I was able to seal my left ear but had the feeling right ear leaks. Today I made new attempt and found out I need to push plug much more upwards on my right ear and finally Isolate went deeper and closed ear canal. Plugs definitely blocked sound while using hedge-trimmer. They should be better attached now: foam is totally in, and so is also part of the metal body (feeling was pretty much same as with standard foam plug):
I don´t think this product is snake oil, like squeek said in previous post. As a company Audio Flare has good reputation and this product is CE certified to BS EN 352-2-2002 - SNR36. What comes to attenuation I believe Isolate works as promised but problem is adaptability: foam or silicone are versatile and metal... well, is hard.
People have very different anatomy, and I doubt piece of metal fits everyone. According to my ENT I have very small ear canals, and as a result I have such difficulties even with Isolate Mini AND extra small foam tip.
There are many disappointed people who were not able to use at all regular sized plug, and I presume there are also many who don´t use product like they should (standard foam plugs has naturally same problem), like in
this review.
I feel some discomfort while pushing plug into ear. This is an obstacle for several other customers also. Water based lubricant might be a solution. I don´t want to develop otitis externa

Audio Flare has put a lot effort on marketing, but they should share more information about the product. Who cares are the plugs blue, green or red. Safety and usability comes first.