Felt Ear Fullness for the First Time Today, Could Use Help

Charlie Mottley

Dec 7, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Unknown, but possible theories
Okay so I've had tinnitus for about 4-5weeks and I've got a doctors appointment booked for the 20th of December to see what the cause could be as I don't think it's to do with damage by loud noises. In the last couple of weeks I've experienced pulsatile tinnitus 5 or 6 times after exercise, but it's always gone away after 5 or 10 mins. It would be helpful to know if this means anything specific or why this can happen.

I also, for the first time today, experienced an "ear fullness" sensation. It was as if I needed to pop my ears like when you're on an airplane, however this gave little satisfaction to make my ears feel less full.

I was wondering why you might experience this, or what it could mean. I can always fake yawn, or whatever you want to call it, and my ears crack and pop slightly and it makes this noise.

I must add this ear fullness was felt in my right ear only, and it felt weird talking and muffled, but went away after probably 15 or 20 minutes.

Just want some help and advice, like I said I'm seeing a doctor in a few days but still help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
@Charlie Mottley ,
I would try steam inhalation to clean out your tubes and take Sudafed and maybe try olive oil in your ears to soften any crusted wax while your waiting see your doctor and maybe have your blood pressure checked too.
Love glynis
@Charlie Mottley ,
I would try steam inhalation to clean out your tubes and take Sudafed and maybe try olive oil in your ears to soften any crusted wax while your waiting see your doctor and maybe have your blood pressure checked too.
Love glynis
Ok I'll try steam inhalation.
Any reason why I should have my blood pressure checked? What am I checking for or why might it be higher? Isn't that to be with diabetes or something and what's it got to do with my T? Any help would be appreciated again thanks
Ok, what does this mean? How do you damage your inner ear and what can this lead to?
I had experienced a full ear sensation (that lasted for months) following my original acoustic trauma. I also experienced it after minor traumas that sometimes led to me having T spikes.

I don't know much about the damage (if any), I just know that something happens to the ear to make our bodies complain about it (using full ear sensation as a signal). This something also sometimes leads to us getting T (or having it get louder or change pitch). These spikes are often temporary.

There is no need to panic. All you Can do, at this point, is try to ensure that you don't expose yourself to any further shocks.
Charlie i know this is hard to hear ,this ear fullness takes people a long road of "if only I could sort my eustachion tube out ill be fine" so its neti pots,steam inhalations,ear decongestionts.....problem is its a red herring its all part of Ear damage probably high freq hearing loss ,,,sorry but ive been there
Whatever you do, please don't do that Valsalva maneuver. Search this site to see how many people got spikes as a result of this maneuver. It is not going to resolve your ear fullness, and it is Unsafe.
Whatever you do, please don't do that Valsalva maneuver. Search this site to see how many people got spikes as a result of this maneuver. It is not going to resolve your ear fullness, and it is Unsafe.
What is that sorry? If you could just briefly explain, thanks.
Charlie i know this is hard to hear ,this ear fullness takes people a long road of "if only I could sort my eustachion tube out ill be fine" so its neti pots,steam inhalations,ear decongestionts.....problem is its a red herring its all part of Ear damage probably high freq hearing loss ,,,sorry but ive been there
I don't quite see what you mean. Are you saying that because I've experienced a earfullness sensation this will not be something that can just fix and then go away?
What is that sorry? If you could just briefly explain, thanks.
The Valsalva maneuver or Valsalva manoeuvre is performed by moderately forceful attempted exhalation against a closed airway, usually done by closing one's mouth, pinching one's nose shut while pressing out as if blowing up a balloon.

If you do this in an airplane, it often unclogs your ears. In any case, when your ears are not well and are vulnerable, don't do it.

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