The strategy is... let's not say or do anything that will get our fragile, cash-strapped, negative-profit-producing, single-drug, high-risk company fined to death by the SEC and sued into an early grave by our stockholders / investors.
I absolute agree with this comment. It is obviously as clear as day to anyone that this is exactly what we shall keep seeing from Frequency both with FX-322 and their other projects like MS etc that are inevitably going to be developed.
I think that there are many times where Frequency Therapeutics will say something in either an indirect or also a very cryptic manner. Therefore they are giving us information in regards to their operations, however indirectly so they avoid trouble.
What frustrates me is that FX-322 will be more safer than a COVID-19 vaccine but it will take FX-322 longer to come out. This is not fair at all. There will most likely be more side effects with a COVID-19 vaccine than a FX-322 shot.
FX-322 has already shown to be safe and effective with no side effects. I just want them to release it now.
The reality is that the treatments for both COVID-19 and FX-322 are actually still required to go through the same trial procedures anyway. I agree that we will all want this to come out sooner, however I feel that the delay is necessary to ensure the robustness of FX-322. Furthermore I feel that this will actually be beneficial in terms of treatment.
A lot to unpack here.
First of all, the release of FX-322 has already been delayed because of COVID-19. The phase 2a data was supposed to be released next month and is now being released next year, so it's not BS, that's one hell of a delay. If they were to skip phase 3, the drug would probably be coming early next year if not for COVID-19. It has delayed things and it can delay them again.
Second of all, the US economy is not rebounding. Our unemployment rate is still higher than during the Great Recession, millions are at risk of eviction, millions of people are food insecure and millions have lost their health insurance. Just because the wealthy are doing well does not mean the economy is doing well.
That all said, I'm very optimistic for FX-322 and personally believe we'll see it by 2022. That doesn't mean COVID-19 wasn't very unhelpful in this process and nothing I said was BS. I agree though that help is on the way!
The economic evaluation is fair, however the other aspect that needs to be considered is that the economy is also artificially worsened in multiple areas by COVID-19. Currently many businesses have had to shut down until this passes and as a result there is a flow-on effect which will reduce economic performance in other areas of the economy. For example in my home country travel to other states is currently banned, meaning the tourism sector is essentially non existent. Then there's the shutdowns on businesses which mean people cannot do things like going to the movies or dining in at restaurants.
While we are not seeing signs that the economy might rebound in the short term, there is likely to be a fairly positive and quick upturn post COVID-19 crisis. This is because all those activities which people cannot do now will be allowed to recommence. This will mean more people can work and will also mean more people can therefore now spend on other stuff as well. There are a whole heap of people here receiving government income who won't even spend that at the moment. This is due to them being limited in what they can spend on and also not needing to spend on regular stuff like gas because you can't go anywhere more than 5 kilometers or 3 miles from your residence.
We know that this recovery is going to be highly contingent on a vaccine being produced. However the fact that firms are now up to conducting the trials where people get injected with the vaccine and then the COVID-19 virus is indicative of the fact that there could be something available in 6 months if this is successful. It seems, to date, that there are actually multiple positive vaccines and thus I can see them being released rather rapidly if they will work.
I also agree (and know) that the FX-322 trial's delay is a result of COVID-19. However, I also am aware that there have been other trials delayed by similar numbers of months too. Thus I don't think that this delay is neither significant nor major.
I clearly see that hope has moved from Lenire to FX-322...
But, is there any proof or data that really shows FX-322 would be effective on long lasting tinnitus and not only on hearing loss?
Hearing loss (or hidden hearing loss) is probably the major factor behind tinnitus but can't it be that once the tinnitus is old and deeply registered into your brain, even restoring hearing loss will not make the tinnitus go away?
Reduction of tinnitus is highly likely looking at the information obtained to date. I do think that it will be interesting if work is done to determine the effects of very high frequency hearing recovery on tinnitus.
Yes. Frequency Therapeutics was offered this information from the ENTs without it being part of the study.
I was well aware of those reports and thought that this is what he meant. I just wanted to clarify that this is what the poster actually was referring to by using the adjective unprovoked
