I just want to start off by saying that I'm not the type to join online groups for any reason, and I'm also don't usually open up about mental/psychological issues either, even to loved ones and/or licensed therapists. For example, I had such severe acne from age 12 to 22 that I went through two rounds of Accutane and still have cystic scars all over my body that will never fade. I lost my two front teeth in a freak boating accident, so I also had braces, a retainer, and no two front teeth for the entirety of high school. I was routinely bullied; I never saw a therapist for this.
As I began my senior year of college last fall, I moved from a pretty shitty living situation (construction literally outside my front door with a bedroom overlooking the busiest street on the east side of the college town in which I presently reside, with no A/C to boot) to another shitty living situation. I lived on the top floor of an old frathouse rented out by scummly landlords who decided to to do construction on the roof. I first heard my tinnitus here.
For a variety of reasons (broken heating system causing the temp to rise to 86 degress at night, broken HVAC system humming loud enough to hear while wearing earplugs, broken heating pipes in the walls ticking at all hours of the night) I decided to move to where I currently live. At this point, I was sleep deprived enough to move mid-semester into an old house on the busiest street on the south side of town to save on rent. It was here I realized that the noise I heard when I put my earplugs in to sleep wasn't some strange electrical signal or the sound of the fridge, but tinnitus. Unbenownst to me, I moved into an old house so poorly built (before the street it was built on --or cars for that matter-- existed) that when construction trucks speed down the road outside my single pane window at 5:30 in the morning, it literally shakes my bed to the point I wake up. Same for when the last bus passes at 11:30 at night.
Between the road noise and my tinnitus which continues to become preogessively louder, I've lost so much sleep that I nearly failed out of school and was put on antidepressants, which I continue to take. Now I've finished up a part time research gig this summer, and as my lease comes to its end I face a decision I'm terrified of. I'm unemployed (and may be for a while), and I can either choose to move in with my parents in their newly rented condo (on the other end of the country), or use what little cash I've saved up to find a quiet place to sleep here and try to put my life together.
Here's the catch: my parents sold the house I grew up in (where I never had trouble sleeping) and moved into a condo that is 50 feet away from most significant train intersection in an urban environment, where freight trains run hourly (and honk) from midnight to 8 am, exceeding 70 decibels, and a boat bridge horn honks loudly 24/7. My bedroom directly faces the tracks. Every group of tenants my parents know are not resigning their lease due to the noise, and my parents are moving into another condo in three months on the other side of the tracks (again facing the railroad).
The three nights I've spent there I averaged 3-4 hours of sleep, which is much more than I generally get most nights where I currently live. I know if I live with my parents I will be relieved of the financial burden of having to go deeper into debt short-term in an attempt to get my feet wet in an entry level job.
So, if anyone is still with me, I'm wondering if anyone could provide me some comfort in telling a success story of a tinnitus sufferer who has slept in an extremely loud nighttime environment. Is this manageable? Finding a new place almost seems like the safe play at this point, and if things don't work out I'll just be deeper in debt living with parents with a subletter to worry about. If it matters, my tinnitus is a high-pitched alternating screech with no discernable rhythmic pattern, I don't do drugs or drink alcohol and I workout regularly, yet I'm practically nonfunctional. Wearing earplugs makes my tinnitus much worse, so I'm forced to choose between sever tinnitus while wearing earplugs and sleeping in a loud environment that evidently drives most people who live there crazy. I'm depressed, anxious, and a diagnosed insomniac, and without my medication i'm borderline bipolar.
I've had my best success sleeping with earplugs in not-too-snugly and running a white noise machine by my bedside. Even so, I'm a former deans list student who pre tinnitus had phone interviews with the largest hedge fund in the world. Now I'm a shell of my former self who atm could not hold down a full time job. Heres to hoping I'm not yet inconsolable. I know my struggle with tinnitus is primarily a mental hurdle I'm failing to overcome, and this is atleast partially my fault. Any advice or thoughts are welcome
I just want to start off by saying that I'm not the type to join online groups for any reason, and I'm also don't usually open up about mental/psychological issues either, even to loved ones and/or licensed therapists. For example, I had such severe acne from age 12 to 22 that I went through two rounds of Accutane and still have cystic scars all over my body that will never fade. I lost my two front teeth in a freak boating accident, so I also had braces, a retainer, and no two front teeth for the entirety of high school. I was routinely bullied; I never saw a therapist for this.
As I began my senior year of college last fall, I moved from a pretty shitty living situation (construction literally outside my front door with a bedroom overlooking the busiest street on the east side of the college town in which I presently reside, with no A/C to boot) to another shitty living situation. I lived on the top floor of an old frathouse rented out by scummly landlords who decided to to do construction on the roof. I first heard my tinnitus here.
For a variety of reasons (broken heating system causing the temp to rise to 86 degress at night, broken HVAC system humming loud enough to hear while wearing earplugs, broken heating pipes in the walls ticking at all hours of the night) I decided to move to where I currently live. At this point, I was sleep deprived enough to move mid-semester into an old house on the busiest street on the south side of town to save on rent. It was here I realized that the noise I heard when I put my earplugs in to sleep wasn't some strange electrical signal or the sound of the fridge, but tinnitus. Unbenownst to me, I moved into an old house so poorly built (before the street it was built on --or cars for that matter-- existed) that when construction trucks speed down the road outside my single pane window at 5:30 in the morning, it literally shakes my bed to the point I wake up. Same for when the last bus passes at 11:30 at night.
Between the road noise and my tinnitus which continues to become preogessively louder, I've lost so much sleep that I nearly failed out of school and was put on antidepressants, which I continue to take. Now I've finished up a part time research gig this summer, and as my lease comes to its end I face a decision I'm terrified of. I'm unemployed (and may be for a while), and I can either choose to move in with my parents in their newly rented condo (on the other end of the country), or use what little cash I've saved up to find a quiet place to sleep here and try to put my life together.
Here's the catch: my parents sold the house I grew up in (where I never had trouble sleeping) and moved into a condo that is 50 feet away from most significant train intersection in an urban environment, where freight trains run hourly (and honk) from midnight to 8 am, exceeding 70 decibels, and a boat bridge horn honks loudly 24/7. My bedroom directly faces the tracks. Every group of tenants my parents know are not resigning their lease due to the noise, and my parents are moving into another condo in three months on the other side of the tracks (again facing the railroad).
The three nights I've spent there I averaged 3-4 hours of sleep, which is much more than I generally get most nights where I currently live. I know if I live with my parents I will be relieved of the financial burden of having to go deeper into debt short-term in an attempt to get my feet wet in an entry level job.
So, if anyone is still with me, I'm wondering if anyone could provide me some comfort in telling a success story of a tinnitus sufferer who has slept in an extremely loud nighttime environment. Is this manageable? Finding a new place almost seems like the safe play at this point, and if things don't work out I'll just be deeper in debt living with parents with a subletter to worry about. If it matters, my tinnitus is a high-pitched alternating screech with no discernable rhythmic pattern, I don't do drugs or drink alcohol and I workout regularly, yet I'm practically nonfunctional. Wearing earplugs makes my tinnitus much worse, so I'm forced to choose between sever tinnitus while wearing earplugs and sleeping in a loud environment that evidently drives most people who live there crazy. I'm depressed, anxious, and a diagnosed insomniac, and without my medication i'm borderline bipolar.
I've had my best success sleeping with earplugs in not-too-snugly and running a white noise machine by my bedside. Even so, I'm a former deans list student who pre tinnitus had phone interviews with the largest hedge fund in the world. Now I'm a shell of my former self who atm could not hold down a full time job. Heres to hoping I'm not yet inconsolable. I know my struggle with tinnitus is primarily a mental hurdle I'm failing to overcome, and this is atleast partially my fault. Any advice or thoughts are welcome
