Hi neenie, to habituate is a gradual automatic thing, you can't force it. I will tell you something though, it is all in your reaction/emotions.
To prove that point I was severely depressed back in august 2012 when I got noise induced tinnitus, I couldn't sleep, miserable, I just wished it would all end and go back to the way it was before, it took me a good year to get over it, well here's the real shocker.....my tinnitus was MILD!, I only heard the noise in the quiet, I was severely depressed in the day and I couldn't even hear it! Then in time I was OK with my mild tinnitus, it was in the late evening I could hear it with the TV on, I cringed and felt I couldn't stay up and went to bed.
Then in October a loud noise increased my tinnitus to moderate level, for the first time I could hear my tinnitus with the TV on in the daytime, it was a lot louder, the tone changed as well it went from a soft hissing noise to roaring, gas oven type noise, scared the shit out of me, started crying in the evening, started drinking whisky at night because I was in such a mess, I would get drunk every night so I could sleep, kept this routine up for months, kept telling myself I will have to do this for the rest of my life to cope, created about a 1000 threads on tinnitus support forums etc. Then the AMAZING thing happened, Christmas time, I was laughing, in a good mood, I had forgotten about me stressing out, I forgot I was depressed, I forgot I had increased tinnitus, my brain just totally switched off from the noise, it was like grieving for a while then losing all of the depression, anxiety etc. I was back to normal, just like when I had mild tinnitus, in fact I was better than before! I can sit up late in the evening and watch tv, I could hear the tinnitus clearly (loudist in the evening) but it didn't register, same with sleep.
The best way I can describe it now is my tinnitus is now like an external noise, I wouldn't burst out crying if I heard radio/TV static, that's all my tinnitus is now, a non threatening noise, because it is a non threatening noise it is not even in my consciousness a lot of the time, like you don't notice a refrigerator making noise or a ticking clock on the wall or the noise of rain, you don't pay any attention to any of these noises because they are non threatening, same with the tinnitus.
Anyway I talking to much..lol, imagine neenie the way you felt before tinnitus when you were happy, now imagine feeling like you did before...with a noise in your head, imagine being really happy with tinnitus, that you barely think of, even when you do it doesn't bother you, I'm happy again because my brain has lost interest in the noise.
But I will say one thing, I read stuff like this over and over, but it didn't sink in, sure it would be positive, but I would soon forget and slip back into depression. REMEMBER one thing neenie, you can't read yourself better, its when it actually happens to you then you will get it, I was depressed about mild tinnitus for a year, then this moderate tinnitus for 3 months, I've had tinnitus for 17 months now, it takes TIME to habituate, you have to just go with the flow until your brain/emotions get bored of the noise, then you will be happy again neenie, I'm sure of it, take care, mick.