Favorite Cat Died


Jul 2, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hey. The other day I lost my beloved cat. Lived with me a long time. Middle-aged. And then he left a few days ago and did not come. I started and skipped it and found it on the 5th day. He was lying dead in the line.

I, as I saw it became bad (the psyche is already undermined). I buried him there in a cobblack. Put a cross. This is szc. Such a blow again. All in, a bunch. At me, already de realization again has begun. Yesterday I cried all day. So used to it.

What now?
Hi @IvanRus , I am sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is difficult; it is surprising how attached we can become to animals. But, as most common pets cannot match the human lifespan, this, sadly, was eventually going to happen.

Like any significant loss, you will have to mourn. It seems that you have begun that process with the burial and memorialization (the cross on the grave) of your cat. You are also crying, that is good. You need to feel, experience, and acknowledge the pain associated with your loss.

While your cat is physically no longer with you, you will always have your memories. You will find yourself laughing at times about certain playful moments, and possibly crying about them as well. Again, this is a good thing as you need to feel these feelings, the worst thing you can do is to deny yourself this. Pushing your feelings down and trying to subdue them in a time of grief will only cause your more suffering.

Your life will be different now. The difference is not necessarily bad, but there will be a void. Do not rush too quickly to fill that with another pet. As at the end of any relationship, rushing quickly to fill that void is not, usually, the best tactic. You are upset and may not be in the right state of mind to make that type of commitment right now. You need to fully process your loss before you take on another emotional commitment of that type.

Also, at this time you should not let yourself become isolated. You will ned the support of friends and family. If that is not possible find a support group. A quick google search led me to http://forums.grieving.com/index.php?/forum/17-loss-of-a-pet/ . There are others, but something like this may also help you deal with your grief.

Losing a loved one (animal or human) is difficult, but you will get through this.

Again, I am sorry for your loss and I hope you get the support you need at this sad time in your life. We are here to support you, and I hope that the forum listed above, or another like it, will also provide you the support you need.

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