Famous People with Tinnitus

I keep seeing Cher's name on these lists but have yet to find the original source where she admits to having tinnitus. A quick search on Google turned up nothing

Yep, you're right... I also found nothing to indicate she has tinnitus. On another note, I found a very interesting interview Barbara Walters conducted with Barbra Streisand, a tinnitus sufferer, who explained what she hears. I tried twice to indicate it as a link but the video would not display sooooo if anyone is interested in seeing the video they have to do a search and then they will see it. It was very interesting.
At the start of the summer vacation I stopped by the record store in my university's city for one last time. I found an album by The Coral that I used to listen a lot over ten years ago. I just listened to it again. I always forget these lyrics are on there, but when I hear them they always stand out...

From the song Pass It On:

and I'd accept what's coming round
if I could only lose this sound
that's been ringing in my ears
and tormenting me for years

It was the first time I heard someone singing about tinnitus on a recording. In very very plain and simple terms too.

I don't know if The Coral count as 'famous', though. Certainly not over here, but maybe in the UK.
This is genuinely the hard knock life for us. There's no sugar coating it. I just recently discovered that some of the most badass influential human beings in history also had this fucked up disease and still went down in history.


Check the list.

We can be strong despite our hardships.

Love you all.
Is it true that James Hetfield from Metallica has it? I remember watching a Youtube video that claimed that Lars Ulrich has it. But I had not idea that James also did.
Is it true that James Hetfield from Metallica has it? I remember watching a Youtube video that claimed that Lars Ulrich has it. But I had not idea that James also did.
Yeah I have heard James mention it, I am sure Kirk also mentioned it once, I mean it's hardly surprising given the nature of the job.
This is genuinely the hard knock life for us. There's no sugar coating it. I just recently discovered that some of the most badass influential human beings in history also had this fucked up disease and still went down in history.


Check the list.

We can be strong despite our hardships.

Love you all.

Gary Glitter......We have a winner for someone who probably deserves this nightmare.
The people who have held concerts that gave T to the members of the public all deserve to have T.
Are you referring to the musician or the concert organizer and/or venue?

There are musicians on this forum. Given the prevelance of tinnitus and how sound damage can be cumulative, it's possible an audience member found themselves with tinnitus following an event participated in by a TT member.
Are you referring to the musician or the concert organizer and/or venue?
Whoever has had the power to reduce the volume and hadn't done so (I am not talking about the technicians who would lose their job if they were to reduce the volume).

I've never been to any concerts, so it hasn't had any impact on me personally, but it is sad to see so many people suffering so much.
Whoever has had the power to reduce the volume and hadn't done so (I am not talking about the technicians who would lose their job if they were to reduce the volume).

I've never been to any concerts, so it hasn't had any impact on me personally, but it is sad to see so many people suffering so much.
I'm honestly not sure whose responsibility is sound control. Maybe one of our musician members would know.

Given how uneducated the public is about tinnitus, you would hope anyone responsible for a concert sound volume would be knowledge — but I have my doubts that even they would be fully aware.
This is genuinely the hard knock life for us. There's no sugar coating it. I just recently discovered that some of the most badass influential human beings in history also had this fucked up disease and still went down in history.


Check the list.

We can be strong despite our hardships.

Love you all.

This list is surprisingly short. I would imagine at least a 10-fold. Now here is the real shame. Knowing that loud music caused their own T and yet they keep endangering their own fans with their concerts without a word of warning about T (I think some of them actually did from what I've read, but most dont). If only they have used their own mistakes to preach about ear protection, how many T sufferings would have been avoided? Wearing plugs to concert would even be cool, maybe even a fashion. Absolute bastards.
The thing is, the majority of these people on these lists are quite wealthy compared to us. They might well have a variety of issues that we don't see, including tinnitus. Being famous isn't always all it is cracked up to be. However, money does help. My biggest fear is what if this gets to a point where I can't work. I have a mortgage to pay. Financial security helps.
Money can help at this point of not having the need to work, because they make lots of money and very fast. Regarding tinnitus, we are all in the same boat. For the time being, it's no use having money.
This is genuinely the hard knock life for us. There's no sugar coating it. I just recently discovered that some of the most badass influential human beings in history also had this fucked up disease and still went down in history.


Check the list.

We can be strong despite our hardships.

Love you all.

"Even ill-health, though it has annihilated several years of my life, has saved me from the distractions of society and amusement."

Charles Darwin
The only benefit that I can see to being rich with tinnitus is that you have the money to keep busy and not think about your tinnitus as much.

You also don't have to worry about income.

Work can be a stressful environment for T sufferers, not to mention that T can severely impact your work performance as well and therefore be a source of stress.
I love knowing musicians or celebrities have it. I love knowing I'm not alone, especially if they're an older celeb. My greatest fear is that it'll get worse as I get older but they deal with it alright and that gives me hope that I can too. I love their attitudes about it.
I love knowing musicians or celebrities have it. I love knowing I'm not alone, especially if they're an older celeb. My greatest fear is that it'll get worse as I get older but they deal with it alright and that gives me hope that I can too. I love their attitudes about it.

I am not sure if it gets worse with age. My dad is a military veteran who has had tinnitus for over 30 years. He says his T has remained relatively the same for all those years and his latest hearing tests showed that he has well above average hearing for his age.
Yet people with all that fame and money still have not found a cure... sad for all of us.

These companies and docs with these new treatments should give free demos or procedures to the celebrities to improve their marketing and funding.

Oh well... sounds like a good idea...
There would be a vast number of famous musicians out there with tinnitus who refuse to let the world know they have it. They could use their fame to raise more public awareness about tinnitus and how loud sound is dangerous, but no, they just protect their images. They just go on tour to ruin others hearing with loud concerts. They could cap their concerts at a safer level because most people are too ignorant or embarrassed to wear ear pro.

It's quite sickening really.
While I don't question that statistic, it doesn't make much sense to bring it up to me: I find it irrelevant. Here's why: it doesn't really matter that 19 medical conditions out of 20 cannot be cured. Do these affect your quality of life the same way tinnitus does?

The common cold cannot be cured indeed. It's probably included in the statistic. But it's largely irrelevant. Diabetes also doesn't have a cure, but for many an insulin injection will let you carry on with life without much trouble or pain.

It's the fact that tinnitus can have such a devastating effect on quality of life possibly until death that makes it important to focus on. If you want to draw analogies to diseases that don't have cures, do it to Alzheimer's for example, or Huntington's, or some types of cancer.

Lumping it with "all incurable diseases" dilutes the importance and urgency to either find a cure or ways to manage it in such a way that we can regain some quality of life. Forget about fixing the common cold: focus on tinnitus instead (yes I realize that you can have severe complications from the common cold, but you get the point).

Finally, I also find it counter productive to "look at famous people with tinnitus", as if "they went on to do great things" was the ultimate goal in tinnitus sufferers' life. I'd be content with not being famous and not have tinnitus. I don't care for fame: being without tinnitus is much more important to me. I suspect for many others here too.
Yes Beethoven did great things, but he was suffering immensely because of his condition, and I don't imagine anyone would want to "follow his footsteps": his condition sucked, whether he was famous or not, whether he did great things or not.

Health is more important than fame.
This is a great post. One I agree with 100%.
Famous people are no different from us when it comes to tinnitus. If they have it, they need to cope, protect their ears, avoid loud noises and endure the emotional roller coaster. Yet rockers keep doing concerts, actors keep making movies, singers keep singing, so on and so on, and its extremely rate to see any of them wearing earplugs in public. Most of us will panic if we forget our earplugs in public. Either celebrities are smiling outside and dying inside or they just dont have it. Either way it just defy logic.

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