Hey guys as i was 5 months ago to how I am now .
Guys I won't lie to you on how much it sucks a majorly. BUT .
We all have a turning point mine was the fact that I have a stupid amount of friends that have the same problem working in the industry I do ( heavy industrial ) people younger than me older than me the same age who have had it for years . The thing is guys it does get better the point where you actually decide to say fuck this I'm guna live life . And to be honest I have done more now than I ever have fishing boating spearfishing parties surfing . Get the HELL OUT THERE DONT SIT AROUND AND FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF MINE RINGS ALL DAY yes It still sometimes pisses me off but there are so many people who have it so start gym do something new and live LIVE GOD DAM IT .
Guys I won't lie to you on how much it sucks a majorly. BUT .
We all have a turning point mine was the fact that I have a stupid amount of friends that have the same problem working in the industry I do ( heavy industrial ) people younger than me older than me the same age who have had it for years . The thing is guys it does get better the point where you actually decide to say fuck this I'm guna live life . And to be honest I have done more now than I ever have fishing boating spearfishing parties surfing . Get the HELL OUT THERE DONT SIT AROUND AND FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF MINE RINGS ALL DAY yes It still sometimes pisses me off but there are so many people who have it so start gym do something new and live LIVE GOD DAM IT .