This is my line of thought as well. I also did some more thinking about
synapse damage as it pertains to my case:
While it's likely I have damaged/disconnected synapses in my inner ear, I went for a walk yesterday and thought about the
early FX-322 trials done in mice. FX-322 regenerated their inner ear hair cell count from less than 25% to above native levels.
Considering that my right ear is virtually deaf above 10kHz, and my left ear taps out at 17kHz, I think that regenerating the majority of hair cells which correspond to the frequencies I've lost would likely remedy all of the symptoms that I notice (mainly tinnitus and a little less clarity in the right ear). This is, of course, assuming the drug is as effective in humans.
For me that substantial improvement of hair cell count would, in theory, have an impact that for the most part overshadows any synapse damage I have at other frequencies... Not that I wouldn't take one of the upcoming nerve treatments when it comes out, just to cover my bases.