No TRT, just time and gradual exposure.
I think some frequency loss plus inner ear infection, but who knows.
You've got to put yourself in normal environments (which will seem loud to you), then grin and bare it. I did use a set of ear plugs (V-MODA Faders $15), that really seem to block the distressing noise out while still allowing me to carry on conversations, and be in public places (not perfect, but not bad).
I played my guitar softly, it put me in as good a place as I could get). Couldn't watch TV, but did burn through a lot of books. Use the technique on that thread, be patient, be determined, believe in the process, but don't expect things to happen over night, it takes time. The H should soften, the T should soften a bit (but you will probably still hear it, however you won't be all stressed out because of it (habituation- it is like co-existence). Feel free to pick my brain at anytime. I've been helped, and I will help if I can. Mick
Hi Mick,
Thanks very much, I really appreciate your help as well as the help of others!
I thought that would be the case but I read about people's ears getting worse by doing that. Mine seem to be getting worse and worse too. I'm dreading work on Monday! I'll have a look for them but I'm in England so who knows thanks. I am able to watch TV up to 65 fb which is one good thing I guess!
I just worry about if the H will get better. I can't live with this my whole life and I have a trip to disney planned in September which I've paid for most of, and may have to cancel that.

I don't understand though, as if the brain senses your hearing is lost, so over amplifies sounds, surely the hearing loss will always be there so your brain will always over amplify sounds? I don't get how we can get back to normal if that makes sense? Strange!