Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

Maybe this is a hot-take but I don't think hyperacusis ever truly "vanishes" once you have had - even if your symptoms die down you're always susceptible to it returning if you're not careful.
Everyone here drooled over AM-101 and AUT00063 at the time. Hype was strong. Both failed.
I have really bad OCD, horrendously bad. I sit up all night and read articles, research reports, medical journals. It all leads back to the same spot. Hearing Loss. Everything leads to hearing loss. These drugs named above are not aimed at fixing that. OTO-413 and FX-322 are.
If hyperacusis has to do with hair cells or synapses, why do some people's hyperacusis completely vanish?
She asked. She went on to say, "That was the question I asked myself before I set out on this project. I stand with you all here today, accepting this Nobel Prize, feeling deeply satisfied with the way that I answered this question." She then jubilantly exclaimed with all of her might, knowing that all cured hyperacusis patients in the audience would be just fine.
I've been researching FX-322 more and more over the last week. A couple of noob questions:

Did FX-322 only improve hearing at 8 kHz in the first trial? I see only 4 participants had improvement at 8 kHz too. Is this not a concern given many of us have hearing loss at 4 kHz, 6 kHz and anything above 8 kHz?

The WR scores are impressive but I thought for those looking to reduce tinnitus that we would be looking to mitigate the hearing loss on the audiogram?

I guess what I'm asking is that if there are no broader improvements in Phase 2, are we basically screwed? Am I missing something? I just can't see how a 10-15 dB at 8 kHz for some patients will solve issues.

Not trying be pessimistic as I am very new to this and just seeking answers.
I've been researching FX-322 more and more over the last week. A couple of noob questions:

Did FX-322 only improve hearing at 8 kHz in the first trial? I see only 4 participants had improvement at 8 kHz too. Is this not a concern given many of us have hearing loss at 4 kHz, 6 kHz and anything above 8 kHz?

The WR scores are impressive but I thought for those looking to reduce tinnitus that we would be looking to mitigate the hearing loss on the audiogram?

I guess what I'm asking is that if there are no broader improvements in Phase 2, are we basically screwed? Am I missing something? I just can't see how a 10-15 dB at 8 kHz for some patients will solve issues.

Not trying be pessimistic as I am very new to this and just seeking answers.
In the Phase 1/2 trial, they only tested standard audiogram ranges, WIN, and WR in terms of hearing. The reason why people are cautiously optimistic is because WR and WIN are believed to be signs of improvements in the extended high-frequency (EHF), where many people also believe high pitched tinnitus can occur.

For Phase 2a, they are actually doing analysis at ranges all over the EHF range. They are also looking at tinnitus as a secondary outcome (measured through TFI).

The general consensus is that the "pessimists" who read the study will think that there will be no further improvements from multiple dosing. The "optimists" think there will be improvements at 2 and 4 doses. The mega optimists think that the drug will be appropriate pushed deeper into the cochlea with more doses and a miracle will occur.
I've been researching FX-322 more and more over the last week. A couple of noob questions:

Did FX-322 only improve hearing at 8 kHz in the first trial? I see only 4 participants had improvement at 8 kHz too. Is this not a concern given many of us have hearing loss at 4 kHz, 6 kHz and anything above 8 kHz?

The WR scores are impressive but I thought for those looking to reduce tinnitus that we would be looking to mitigate the hearing loss on the audiogram?

I guess what I'm asking is that if there are no broader improvements in Phase 2, are we basically screwed? Am I missing something? I just can't see how a 10-15 dB at 8 kHz for some patients will solve issues.

Not trying be pessimistic as I am very new to this and just seeking answers.
It won't solve issues. They only used one dose and yes you're right, only 4 people saw those gains. If FX-322 doesn't show larger gains in the Phase 2 trial then it's potentially a flop. Maybe not but word scores mean shit in my opinion. People need real gains in the audiogram to show FX-322 will help.
I've been researching FX-322 more and more over the last week. A couple of noob questions:

Did FX-322 only improve hearing at 8 kHz in the first trial? I see only 4 participants had improvement at 8 kHz too. Is this not a concern given many of us have hearing loss at 4 kHz, 6 kHz and anything above 8 kHz?

The WR scores are impressive but I thought for those looking to reduce tinnitus that we would be looking to mitigate the hearing loss on the audiogram?

I guess what I'm asking is that if there are no broader improvements in Phase 2, are we basically screwed? Am I missing something? I just can't see how a 10-15 dB at 8 kHz for some patients will solve issues.

Not trying be pessimistic as I am very new to this and just seeking answers.
It's extremely likely there were bigger changes than 10 dB above 8 kHz. Hence, the word score increases. We should understand the effects of multiple dosing better soon with the 90 day readout (before end of March).

Regardless, there were positive tinnitus anecdotes per Frequency Therapeutics during Phase 1 but we should have more data on that soon, too.
I've been researching FX-322 more and more over the last week. A couple of noob questions:

Did FX-322 only improve hearing at 8 kHz in the first trial? I see only 4 participants had improvement at 8 kHz too. Is this not a concern given many of us have hearing loss at 4 kHz, 6 kHz and anything above 8 kHz?

The WR scores are impressive but I thought for those looking to reduce tinnitus that we would be looking to mitigate the hearing loss on the audiogram?

I guess what I'm asking is that if there are no broader improvements in Phase 2, are we basically screwed? Am I missing something? I just can't see how a 10-15 dB at 8 kHz for some patients will solve issues.

Not trying be pessimistic as I am very new to this and just seeking answers.
These results came from a trial that was mainly testing safety with one shot. If one single shot had those kind of results, I think there's much to be optimistic about. In the current Phase 2, they are doing up to 4 shots. They know FX-322 works, it's just a matter of getting it to the areas that it needs to go to.
These results came from a trial that was mainly testing safety with one shot. If one single shot had those kind of results, I think there's much to be optimistic about. In the current Phase 2, they are doing up to 4 shots. They know FX-322 works, it's just a matter of getting it to the areas that it needs to go to.
I hope they release the full pharmacokinetic Phase 2 multi dose data because it would be interesting to know if the proprietary molecule goes deep and VPA doesn't and if it would be worthwhile to take oral VPA (or injectable) at the same time.
Interesting job posting.

"Work closely with project scientists to carry out experiments to develop novel polymer-based, small molecule inner ear drug delivery systems."

Sounds like they are working on a better gel.
This doesn't surprise me at all, as there have been hints from LeBel in his various talks about examining reformulation/redosing.
I hope so brother. Me too, this shit really blows.

If I had a cure for hearing loss and I knew it would obliterate my competition I would probably make some bold statements, but that's just me.
Until you have evidence and certifiable proof that you can make such claims about your treatment, you simply cannot. Consequently this is why people like LeBel are very conservative and measured with the things that they say about the medicine. Most likely this could lead to them getting in a spot of trouble with various regulators and would actually end up jeopardising their progress.
This doesn't surprise me at all, as there have been hints from LeBel in his various talks about examining reformulation/redosing.

Until you have evidence and certifiable proof that you can make such claims about your treatment, you simply cannot. Consequently this is why people like LeBel are very conservative and measured with the things that they say about the medicine. Most likely this could lead to them getting in a spot of trouble with various regulators and would actually end up jeopardising their progress.
We shall see what happens. Could be nothing but a major disappointment. I think they will show something but who knows. They said Anna Nicole married for love but that was definitely a lie. Lol.
It seems like synapse loss is far more easily triggered in that you can lose a significant number of them before it shows up on an audiogram. I reckon those of us with enough damage to trigger tinnitus and hyperacusis have extended high-frequency hair cell loss too - I would be very surprised if not.
Your intuition leads you correctly here I believe. It really says more about the pathetic standard of testing than anything else. So many secrets of the ear to uncover.
Here's my theory/hope: your brain only produces tinnitus in the synapse damage scenario when we cross a threshold of damage, otherwise all of us here would have had tinnitus much sooner - clearly we had to work up to it. We also probably have some hair cell damage; when hair cells are repaired by FX-322 they grow new synapses. Therefore repairing hair cells may repopulate damaged synapses, and consequently ameliorate your condition regardless.
An interesting thought from a few years back, a different organ but an interesting perspective all the same.

If there was to be a Phase 3 trial, does anyone know if they recruit participants from Europe? Or should I travel to US to participate in the trial?
I imagine American citizens are going to take precedence over foreigners. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't see why they would recruit elsewhere being millions here have hearing loss.
I have really bad OCD, horrendously bad. I sit up all night and read articles, research reports, medical journals. It all leads back to the same spot. Hearing Loss. Everything leads to hearing loss. These drugs named above are not aimed at fixing that. OTO-413 and FX-322 are.
There is a compound in Phase 2 being investigated for OCD, named BHV-4157 or something, using Glutamate regulation as opposed to the typical SSRIs. There hasn't been a new drug for OCD for over 20 years and the ones that exist have just a 60% chance of success.

Maybe @Greg Sacramento knows which compound I'm talking about.
I imagine American citizens are going to take precedence over foreigners. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't see why they would recruit elsewhere being millions here have hearing loss.

If there was to be a Phase 3 trial, does anyone know if they recruit participants from Europe? Or should I travel to US to participate in the trial?
There is a paragraph in at least one official document stating that there will be a payout from Astellas (a financier/partner of Frequency Therapeutics) once the first patient is dosed in a Phase 2 trial in Europe. So there is definitely incentives for it.

However, it has been speculated that Frequency Therapeutics will finish up all the current parallel Phase 1b/2 trials this year and potentially have one universal/pivotal Phase 3 in 2022. If this is the case, it would make more sense for them to do a Phase 3 in Europe straight away instead of a re-run of a Phase 2 imo, if they will indeed even do a European trial.

I guess there are many factors that play into what the final decision on this will be though and I don't think we will know until sometime towards the end of this year.
If there was to be a Phase 3 trial, does anyone know if they recruit participants from Europe? Or should I travel to US to participate in the trial?
According to Frequency Therapeutics' annual filing with the SEC, part of their agreement with Astellas is to conduct an international Phase 3 that includes EU, Asia, etc.

Certain countries/regions governments require that some clinical trial data be collected on their soil before approving a drug for its inhabitants.

So yes, it's likely that there will be Phase 3 clinical trial sites in Europe. Whether you can join may depend on that specific country's laws.
Your theory is absolutely correct. I'm 100% convinced the changes researchers see in the brain is from lack of neural input. The nerve is not supplying the brain with an input that it is programmed to have. It's like a body control module in a vehicle or a PLC setup in a machine. Each signal in millivolts triggers something specific. If the theory of plasticity is true which I can promise you it is, there is no reason the brain will not forget the noises it's generating when the inputs are restored. It's a basic root cause analysis. I'm damn close to a PhD on my academic career but fuck, this is basic undergraduate material in electrical engineering. It blows me away how far behind the medical field is modern engineering. If nobody challenges the status quo these lame doctors will never push to help anyone.
I think that FX-322 will help repair hair cells, and that hair cells are related to tinnitus, so by virtue of fixing something that is related to tinnitus, it might help tinnitus. But the "phantom limb of the ear" hypothesis is not really a unifying explanation of tinnitus, unless you acknowledge the non-trivial percentage of brains that are perfectly adapted to lack of auditory signal input.

I came across a post on here recently of someone who got tinnitus after a cochlear implant surgery. In this person's words: "--Was totally deaf in implant ear with severe loss in other. Sometimes I would just like to revert to my old, quiet world where I couldn't hear anything."

I also wonder why nature would select for hearing over sanity. I mean I guess a person driven to insanity still has a better chance of reproducing than a deaf person, but not by much.
This is low key gold. Talk about shitting on mathematicians. It's like a mathematician thinking they invented the concept of a positive ion because they subtracted a negative number once.
There is a great organization called One Health where vets and MDs get together to share their knowledge and advance medicine but it sounds like they need to invite mathematicians, biochemists, engineers and maybe even throw in a few ethnobotanists as well.
I think that FX-322 will help repair hair cells, and that hair cells are related to tinnitus, so by virtue of fixing something that is related to tinnitus, it might help tinnitus. But the "phantom limb of the ear" hypothesis is not really a unifying explanation of tinnitus, unless you acknowledge the non-trivial percentage of brains that are perfectly adapted to lack of auditory signal input.

I came across a post on here recently of someone who got tinnitus after a cochlear implant surgery. In this person's words: "--Was totally deaf in implant ear with severe loss in other. Sometimes I would just like to revert to my old, quiet world where I couldn't hear anything."

I also wonder why nature would select for hearing over sanity. I mean I guess a person driven to insanity still has a better chance of reproducing than a deaf person, but not by much.
Cochlear implant surgery is extremely destructive to adjacent frequencies from where the implant is inserted. They can actually further cochlear damage. The implants themselves can bypass the damage with the signal by directly stimulating the neurons, however, current CIs are crude and don't cover very many frequencies relatively. I suspect this will be less of an issue with the optical based CIs they are working on because those can span frequencies more continuously.
Cochlear implant surgery is extremely destructive to adjacent frequencies from where the implant is inserted. They can actually further cochlear damage. The implants themselves can bypass the damage with the signal by directly stimulating the neurons, however, current CIs are crude and don't cover very many frequencies relatively. I suspect this will be less of an issue with the optical based CIs they are working on because those can span frequencies more continuously.
Maybe a better counter-example is a standard case of presbycusis. I personally have known people with profound hearing loss without tinnitus. Or if they did have it, they never mentioned it. Don't get me wrong, I still think tinnitus is fundamentally an ear pathology and would like to see more otology-pipelines than hacky get-used-to-it-machines.
Is it possible that they are increasing the concentration of FX-322 in the two ongoing Phase 1b?

If it gives better results at low frequencies, Phase 2a only needs to prove that multiple injections are effective.
FDA, CDC, MSNBC, Frequency Therapeutics... COME ON BOYS, HURRY UP.

I'm going to stop commenting on this, but that paper makes me so mad. It's total ignorance over the most basic part of math. Literally, the objective of the paper is the "ingenuity" of regurgitating a simple idea taught to even high school calculus students! She even names it after herself! My god, that's so wrong. I'm pretty sure they even asked her about it and she dismissed Riemann's method like it was so obvious. Lol everything is obvious today. Many people today fully understand calculus through real analysis, but coming up with it is simply unbelievable.

To bring this around, some day in hundreds of years, when hearing regeneration is easy and at the level of total cure, there will be people who don't understand how sophisticated the human ear is and all of the nuances of infiltrating an entire cochlea with a workable drug, etc.
I'm going to stop commenting on this, but that paper makes me so mad. It's total ignorance over the most basic part of math. Literally, the objective of the paper is the "ingenuity" of regurgitating a simple idea taught to even high school calculus students! She even names it after herself! My god, that's so wrong. I'm pretty sure they even asked her about it and she dismissed Riemann's method like it was so obvious. Lol everything is obvious today. Many people today fully understand calculus through real analysis, but coming up with it is simply unbelievable.

To bring this around, some day in hundreds of years, when hearing regeneration is easy and at the level of total cure, there will be people who don't understand how sophisticated the human ear is and all of the nuances of infiltrating an entire cochlea with a workable drug, etc.
This is my personal favorite published paper:

The full moon and ED patient volumes: unearthing a myth

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