Hi all
Realised the other day I had a follow up at the Tinnitus clinic ,neurotology dept of the royal national ear nose and throat hospital London.Thought about cancelling (more waste of time) but went.
I told them once again about my gut feeling that my eustachion tubes were not working properly.Anyway they tested it and one of the tests (Toynbee test) showed it not returning to negative properly(whatever that means) Hallauya !!!!!thinks me, a breakthrough at last ,an actual reason for my pressure problems.
I waited with bated breath for my treatment .....er.............er................er "nothing we can do"
Realised the other day I had a follow up at the Tinnitus clinic ,neurotology dept of the royal national ear nose and throat hospital London.Thought about cancelling (more waste of time) but went.
I told them once again about my gut feeling that my eustachion tubes were not working properly.Anyway they tested it and one of the tests (Toynbee test) showed it not returning to negative properly(whatever that means) Hallauya !!!!!thinks me, a breakthrough at last ,an actual reason for my pressure problems.
I waited with bated breath for my treatment .....er.............er................er "nothing we can do"