Favorite Theories about What Causes Tinnitus?


Nov 12, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
What are your favorite theories about what causes tinnitus? To be clear, I am not talking about the scientific theories, I am talking about those theories that leave you scratching your head.

For example, here is a sect of tinnitus sufferers who believe this noise in our heads is aliens trying to contact us/a sign you are about to be abducted: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread40863/pg1

Maybe if I line my hats with tin foil it will cut off the communication with the other beings and stop the ringing?
What causes it?
Stupidity, ignorance, bad luck and meds mostly. Like almost any of today's problems unfortunately :)
How's your music going?
What are your favorite theories about what causes tinnitus? To be clear, I am not talking about the scientific theories, I am talking about those theories that leave you scratching your head.

For example, here is a sect of tinnitus sufferers who believe this noise in our heads is aliens trying to contact us/a sign you are about to be abducted: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread40863/pg1

Maybe if I line my hats with tin foil it will cut off the communication with the other beings and stop the ringing?
Scientific research is not theorized but the characteristics and elements that make up the discovered pieces are shown through months and years of researched work. The theories you guys talk about on here are in fact theories. But like I said, scientific research is not just theories, it's actually proven work and material. Sorry, just had to put that out there.
I am talking about those theories that leave you scratching your head.
I laughed when I read about the theory that we are specially blessed because we hear ringing.

I have yet to hear any woo-woo theories about the other sounds of tinnitus such as buzzing, hissing, chirping, morse code, tea kettle whistles, train brakes screeching on a track, roaring, electric static, cicadas, etc., etc.
I laughed when I read about the theory that we are specially blessed because we hear ringing.

Thought experiment: if you believed this, would you be happy that you had tinnitus?

Further thought experiment: is it possible to choose to believe something for personal gain?

It is my belief that these sounds are, in fact, part of a new GLOBAL ELECTROMAGNETIC SCALAR MIND CONTROL and REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING SYSTEM.

A system with the ability to monitor and manipulate the brainwave/DNA scalar radio frequency energy that the body produces, and therefor, the ability to TRACK USANYWHERE WE GO, to READ OUR THOUGHTS, in REAL TIME, the ability toINJECT THOUGHTS and SPEECH INTO OUR MINDS so that we either think it is our own thoughts or it appears as what ever voice it is.

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