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Flare Audio Calmer — Does It Help Tinnitus?

I just ordered a pair of these. I really doubt they're going to do anything and I was extremely hesitant to try. But what the hell... I'll give it a shot.
Hi All,

I have just tried these ear plugs, Flare Calmer. They didn't do anything for my tinnitus so I have returned them. It is not a scam. They don't state that they will help, just that they found that it seems to have helped some people with their tinnitus, so may help.

I have had tinnitus for over 20 years and it has been at a constant level for around 10 years. It is always there, and it is the same sound in both ears, a constant hissing, but is not so loud as to stop me sleeping or concentrating, so I can cope with it.

I thought I'd try the Flare Calmer, but all they did was make all other sound duller, leaving the sound from the tinnitus more prominent. Didn't make it louder or clearer, just stopped the other sounds so I could hear it more.

So they didn't work for me.

I hope this helps.

Richard J
Hi All,

Update from my earlier note.

I saw that someone had asked if anyone had received a refund from Flare, because they were unsure whether they were a scam or not.

I can confirm that I received a refund of the full amount from them yesterday. No questions asked.

Obviously it is easier for me as I am in UK and they are based here. But they did what they said they would do.

I hope this helps.

Richard J

As it dampens down ambient sounds it will make tinnitus louder by comparison.
I deplore their review jargon.

"...this made a grown man cry with happiness..."

"I put them in and reduced my tinnitus by half..."

"...I had a few happy tears..."

The worst, and most insidious advertising campaign I have ever seen.
Tinnitus sufferers are being bombarded with all of these vile comments by
genuine (????)
satisfied (?????)
customers. (!!!!!!)

Why do you think the adverts are set up so that you cannot make a comment unless you share.


As it dampens down ambient sounds it will make tinnitus louder by comparison.
I deplore their review jargon.

"...this made a grown man cry with happiness..."

"I put them in and reduced my tinnitus by half..."

"...I had a few happy tears..."

The worst, and most insidious advertising campaign I have ever seen.
Tinnitus sufferers are being bombarded with all of these vile comments by
genuine (????)
satisfied (?????)
customers. (!!!!!!)

Why do you think the adverts are set up so that you cannot make a comment unless you share.

But, they aren't marketing it for tinnitus.
They've made that clear.
And I do believe they deliver what they claim to.
And they give full refunds to anyone who wants one.
But, they aren't marketing it for tinnitus.
They've made that clear.
And I do believe they deliver what they claim to.
And they give full refunds to anyone who wants one.
They are using 'customer' reviews in an insidious way - read these for yourself...

But, they aren't marketing it for tinnitus.
They've made that clear.
And I do believe they deliver what they claim to.
And they give full refunds to anyone who wants one.
They are marketing it to tinnitus sufferers. Check @Jazzer's post above. They are targeting anyone on Facebook who has liked anything tinnitus related, and they are using paid advertising to target those people.

Flare has just masked their nefarious intentions well, but let's face it, they are not the altruistic salesmen some people make them out to be...
Here is one honest review that they did not solicit . . .


'Come on folks!
We weren't born yesterday,
nor the day before . . .'
FYI I bought pair of Calmers, arrived to me yesterday. Am I Naïve? Nope, just Curious®. I was not expecting my tinnitus to go down, I just wanted to see what exactly they sell for $25, see the packaging, etc. and wanted to see if they really cut the high frequencies. Despite that I don't really hear anything above 11kHz, it looks that they cut a bit of >8kHz, so everything sounds bit softer. So that's it and it should be advertised like that.

I'll give them a try for couple of days and see how it goes. Do I recommend them, absolutely not.

I do agree with @Jazzer and quoted review that having basic knowledge about tinnitus, there's no reason that they could objectively work :) except maybe if you have reactive tinnitus that goes up every time you hear something high pitched.

Nevertheless, I think they can work pretty well subjectively as a placebo, and that maybe why some people say their tinnitus "improved". So the testimonials may not necessarily be fake, these may be the placebo effect at its full glory kicking in, and Flare Audio is either using them on purpose or unknowingly of the placebo effect.
Flare Audio know exactly what they are doing.

The benefit of the doubt??
No way - not from me!
Please re-read their supposed 'customer reviews.'
The wording comes across as if these items were heaven sent to halve our agony and sooth our pain.
I despise these charlatans for the deceitful tricksters they undoubtedly are !!

(Note to self:
"You gotta stop beating around the bush Dave,
and say what you actually mean.")
I think they're very clear in not actually claiming this works for tinnitus. Just that it has been the experience, and it's kind of a bi-product.

I ordered a pair and since I have two buddies with tinnitus, we tried them all on. I didn't notice a difference, neither did my one friend. Both of us have tinnitus from noise exposure (mine is very recent, his is from too many concerts when he was young).

However, my other friend, who has tinnitus from burnout meds (also a very different sound than I have) says he did feel like it relieved it somewhat.

We had them in during a boardgame night, so like an hour or two or something each, while talking and having music on in the background. Not the best testing experience, but whatever.

Look, it's 20 bucks. Try 'em.
man, I feel like an idiot. This needs to be investigated.
Really? Then please add me to the idiot list as well. Like you said in the previous post, Flare Audio claims that Calmers filter high frequencies, I don't think that claim is false. If someone has super reactive tinnitus that can be flared (I like the word coincidence) up by louder but not extremely loud high pitch sounds that there's at least some reason that Calmers could help with reducing spikes from everyday sounds. But someone without reactive tinnitus probably won't get any benefit.

They are far from perfect though. My wish would be some dynamic attenuators/compressors/hearing aids that would not only reduce both high frequencies (what Calmers do) let the mid frequencies in, but also dampen sudden loud sounds... I think I saw somewhere some hearing aid like devices like that.

Wearing earplugs all the time "just in case" sucks, and can create Hyperacusis by itself, even for healthy person. I saw somewhere a paper that some people were developing hinnitus after wearing earplugs for extended periods. However, having earplugs in the pocket sometimes is not optimal is as you cannot predict everything, and the life will find a way to surprise with some loud shriek.

"Please do not attempt to mitigate the lies on these bogus reviews.
We are not idiots.
The marketers for this product are vile and beneath contempt !!!"

Got these in the mail today, they didn't do anything for me.
I mistakenly ordered two pair of these. They come from Germany so I'm not going to ship them back. If you're out of work because of COVID-19 or otherwise broke, but desperate to try these for your tinnitus, message me. I'll send them to someone in the U.S., no charge. If you can afford a pair and you message me anyway, well, that's between you and your conscience. But don't do that. :)
Just got them, don't know if they work.
Got these in the mail today, they didn't do anything for me.
@Lurius have you tried wearing them for longer time? Can you hear the difference i.e. high frequencies diminishing?

To me Calmers seems to make some kitchen sounds such as dishes clanging less annoying and they let me listen to the music bit louder without flaring my hyperacusis. Of course I know 2nd effect can be achieved by lowering hi-tones on equalizer. Still I'd claim that they are not completely useless. But like I said before I believe they can work only for these who have reactive tinnitus/hyperacusis, e.g. mine is quieter in the morning, but gets louder throughout the day as I get exposed to the sounds. Those who have steady tinnitus throughout the day probably won't benefit.

Anyways, I'd love to hear others opinions.
I find it peculiar that they could help anyone with tinnitus because they do filter high frequencies, but isn't that why we get tinnitus in the first place due to reduced input?

I had them in one day walking my dog and my tinnitus was worse because I didn't have external natural sounds to help mask / distract.

When I took them out I immediately heard the rustling of leaves in the wind etc.
I find it peculiar that they could help anyone with tinnitus because they do filter high frequencies, but isn't that why we get tinnitus in the first place due to reduced input?

I had them in one day walking my dog and my tinnitus was worse because I didn't have external natural sounds to help mask / distract.

When I took them out I immediately heard the rustling of leaves in the wind etc.

I noticed the same thing. My tinnitus is 90% high-frequency static/noise; and these didn't do anything. They did seem to have a slight ear-plug effect though; some of the random hypperacusis to high-pitched noises (silverware, etc), seemed dampened; which was kind of nice.
Funny enough I also saw an advertisement for this specifically for tinnitus. I don't seem to understand what exactly it is supposed to do for people with tinnitus. It makes sounds "softer" or "less harsh". This seems like something that should be targeted more to hyperacusis than tinnitus.

Why would anyone wear these though instead of ear plug?

Anyone else confused? lol

Did anyone else notice that on their website they advertise the BTA? I wonder if the BTA promotes them?
Did anyone else notice that on their website they advertise the BTA? I wonder if the BTA promotes them?
I haven't seen promotion of Flare Audio by BTA.

The corporate member banner you see is an image you can put on your website if you pay BTA a certain amount of money to become BTA's corporate member.

Flare Audio is just doing that to increase their own credibility and worthiness, i.e. drumming up business.

I would like to have a word with Flare Audio's management team...
They do help my mild hyperacusis in a slight manner, as written earlier. Especially when going to the gym where there are many sounds you can not control.

Flare states they CAN help tinnitus. Not that they will. Maybe they should have mentioned hyperacusis. Anyways, calling it a scam? I find this strange. You could call the whole world a scam. Why use energy on calling Flare Calmer a scam? They cost ONLY 20 bucks, and they give you a refund if they don't work for you. What's there to lose??

Best of all, we all have a free will. You don't have to buy them. And no, I'm not an affiliate or anything.
Bogus 'Tinnitus Cure' Scammers are despicable crooks in my eyes.
The suggestion of Tinnitus noise reduction appears in their insidious 'satisfied customer reviews.'

Very clever ploy by their marketing team.

We should all reject their vile deceitful advertising campaign out of hand.
Been wearing today, road trip with the kids, restaurant etc. They do make things easier to manage from a sound sensitivity perspective. It's all just a little easier on the ears.

As for my T, I sometimes felt better and sometimes felt worse. Eh. I'm going to keep trying them on.
I think I'm going to try these. It would be great if they could help take the edge of those frequencies, that really bother my ears (hyperacusis).
My Flare Calmer buds arrived two days ago. I was optimistic, having read up etc. Day one, I felt calmer immediately and after a few hours I did notice a small improvement tinnitus wise, wasn't as high pitched.

Day two, wore them out, you don't notice you are wearing them by the way, got home and realised one had fallen out! Couldn't find it of course.

Day three, today my ears are very muffled and the tinnitus is very high. I'm hoping this will pass.

They didn't work for me and maybe was a blessing one fell out. I'm skeptical now. Lost money too ☹️
Knowing how this forum can be quite vociferous about tinnitus treatment scams, I am actually staggered by the lack of objection to Flare Audio Calmers.

There is no science behind them and no possibility that they can reduce Tinnitus noise at all.

Just read the 'customer' reviews, and pay attention to the emotive language employed,
- made a grown man cry,
- a few tears of happiness,
- reduced my tinnitus by half

All of the outcomes we would dearly love to see.

Cunningly, this wretched company makes no claims to reduce tinnitus itself.
(We were both surprised and delighted to hear... etc)
Such an obvious scam.

I have to ask - "has this forum actually fallen asleep on this one?
Why no righteous indignation ??
Dave x

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