Favorite iOS/Android/Windows Phone Apps? Plus Post Good Deals Here!


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Mar 5, 2011
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Just noticed that tap tap tap's Serenity is currently free on App Store.

Serenity - iPhone version
Serenity - iPad version

I kind of like some of the sounds in the app, and it's a no-brainer now that it is free. Check it out!

I also think this discussion could serve as a place to post your own favorite mobile apps and any good deals on apps that you happen to stumble upon.
I've recently been fumbling through apps as well and wouldn't mind if others could provide good recommendations. Any type of app that makes it easier for you - whether masking, relaxing, or helping fall asleep. I'd love to hear what you use.
Must it be absolutely masking apps ? My favourite android apps are octave and maxima. Octave is a MATLAB clone: it allow you to do numerical computations and turns your phone in a free scientific calculator. Maxima does even better, it is a symbolic maths program. You can do differentiations, integrations, differential equations, boundary values problems and all stuff alike with it.

The absolute nerdgasm, physical keyboard strongly advised. :p

My next one would be vlc media player. But in truth i never use my phone to play media.

For masking i simply downloaded nature noises i liked and played them on whatever i wanted. You all really should play with the ATA sound mixer here: http://www.ata.org/sound It's excellent, you can mix whatever sounds you like among a rather large choice and download them to your phone. :)

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