It's my friend's audiologist in this case, and my friend intends to ask him many questions upon next visit. I think it's very likely that there could be undetected damage to upper frequencies that was never repaired.
From what I've read and explored, it really doesn't make logical sense to me that tinnitus would be stuck in the brain. I can't get behind that. If the underlying damage is resolved, the tinnitus should dissipate (i.e. cochlear implants, hearing aids, TMJ treatment, earwax buildup, etc.).
In the case of Noise-Induced or Sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus is not stuck in the brain, it is a symptom occurring at the site of damage in the peripheral auditory system. Dr. Thanos specifically reinforced this in a recent interview re: tinnitus.
Let's consider what we know in the cases of folks with SNHL or NIHL (what FX-322 is designed to treat):
Where tinnitus is "reduced" through prosthetic or healing:
1. Hearing aids in some cases help reduce tinnitus experienced by people on this forum.
2. Cochlear implants reduce tinnitus in some cases.
3. Some people's damage heals, their audiogram improves, tinnitus is reduced to an extent.
Where tinnitus is "increased" through certain means:
1. A new insult occurs to the cochlea, increasing tinnitus, reducing hearing ability (acoustic trauma, etc).
2. Earplugs reduce input to the cochlea by blocking sound, making tinnitus seem louder.
3. Earwax cause a blockage, reducing input to the cochlea, making tinnitus seem louder.
4. Other ear-related issue cause blockages, or restrict sound from transmitting to the cochlea, making tinnitus seem louder.
In the cases where tinnitus is "reduced" , the input is always increased. Where tinnitus "increases", input is reduced.
So, FX-322 clearly shows that it increases input into the auditory system by regrowing hair cells. They have provided evidence in their most recent presentation: Increased word score in two measures, and audiogram improvement at 8 kHz and above.
In conclusion:
Given what we know about FX-322 in the Phase 1/2, where a single dose is applied. It stands to reason that the drug will restore hair cells above 8 kHz, and INCREASE input into the auditory system. As a result, tinnitus should DECREASE if it is experienced above 8 kHz.
So, in my humble opinion, anyone with NIHL/SNHL experiencing a tone-matched tinnitus at 8 kHz and higher should expect to see some level of improvement in their tinnitus after receiving FX-322. May not be a cure, per say, but there will be more input from fresh new hair cells providing some level of relief.