with your gentle breathing
*(As a habit for life, try to become aware of where your tongue is - it should always be floating gently in water, never pushed up against the roof of your mouth.
Teeth should close only when eating!)
** How to approach meditation.
Sit quietly,
(or lay in a nice warm bath)
Breath gently for a few breaths.
Then, take one long deep breath in through the nose - and out through the mouth.
Close the lips with jaws apart.
No more consciously controlled breathing after this point.
Ask your tummy to take over your breathing for you,
"and just wait for that to happen."
Do not decide to inhale - just wait for it.
Automatic reflexes will do this for you - breath through the nose.
Sit quietly just observing the natural rhythm of your breathing.
With each exhalation just 'think' the word deep.
As you inhale think the word -er.
'deep - er....deep - er...deep - er...deep - er'
as you quietly drift away.
Dave x