@JohnAdams, I love your enthusiasm and I'm not knocking your optimism, but please wait and see how this develops before you get ahead of yourself. All new drugs have a 70% chance of failing, and I know this all too well from the investment side of things.
Anything can happen between now and the end of phase IIa. Also, at no point do Frequency Therapeutics mention FX-322 as being a treatment for tinnitus. I know you are going to use the sensorineural hearing loss argument, but there is nobody on the planet who can claim to understand every root cause of tinnitus. There is more to it than just hearing loss, which is why many scientists have moved away from the hair cells of the cochlear and are focusing more on the fusiform cells in the DCN and other key areas of the brain.
We do not understand what allows the tinnitus signal to become chronic in some individuals but not in others. All we have are hypotheses, and many researchers are now moving towards the gating hypothesis as a possible explanation. This suggests there has been some maladaption in the brain's ability to suppress the noise, and this involves various regions.
I know some will say, "well why do hearing aids help, or cochlear implants", etc. To me this can be explained in the same way that it helps when you remove earplugs from your head. In other words, you are restoring your lost sense and this helps to camouflage the tinnitus signal in your brain. If you have a mild tinnitus signal being generated in your brain, and you lose some hearing through ototoxicity, for example, the mild tinnitus would immediately be perceived as being louder because there is less external sound to mask it. The big question is: has the tinnitus become louder, or is it louder because you have lost your ability to mask it?
Many people have no notable hearing loss, but have severe, chronic tinnitus. I am one of those people. I would assume this means as I age, and lose more hearing, I am likely to perceive my tinnitus as being even louder.
Tinnitus is a really complex issue, so I would urge you to wait a little longer before you get carried away with FX-322. I
really hope it works, but we have to be pragmatic.