Hey, I just noticed that they have updated their marketing and this is the messaging now:
View attachment 40483
I think this is reasonable messaging; obviously, I'd like to see the actual research they speak of, but, we all know finding funding and time to make that stuff happen isn't instantaneous.
If their "full refund" is indeed that and includes shipping, etc, then I don't really have a problem with any of this.
If they're being straight up, then someone will do an RCT because it won't be
that hard or expensive and then we'll have some data one way or the other. If no real study ever emerges, then I'll be suspicious they are just milking the revenue chain.
I thought the idea was pretty interesting when I first heard about these, just in terms of what it's trying to do. There was someone else working on earbuds that would electronically let you tweak the frequency response curve of the world, but doing it mechanically is, if nothing else, a neat idea.