Good question. Really goood question. I had foot surgery (broken tibia) but was given anesthesia. What was weird was that when I was given the anesthesia medication before the surgery my ears started ringing like a mofo. I did not remember this at all, the memory if this came like half a year later. But my ears started ringing and I was like oh phukk here it comes and I said to the hospital peoples that my ears are ringing sooo much. Then like a few seconds later I went out, I don't have ANY memory other than that lol. My ears didn't ring afterwards.
I wonder if one could wear ear plugs/muffs during the surgery? Possibly? I don't know at all like how the did the surgery, did they use like some kind of drills or anything, I don't know how loud it was, but I'm intrigued to know.
Dang good question my man
What's wrong with your leg if I can ask? Knee, shinbone, ankle, or whaatt? I hope it will cure your leg tho!!! Have you been in pain or anything right now if you are going to surgery?