We could already cure tinnitus on mice in 2005 when I was just like you, looking for a cure right after being affected and still a teenager. It was in Montpellier, France. Don't ask me for more details, I guess I would need to google for an hour, 2005 is like a century ago to me. After 13 years living with it, I learnt not to believe too hard in big announcements with no concrete results on humans.
I don't want to sound too pessimist, hope makes me live too, keeps me on tracks every morning, but keep in mind it's not that simple. This new study seems promising, right, at least for people to recover a part of their hear. In their announcements they don't state 100% recovery to start with, their target is lower. If your tinnitus sounds lower, you'll be happy for 3 days, then you'll be looking for a new way to make it even lower as your obsession with it can't be cured with fx 322.
I want to believe in fx 322 just as much as you and I'll be checking this topic regularly this year, but not every day like some of you... do not forget to live your life, even wounded!