Fluctuating (Reactive) Tinnitus Questions


Hall of Fame
May 8, 2012
Washington State, USA
Tinnitus Since
04/15/2012 or earlier?
Cause of Tinnitus
Most likely hearing loss
I am curious to how many here have fluctuating (reactive) tinnitus as I do or perceive that I do. If you do, please answer a few questions? You can just copy the questions and add answers to each. Thank you ahead of time.

1) How long have you had tinnitus?

2) Has it always fluctuated?

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?

9) Do you have any hearing loss?

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time?
I'll go first

1) How long have you had tinnitus?
7.5 Months, inside head electrical noise, right ear hiss

2) Has it always fluctuated?
Yes, but now I have more low days than the other way around. Usually 4 low days (1-2/10) and 3 higher days 4-7/10. It used to be my low days were a 5/10 and loud days were 8-9/10 at least for the first 5-6 months.

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?
Not sure, but I have been seeing chiro for 4 months now and my T has improved. I was having stiff neck, shoulder issues so maybe this was part of the problem.

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?
Yes, high sodium/MSG/Nitrate foods/fried foods for me.

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?
Yes, but it settles down again when I am in a quiet environment oddly enough.

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?
Sometimes, though yesterday I was highly stressed at my job but for some reason my T volume remained low all day and night.

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?
The longer I have had T, the more I think this could be the case for me. If I plug my ears, I can hear the T in my head and seems the same volume inside my head whether I am having a low day or loud day. I think because of certain factors like having too much sodium, causing a temp rise in blood pressure might make me perceive it to be louder. Keep in mind if you perceive it to be louder than it is louder at that given moment.

9) Do you have any hearing loss?
No, according to standard audiogram and high frequency test. Although I have always suspected I might on the very high end out of reach of standard testing.

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time?
Yes, they still fluctuate but the overall volume within these fluctuations seems to be lower.
1) How long have you had tinnitus?
About 25 years (mild, hardly noticeable); then, for the last 2 1/2 years - severe ringing and pulsatile tinnitus.

2) Has it always fluctuated?

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?
No; they may be vascular in nature; I'm not sure.

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?
No; I don't notice much difference, no matter what foods I eat. But food, in general, seems to have a slight calming effect.

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?
Yes, sometimes. Television sound is particularly bad for me. It makes the ear feel like it is vibrating.

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?
I don't get headaches.

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?
Mine is calmest in the morning; it gradually builds up during the day and is at its worst in the late afternoon/early evening. I don't think it's just my perception of it.

9) Do you have any hearing loss?
Yes; right ear (the affected ear) only.

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time?
Not very much.
1) How long have you had tinnitus?
Since 4am on 6th April 2012 - like yours it is in my head but it isn't in my ears at all. Even the hissing isn't in my ears. My ears are just hearing it :eek:

2) Has it always fluctuated?
Yes - from buzzing loudly throughout my head to nothing at all. I now have mostly low days. I can go for 2 weeks without a loud day.

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?
Don't think so.

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?
Yes, but I don't think they are the cause of all the fluctuating except for tea. I used to drink loads of tea - strong. It made it much worse so I have stopped. Chinese food & sodium nitrate spike it but only temporarily (for a couple of hours) - not really causing long lasting fluctuation.

5) Do noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?
I don't think so. The thing about noise is that it hurts. It used to hurt a lot. My ears were in real pain when I heard loud noises. Now noise still sometimes hurts them - sometimes it surprises me how much! But mostly noisy environments cause fear... fear of the noise because of the pain I had from noise in the first few months of T.

I still get a nasty pain sometimes in my right ear but it's unrelated to noise.

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?
No - never. I've had a few days of extreme stress (unrelated to T) and it made absolutely no difference to the volume or intensity of the T.

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?
No. Never really had headaches before T but had quite a few in first 4 months or so of T. Headaches are few and far between now but when I did get them my T wasn't louder. Sometimes loud T does give me a headache though.

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?
Definitely not constant. I listen for my T all the time. I can't stop. When it's not there or really low I have to go to a quiet room and really listen hard - just to see if it's there. My emotional response has no effect at all on how loud my T is.

Basically sometimes I'm just completely fed up with having T... even when it's low in volume or hardly even there... it annoys the hell out of me. So my emotional reaction is strong, anxious and full of hate - but it doesn't get louder.

And sometimes it's really loud and I just think - sod it.. I hate you but I'm not going to let you get to me at this moment. It stays loud and buzzing but it then doesn't bother me as much.

So, to summarise - my emotional response only controls my emotions and my reaction to T. It doesn't control the intensity or volume of my T.

9) Do you have any hearing loss?
Hearing test showing normal very very slight low frequency loss. Nothing measurable was what I was told.

10) Have these fluctuations improved over time?
My T has definitely improved because even when it's loud now it seems more distant most of the time. I have far more quieter days than I used to. I still get the loud buzzing every morning but it doesn't last as long and usually changes to a quiet day.

I am coping better when it is loud because I'm getting used to the fact that I have T - a kind of 'acceptance' I suppose. (Still doesn't make it any quieter though because I can be 'accepting' of it on loud days & 'not accepting of it' on quiet days.)

Another thing that has changed is that there is more continuous low level hissing. It used to scream or hiss or go away - changing all the time - the hissing now is lower in volume but lasts for longer (it scares me a little ... makes me wonder if this is what it's going to 'settle at' rather than go away completely).
1) How long have you had tinnitus?
Since August 1, 2012

2) Has it always fluctuated?
After my Noise exposure twice in the month of September, Yes it has been fluctuating

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?
I had spikes due to loud noises, but it is possible, I got dental braces since last year and had
tightening every 3 weeks starting on the month of August

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?
Definitely, I had low T the past 3 days, I ate KFC chicken and baam! T went up until now. I haven't been careful with what I eat MSG must be causing my fluctuations. I will start a strict diet and will keep you posted

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?
Yes and lack of sleep too.

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?
I haven't noticed

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?
I can't seem to pin down my fluctuations, It sometimes start low in the morning and may get a bit high in the afternoons...I strongly suspect MSG to be playing a factor in theses fluctuations

9) Do you have any hearing loss?
YES, mild high frequency loss at 6-8 khz with left ear at 40 Dcb and right ear at 30 dcb

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time?
It's too early to tell, I'll give it one more month, the last 2 weeks were okay I had 2-3 bad days.
1) How long have you had tinnitus?
End of Sept of this year

2) Has it always fluctuated?
Yes, it seems to change all the time. Sometime I hear it louder in my right ear than my left

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?
I think my right ear seems to change pitch and intensity due to how my head is positioned. I also find my jaw is always tight probably due to stress.

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?
I'm not too sure on this one as I'm a pretty good eater for the most part and avoid junk food and such.

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?
Yes, it seems to turn electrical after being out in town and driving and it goes up in volume.

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?
Not that I can see.

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?
Yes, when I get a migraine it feels very electric somehow.

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?
My right ear is always constant, but my left ear will change through-out the day.

9) Do you have any hearing loss?
I do on my right ear of 1kHz at 55db, but I have had this for 15+ years

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time?
Not that I can see so far, but I'm hoping it will.
1) How long have you had tinnitus?

Since 4am on 6th April 2012 - like yours it is in my head but it isn't in my ears at all. Even the hissing isn't in my ears. My ears are just hearing it :eek:
Hi click ,my tinnitus is similar to yours in terms of fluctuation. It is 4 and half months old now. I am interested to know if your tinnitus is disappeared now, because last time you wrote it became quiet for even two weeks. Do you still play natural sounds in background? mine tinnitus is changing character ,previously it was in left ear ,then in both ears ,now it is some times in head and some times localised towards ears not exactly to the ears.my silelent days are not more than two days..
hi hps,

I've had tinnitus for nearly 11 months now. It disappears completely for hours at a time, sometimes all day except for first thing in the morning & sometimes for 2 or 3 days (but again.. it's there first thing every morning). I also have many days when it's so low that I have to listen for it to hear it. But there is also the odd day or 2/3 days when it screeches very loudly.

Yes I have cd players all over the house (one is right next to the TV) playing rain sounds. I have an ipod playing variable nature sounds all night and I have rain sounds playing on my computer. When it's bad I use a bolster at night that has an MP3 player in it playing rain sounds and I have an audio book playing alongside the rain sounds from the cd players - all night.

When my T isn't there I turn off the players as I need to know that it really isn't there... rather than it being masked.

My T has never been in my ears - always in my head. It moves around and can get pretty close to the ears but the ears are just listening to it rather than producing it. It's electrical buzzing, screeching that changes tone all the time and seems to screech from one side to the other.

I haven't used any drugs (except for the first 3 days after onset - betahistine & one puff of a nasal spray that made me feel worse) & I still believe that it will go away completely eventually.

Hope this helps.

Hi click,
Thanks for the reply.when your tinnitus is low for many days ,is it quieter in the mornings on those days as compared to loud days[like mine]? On loud days is the intensity same as when the T started or it is less[ particularly in the morning ].
mine sometimes is silent on waking up but after a while say half to one hour changes to loud day ,does is happen to you also? Is the intensity gradually further decreasing overall since November or it is almost constant since then?[ it will give me some hope that mine can also decrease with time] .Have you adapted to your T by now?because I am still very much depressed because of my T.

Did your T changed character with time ; Mine started with listening to binaural beats [meditation music] for one hour with headphones at 50db level[ which is not very high].first it was in left ear[but in the morning in both ears].After one and half month I felt distortion of sound while hearing and some hypersensitivity to sound. At two months T started to remain in right ear also.Now it seems to be equal in both ears.It changes on protruding my jaw forwards.I don't know finally where it will settle. Did you ever have hypersensitivity to sound initially?Since how long character of your T is stable?Did you have mostly low T days at the end of 4 to5 months/when did you start having many low T days?

My T loud days become more if I travel by car for long distance how about yours?
Is listening to rain sounds helpful,Iam afraid of listening to constant frequency for long time because mine started with 100hz pure tone being played for one hour.

Finally I do hope that our T will finally go away because according to one study on animals ,if T starts due to moderate sound exposure ,it is due to changes in dorsal cochlear nucleus in brainstem which can be reversible.[how did your T started]
Thanks and regards
Hi hps

I'm not sure how much help I can be because, although there are similarities, our tinnitus does seem to differ.

Hopefully just discussing it with others in here will help you.

Mine began suddenly at 4am on 6th April last year. At the time I had no idea what had caused it and I panicked badly. I felt that the local doctors were useless and I saw an ENT privately instead. He told me that my hearing was normal and that the T would go but that it would take a very long time to go completely. This didn't help much with the feeling of panic.

I got far worse before I felt better, during which time, in brief, I felt that life wasn't worth living anymore. Before I had a chance to do anything about it my friend took me to her house in France and stayed with me 24 hours a day. I was a complete & utter mess.

I spent hours trying to figure out what had caused it - I felt that if I could find the cause then maybe I could find the cure. After reading the Jast book over and over I came to the conclusion that it was caused through 3 weeks of sleeping in total (absolute) silence. Three weeks before onset I had moved to a Cornish cottage with 18 inch thick granite walls in a quiet sleepy village. Previously I had been living near a main road with almost constant traffic noise. Over the months I have questioned this and thought at times that it may have been caused by something else; eustachian tube congestion... change of air pressure etc. etc. but I keep coming back to the silence theory.

Anyway, eventually, I stopped feeling suicidal; I discovered that I could still program & run my business; the dizziness went away and I stopped shaking. Now I'm pretty much back to how I was before. Tinnitus doesn't scare me as much as it used to. I still have scary moments but most of the time I'm ok.

To try and answer the rest of your questions...

Did you ever have hypersensitivity to sound initially?
Yes, I had extreme sensitivity to certain sounds. Certain noises hurt like hell. I was dizzy and I shook a lot. I still have a certain sensitivity to some sounds but it it is far less than it was.

when your tinnitus is low for many days ,is it quieter in the mornings on those days as compared to loud days[like mine]?
The morning buzz is sometimes quieter but it is always there. It isn't necessarily quieter on the days when the T disappears completely.

On loud days is the intensity same as when the T started or it is less[ particularly in the morning ].
On the loud screechy days the tinnitus usually feels slightly more distant that it did at the start but at times it can be as loud as at the beginning.

mine sometimes is silent on waking up but after a while say half to one hour changes to loud day ,does is happen to you also? mine sometimes is silent on waking up but after a while say half to one hour changes to loud day ,does is happen to you also?
No, mine is never silent when I wake up.

Is the intensity gradually further decreasing overall since November or it is almost constant since then?[ it will give me some hope that mine can also decrease with time]
I'm not sure why November is significant but yes, the intensity has gradually decreased. As I said, there are times when the intensity is as bad as at the start but most of the time, even on bad days, it is far less and more distant than it used to be. Tinnitus is cruel. There is no gradual decrease in the same way as when you break a leg and it slowly heals. I seemed to go three steps forwards and then two steps back. At times you can feel as though it will never change. But, looking back over the last 11 months, it has decreased and I get far, far more days with low or no tinnitus at all.

Have you adapted to your T by now? because I am still very much depressed because of my T.
I suppose I have 'adapted'. I have never felt depressed though. Even when suicidal, it was a conscious decision - something that had to be done because the choice at the time was 'do I want to live like this or stop living' - a logical decision, with no hint of depression.
I have adapted because I have 'accepted' the fact that it's there. I've accepted the fact that there will be bad days and good days. I still don't like it - I hate it. But it doesn't freak me out like it used to.

Did your T changed character with time
Not really. It's an electrical buzzing sound that darts across my head - never in my ears. Often it fills my head completely like a million buzzing mosquitoes. Apart from becoming more distant its character is the same.

Did you have mostly low T days at the end of 4 to5 months/when did you start having many low T days?
I have had low days since the start and also days when it wasn't there, but at the beginning I was panicking, shaking and hurting so much that these low days didn't really register. I spent every waking moment listening for the T - even if it wasn't there. Gradually, over time, the number of low or non existent days have increased.

My T loud days become more if I travel by car for long distance how about yours?
If the travelling involves a change of altitude then yes, my T gets worse. Going up and down hills affects it badly. I tend to wear headphones with an audio book or rain sounds when travelling.

Is listening to rain sounds helpful,Iam afraid of listening to constant frequency for long time because mine started with 100hz pure tone being played for one hour.
I find rain helpful because it's a natural sound that doesn't annoy me too much. Sometimes it isn't enough and has to be mixed with purple noise & other sounds.

Finally I do hope that our T will finally go away because according to one study on animals ,if T starts due to moderate sound exposure ,it is due to changes in dorsal cochlear nucleus in brainstem which can be reversible.
I really do believe that mine will go away. I think that the brain can re-train itself to ignore a noise. This differs from 'not being bothered by the noise'... instead, it won't be there because the brain won't hear it anymore.

I think the best advice is to try not to panic, realise that it's not harming you physically and keep busy. I believe that the fear and stress that tinnitus causes is as bad as the noise itself. Get rid of those and you're half way to recovery.

I hope this helps.

Hi click
Thanks for detailed reply .I really appreciate your response.It gives me some strength to fight back.Please respond in future if I have some doubts to share.
Hi Hps, my tinnitus hasn't changed much over the past 6 months. It's still about the same, does fluctuate still. I have some very quiet days and some noisy days a week. I have changed in my attitude toward it. It still annoys me at times but most of the time I can ignore it. It doesn't prevent me from getting on with my life like it did before. I have a full family life, work 2 jobs, participate in sports daily and hang out with friends on the weekends.
hi click and erik
Does your fluctuating tinnitus wake you up at night at present stage? I sometimes get up at 1.30am and sometimes at 4.30 am with loud tinnitus[once or twice aweek] particularily if I had trevelled the day before.How do you cope up with night awakenings? I have to take valium in such situations. T is loud at time of awakening and sometimes gets controlled with swallowing movements within few minutes. sometimes I hear CRT monitor like T in my dream which wakes me up.Does it happen to you still or you can sleep peacefully after about 11 months of T.If I manage to sleep after awakening the character of T changes some times it seem to goto center of brain ,sometimes after few minutes it becomes pulsatile in ears ,pehaps it changes with REM sleep.
night time T is louder as compared to day time ,is it so?I have seen persons with same volume of T day and night.I think it is more difficult to cope with fluctuating T.
I am almost afraid of traveling , it increases my T the next day, as if hair cells of the ear have taken fresh insult by noise of tyres on road.what is your take?
Although I don't have the sled-related issues you mention, I must say that travelling by car does make my tinnitus sound stronger. Unfortunately I need to do this twice a week (300 km, 185 miles) to go to the offices, but fortunately, I can work from home 3 out of 5 days.
I do believe it has to do with the low, rumbling sound of the tyres and the wind.
hi click and erik
Does your fluctuating tinnitus wake you up at night at present stage? I sometimes get up at 1.30am and sometimes at 4.30 am with loud tinnitus[once or twice aweek] particularily if I had trevelled the day before.How do you cope up with night awakenings? I have to take valium in such situations. T is loud at time of awakening and sometimes gets controlled with swallowing movements within few minutes. sometimes I hear CRT monitor like T in my dream which wakes me up.Does it happen to you still or you can sleep peacefully after about 11 months of T.If I manage to sleep after awakening the character of T changes some times it seem to goto center of brain ,sometimes after few minutes it becomes pulsatile in ears ,pehaps it changes with REM sleep.
night time T is louder as compared to day time ,is it so?I have seen persons with same volume of T day and night.I think it is more difficult to cope with fluctuating T.
I am almost afraid of traveling , it increases my T the next day, as if hair cells of the ear have taken fresh insult by noise of tyres on road.what is your take?

Hi hps,

I cope by carrying on really. If my T wakes me up and I feel that it's going to cause stress trying to get back to sleep.. then I get up. I'm often working in the middle of the night because of T!

It's easy for me to say this though because I run my own company and can work from home. I'm not sure how I would cope with going into an office each day.

Most nights I sleep well although I do tend to watch TV or a DVD until I'm practically asleep.

Travelling affects my T if I go up hill - just going along in the car doesn't seem to do it for me... but if it involves a change of altitude then it does.

I do feel that sleep matters with tinnitus. 5 or 6 hours of good sleep can mean an easier next day. But then I think lack of sleep affects us whether we have tinnitus or not.

Hi Ya'll
1. Have it for 7 months now
2. Always flucutates, high low left ear right ear both ears
3. Yes I've been complaing about pain in my neck for a year prior
4.Food is good no changes
5.Noise is irrelavent
6. I trhink stress is irrelevant
7no headaches
8. Flucuates all day long even when im quiet the freq changes constantly
9. hearing loss both ears 7-8k
10 nope still flucuates but I've had more good days this week than bad
1) How long have you had tinnitus? 3 weeks

2) Has it always fluctuated?
1st couple of weeks it was virtually gone every 2 to 3 days, then back consistently between 2 and 3 week, now seems to alternate days.

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)? Don't think so.

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate? Caffeine possibly. Have also cut out salt just in case.

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate? Yes, I have the office network printer behind me and when it's operational it makes the T louder.

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate? Yes I think it makes it worse.

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder? Bad with a hangover. Apart from that sometimes I get pressure behind left ear (which is the worst ear).

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations? I have been wondering about this. It does seem to fluctuate and definitely seems to get worse if I really concentrate on it or get anxious.

9) Do you have any hearing loss? I don't think I do but am waiting to be referred to an ENT Specialist.

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time? It's only been 3 weeks so probably too early to tell.
Ooh, surveys, I love them…

1) How long have you had tinnitus?
35 years in a very mild form, 2 months serious

2) Has it always fluctuated?
Yes. No. I mean, maybe. I guess so.

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?
Not sure. They could. They could also be diet related. Or stress and fatigue related.

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?
I suspect it to be, yes. I'm trying to stay away from chocolate or any other candy (basically sugar).

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?
Yes. At least that's my impression. But yes, TV in the evening does get my tinnitus level up.

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?
Don't really know. You know why? Cause I'm usually not aware if I have stress. How can you tell? For sure?

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?
Haven't noticed that.

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?

9) Do you have any hearing loss?
Very mild in the right ear.

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time?
Not so far.
Hi dear T boys & girls,

I wondering whether more of you face the title: Reactive Tinnitus.
I do not mean Hyperacusis but the fact that if you have been exposed to moderate to mild loud noise the T seems more active/present (sometimes it can be very present).

It looks I have a very strong reactive T.
What I mean by that; is that it can be almost non-excist to really in the forefront.

Normally mine is calm in the morning; then slowly builds up during the day and at the end of the day is at its peak. And for sure it isn't just my perception of it. It is!

Some questions;
Do more of you experience this?
Did the 'reactivity' improved over time (say became less)?
Is earpain and a fluid running trough the inner ear feeling part of it?

Or do I have a kind of H to ALL sounds and will this become better over time?
Or did this reactive T finaly lead to a higher level of T?
Do I have to be extra careful in noisy environments compared to other types of T?
I want to avoid overprotection because of H risks!

Aboves makes me scarry to visit mild noisy (80-90 dB) environments. Even or companies restaurant is causing my T to become more active/present. Can this level finally result in damaging my hearing further? Should I wear ear protection than?

Next year I going to marry and I'm afraid that during the bachelor party and the wedding itself I gonna exposue myself to too loud noises (even with hearing protection)! Yeah I know it is my own wedding party and I can take the right precausions but a wedding and bachelor party isn't quite after all isn't ;) and is mostly with some noisy activities!

sorry for again another thread with so many questions but although I think I can accept my current T the future ahead fills me with fear.... the risk of a new level of T!
Do more of you experience this?
Yes, I experience this. My T is also very quiet in the morning or not there at all, but it gets louder as the day progresses. If I'm in loud environment my T tends to get louder temporarily.

Did the 'reactivity' improved over time (say became less)?
Mine did not. It has been like this for 3 years now..

Is earpain and a fluid running trough the inner ear feeling part of it?
I have ear pains and weird feeling in my left ear sometimes. It feels like is fluid moving in my ear. I'm not sure if this is a part of my T but I think it is.

Or do I have a kind of H to ALL sounds and will this become better over time?
My hyperacusis got slightly better over time but some normal sounds still makes me feel very sick and exhausted.

Or did this reactive T finnaly led to a higher level of T?
My T started when I was 12 - 13. It got louder when I was 17 because I was exposed to loud sounds and became what it is now. Sorry, I didn't understand your question completely.

Edit:My T has been reactive 3 years now and it hasn't changed. If something aggravates my T it will always get quieter after some time.

Do I have to be extra careful in noisy environments compared to other types of T?
Other part of me really wants to wear earplugs 24/7 no matter where I am, but I have force myself to not use them. I just try to protect my ears just like person without T would. I don't think my H will get better but it can get worse if I overprotect my ears. It can be very hard sometimes because some normal sounds hurt you and makes you feel very sick... I'd say use ear protection only if you really need, but keep in mind that some places like cinemas etc. can be dangerously loud! Our society is way too noisy. :/
Do more of you experience this?
Yes, I experience this. My T is also very quiet in the morning or not there at all, but it gets louder as the day progresses. If I'm in loud environment my T tends to get louder temporarily.

Did the 'reactivity' improved over time (say became less)?
Mine did not. It has been like this for 3 years now..

Is earpain and a fluid running trough the inner ear feeling part of it?
I have ear pains and weird feeling in my left ear sometimes. It feels like is fluid moving in my ear. I'm not sure if this is a part of my T but I think it is.

Or do I have a kind of H to ALL sounds and will this become better over time?
My hyperacusis got slightly better over time but some normal sounds still makes me feel very sick and exhausted.

Or did this reactive T finnaly led to a higher level of T?
My T started when I was 12 - 13. It got louder when I was 17 because I was exposed to loud sounds and became what it is now. Sorry, I didn't understand your question completely.

Do I have to be extra careful in noisy environments compared to other types of T?
Other part of me really wants to wear earplugs 24/7 no matter where I am, but I have force myself to not use them. I just try to protect my ears just like person without T would. I don't think my H will get better but it can get worse if I overprotect my ears. It can be very hard sometimes because some normal sounds hurt you and makes you feel very sick... I'd say use ear protection only if you really need, but keep in mind that some places like cinemas etc. can be dangerously loud! Our society is way too noisy. :/

I correct the following question Or did this reactive T finaly lead to a higher level of T?
I hope it's more clear now!
Hi dear T boys & girls,

I wondering whether more of you face the title: Reactive Tinnitus.
I do not mean Hyperacusis but the fact that if you have been exposed to moderate to mild loud noise the T seems more active/present (sometimes it can be very present).

It looks I have a very strong reactive T.
What I mean by that; is that it can be almost non-excist to really in the forefront.

Normally mine is calm in the morning; then slowly builds up during the day and at the end of the day is at its peak. And for sure it isn't just my perception of it. It is!

Some questions;
Do more of you experience this?
Did the 'reactivity' improved over time (say became less)?
Is earpain and a fluid running trough the inner ear feeling part of it?

Or do I have a kind of H to ALL sounds and will this become better over time?
Or did this reactive T finaly lead to a higher level of T?
Do I have to be extra careful in noisy environments compared to other types of T?
I want to avoid overprotection because of H risks!

Aboves makes me scarry to visit mild noisy (80-90 dB) environments. Even or companies restaurant is causing my T to become more active/present. Can this level finally result in damaging my hearing further? Should I wear ear protection than?

Next year I going to marry and I'm afraid that during the bachelor party and the wedding itself I gonna exposue myself to too loud noises (even with hearing protection)! Yeah I know it is my own wedding party and I can take the right precausions but a wedding and bachelor party isn't quite after all isn't ;) and is mostly with some noisy activities!

sorry for again another thread with so many questions but although I think I can accept my current T the future ahead fills me with fear.... the risk of a new level of T!
Do more of you experience this?
Yes, usually my T is quieter in the morning, and tends to get louder/annoying in the evening

Did the 'reactivity' improved over time (say became less)?

Is earpain and a fluid running trough the inner ear feeling part of it?

Or do I have a kind of H to ALL sounds and will this become better over time?
I had a kind of hyperacusis just some days before and after the onset, but I have always been reactive to loud sounds

Or did this reactive T finaly lead to a higher level of T?
I don't think so

Do I have to be extra careful in noisy environments compared to other types of T?
I agree with Hattukoira: use ear protection only when you really need. I wear earplugs when I go to cinemas, restaurants, stadiums.
Mine is reactive. But not always, and not to all sound. Sound of running water, shower, etc seems to be the worst. I shaved my face earlier today. That was enough for a spike. After 10 minutes the spike was gone.
Do more of you experience this?
My tinnitus is now more or less constant throughout the day. It seems to be mostly influenced by the position of my head (ie. sleeping or not sleeping). In the past, it used to being quieter in the morning.
Did the 'reactivity' improved over time (say became less)?Is earpain and a fluid running trough the inner ear feeling part of it?
I probably don't fit the normal "profile" of tinnitus sufferers because of the treatments I have been through (laser and stem cell therapy). I am now "resistant" to everyday normal noise (ie. driving in the car, going to the mall, etc.) in the sense that I don't get spikes any longer. I don't wear earplugs anymore, but that does not mean that I am not careful. I for sure don't push my luck with tinnitus. So, if I know I am going on a plane or driving long distances (at > 200 kph where the noise level is easily 80-90 db even in a modern car), I wear earplugs.
Or do I have a kind of H to ALL sounds and will this become better over time?
I don't know.
Or did this reactive T finaly lead to a higher level of T?
Not in my case, but I was also super careful with noise levels until I went through therapy.
Do I have to be extra careful in noisy environments compared to other types of T?I want to avoid overprotection because of H risks!
I don't know much about hyperacusis, but I can explain - after having been through cold laser therapy with dr. Wilden - that he suggests protecting the ears for a good while after first acquiring tinnitus (3-6 months). Protecting the ears means wearing earplugs when you "leave your house" and taking them back out when you return. I don't recommend sleeping (constantly) with earplugs as this can contribute to inflammation of the ear. There are some audiologists/doctors who recommend tinnitus sufferers not to wear earplugs when in everyday noise environments - but that is poor advice. Why? Because you never know when a loud sound might go off near you - and then it is too late...! So wear earplugs for the first long while...

Can this level finally result in damaging my hearing further? Should I wear ear protection than?
Yes, 80-90db noise environments can damage your hearing further. "Tinnitus ears" are much more susceptible to noise than "normal ears".
@Meestijn, I merged your thread with the one started by erik earlier. They cover much of the same, and I'm sure you'll benefit from looking over the previous replies here. :)
1) How long have you had tinnitus?
I noticed it the first time when I was 14 years old. Had ringing in the ears for five days after a one week computer party with 5000 people. [Picture] The noise level inside the hall is just insane. 5000 people with speakers, everyone try to play the loudest. And then you have headphones on, cranking up the volume to not hear the noise in the hall.

Three years ago I got it permanent. But it was a low pitch sound coming from inside the head. It was never a problem. 27th August 2013 it went berserk in right ear after diving 5m/15ft down in a pool. Luckely it have settled a little, and I even have days now with no tinnitus. Not even the low pitch sound I had before. Its so silent its almost scary. :eek: Oh I'm such a pussy. Nothing is good enough.

2) Has it always fluctuated?
After the diving accident it has fluctuated a lot. Up and down in both volume and pitch. I think the fluctuations are just good. It's nice to have some variation. :D

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?
No, I can't manipulate my tinnitus by moving neck, shoulders etc.

4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?
No, I can eat whatever I want.

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?
Yes, I think so. When I'm in noisy environments it seems to get louder. Certain sounds like running water, meat frying, shower, sound of plastic bags and a shaking key clips makes the tinnitus really spike.

6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?
No, I don't think it gets louder. But I think I perceive it louder and react more to it. I actually had a interesting realization some days ago. I was walking home from work and felt like shit. I blamed it all on my tinnitus. Then I remembered that I had eaten 7 sleeping-pills the night before. [Link] I did not feel like shit because of my tinnitus, but because of to much sleeping-pills. After that realization my tinnitus decreased instantly. I also had a good laughter, even tho I felt like shit. After this realization, I think our attitude towards tinnitus determines a lot of how we feel. If you are at constant war with tinnitus, you will never get peace.

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?
I don't get headaches.

8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?
That is a very interesting question. When I have a loud day, and plug my ears. Tinnitus feels the same as if I plug my ears at a silent day. I really don't get that, its so weird.

Sometimes its loud tho, and I really don't give a shit. Others times its low, and I give a shit. Tinnitus is not easy to be wise on.

9) Do you have any hearing loss?
Yes. I have a severe hearing-loss in right ear from 5000hz and up. After 8000 hertz I'm completely deaf. I don't care about the hearing loss, I can only notice it in some situations. Otherwise its no problem at all.

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time?
Yes. In the beginning of my spike 27th august 2013 it was just insane loud. I did not know tinnitus could be that loud. It was like having a train horn inside the ear 24/7. It was just fucking mental. After some weeks it improved, luckily.
It's interesting to hear about your experience. I also didn't know that not everyone's tinnitus fluctuates during the day or reacts to noise, as mine does.
1) How long have you had tinnitus?
since 2007

2) Has it always fluctuated?
It used to be fairly quiet in the morning and at night when it started. Now it isn't really quiet in the mornings any more, but still more noisy in the evenings.

3) Do you think your fluctuations are somatic in nature (neck, shoulders, back, TMJ issues)?
I haven't realized I have any problems in that area. My tinnitus doesn't change after moving my neck or after stretching.
4) Do you think certain foods or some type of food additive (ie. MSG) causes your T to fluctuate?
I haven't noticed a reaction. Only alcohol and caffeine have some effect.

5) Does noisy environments cause it to react and fluctuate?
Yes, noisy environments always make my tinnitus increase temporarely, unfortunately. It can last even for several days.
6) Does stress or worry cause your T to fluctuate?
I have only realized that when I haven't slept well or I have a flue, my T seems worse. Sometimes my T seems worse and I stress more, but I don't know which is the cause and which the reaction.

7) When you get headaches is your tinnitus usually louder?
8) Do you think your T actually fluctuates throughout the day or could it be constant and you perceive it to fluctuate based on how you are feeling at any given time, your emotional response or reaction to it in certain situations?
It might be that I only perceive the tinnitus to be more noisy in the evenings, as i'm more tired.

9) Do you have any hearing loss?
I have some very small hearing loss in high frequencies, but nothing that really effects my everyday life.

10) Has these fluctuations improved over time?
Not really. Actually my tinnitus increases at the moment seem even worse, as the tinnitus is already generally very noisy.

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