I went back to review the
Tinnitus Talk Podcast with Carl LeBel, and mrbrightside614 had actually asked a question along this line. For those interested, this topic is mentioned on page 15 of the transcript.
My interpretation of LeBel's response is that FX-322 was tested pre-clinical only after severe, debilitating trauma, which would basically guarantee hair cells were certainly killed/destroyed. This works great for proof of concept, sure, but it does raise questions about efficacy for mild or intermediate damage. It has me concerned that this could be even worse than outright loss of hair cells because it provides symptoms of hearing loss and tinnitus and the drug may not be effective in restoring their ability.
I think we will need to keep an eye on the results of recovery for those with mild hearing loss with further phase results. Perhaps I am overexaggerating the negative effect of a damaged hair cell, but I often see them associated as potential factors in both hearing loss and tinnitus. They need to be addressed as well.