Why yes I am!! And let me tell you, that is not something I would have thought I would have ever said about a year and a half ago. I posted a intro on here about a year and half ago when my tinnitus decided it needed to try and be my best friend (jerk). And of course we had a very traumatic start to our relationship, but eventually I accepted the fact that tinnitus just wasn't going to go anywhere, and hey that is okay 
I had same reaction that almost everyone has when they first get tinnitus. Anxiety, lack of sleep, weight loss, depression, mood swings, etc..I think, but am not 100% but I think my tinnitus was caused by a nasty sinus infection/stressful period. I was a mess. I constantly googled only to find negative information everywhere and believed everything I read. I felt doomed. What kind of life I was supposed to have like this?! I felt my boyfriend of almost 3 years could do better than put up with my craziness/depression. My anxiety was through the roof and for the first time in my 31 years of existence I started having panic attacks. My doctor put me on sleep pills and anti depressants (which I soon went off). My ENT said my hearing was perfect and hopefully this would go away. I was referred to a therapist. I found a clinic that specialized in tinnitus and I discovered my audiologist herself has tinnitus. She had me get custom musicians ear plugs and recommended different therapies but suggested I continue to go to therapy, wear my ear plugs in loud situations, and continue to mask when I felt I had to. She told me tinnitus sometimes is going to loud, and sometimes its going to be quiet, tinnitus is funny like that. She also told me to stop scanning the internet and stop believing everything I read. Slowly but surely I started getting my life back.
I started talking about tinnitus and discovered that my aunt, my future stepson, my mother, about 7 of my co workers, my old boss (and I feel I forgot some) all have tinnitus. I HAD NO IDEA! And the most interesting thing? None of them cared! I was shocked. They still went to concerts, NASCAR races, shot guns, etc. I forced myself to actually believe these people I knew and had relationships in real life, vice all the negativity of the internet world. My coworkers had me do burpees (you know that awful work out move where you have to jump into a push up position and back up?) every time they caught me googling horror stories. Let me tell you, that helped with not googling anymore lol
I also started forcing myself to be active. Not just sit at home and mope. Thanks to the advice from my therapist and audiologist I started getting back out there. I started running again. Want something to take your mind off tinnitus?? Run. Seriously all I could focus on was not dying. Can you say out of shape much? But consistency and a little positivity (thank you therapy!) I was well on my way to a half marathon. I ran a 10 miler and actually crossed the line with a smile on my face! Now I am not saying I couldn't have done this tinnitus free, but it gave me a little extra boost to start feeling normal again. And then of course I messed up my IT Band and had to sit the half marathon out but hey! There is always other half marathons!
I discovered I loved baking, that I enjoyed planting vegetables and flowers. We adopted a dog that has become the love of my life (well next to my future husband
) I went to concerts with my ear plugs off course. Baseball games and movies. The moment I realized that I could still have a life and that tinnitus didn't affect it at all was probably the biggest turning point for me. This was about 9 months in I want to say.
I also understand the tinnitus relationship factor. Its hard. Especially when they other totally doesn't understand. I am so THANKFUL that my fiancé was supportive and understanding through all of this. But at one point, he sat me down and looked at me and said "I understand you are going through a rough time, but I really need my girlfriend back." Well as most of you can guess, I lost my shit. I cried, and cried, and well cried some more. I refused to let this ruin the best relationship I ever had. I decided that not only I was I going to get better for myself, but that I was going to get better for us. And well guess that worked out because come 10.29.2016 I will be a Mrs.
So just remember:
- This takes time and patience. One step forward two steps back but it will happen with a little faith and a little action. But it DOES get better. This is different for everyone so please don't compare yourself to anyone.
- Keep your self busy and active
- Mask when necessary
- Don't be afraid to ask for help...
- Get a handle on your anxiety, that is really half the battle
- Do whatever you need to get some sleep, that's another part of the battle lol
- Protect your ears
- Live your life!
Hope this provides a little hope to someone out there. It DOES gets better! Its a bit of a journey but what you learn about yourself on the other side may surprise you
I don't even remember the last time I had a bad ear day. I still hear it daily but it doesn't bother me anymore. And its forgotten about as quickly as its heard.
I do what to give a shout out to @billie48, @awbw8, @I who love music , your stories helped more than you know!
Hang in there everyone! It gets better!

I had same reaction that almost everyone has when they first get tinnitus. Anxiety, lack of sleep, weight loss, depression, mood swings, etc..I think, but am not 100% but I think my tinnitus was caused by a nasty sinus infection/stressful period. I was a mess. I constantly googled only to find negative information everywhere and believed everything I read. I felt doomed. What kind of life I was supposed to have like this?! I felt my boyfriend of almost 3 years could do better than put up with my craziness/depression. My anxiety was through the roof and for the first time in my 31 years of existence I started having panic attacks. My doctor put me on sleep pills and anti depressants (which I soon went off). My ENT said my hearing was perfect and hopefully this would go away. I was referred to a therapist. I found a clinic that specialized in tinnitus and I discovered my audiologist herself has tinnitus. She had me get custom musicians ear plugs and recommended different therapies but suggested I continue to go to therapy, wear my ear plugs in loud situations, and continue to mask when I felt I had to. She told me tinnitus sometimes is going to loud, and sometimes its going to be quiet, tinnitus is funny like that. She also told me to stop scanning the internet and stop believing everything I read. Slowly but surely I started getting my life back.
I started talking about tinnitus and discovered that my aunt, my future stepson, my mother, about 7 of my co workers, my old boss (and I feel I forgot some) all have tinnitus. I HAD NO IDEA! And the most interesting thing? None of them cared! I was shocked. They still went to concerts, NASCAR races, shot guns, etc. I forced myself to actually believe these people I knew and had relationships in real life, vice all the negativity of the internet world. My coworkers had me do burpees (you know that awful work out move where you have to jump into a push up position and back up?) every time they caught me googling horror stories. Let me tell you, that helped with not googling anymore lol
I also started forcing myself to be active. Not just sit at home and mope. Thanks to the advice from my therapist and audiologist I started getting back out there. I started running again. Want something to take your mind off tinnitus?? Run. Seriously all I could focus on was not dying. Can you say out of shape much? But consistency and a little positivity (thank you therapy!) I was well on my way to a half marathon. I ran a 10 miler and actually crossed the line with a smile on my face! Now I am not saying I couldn't have done this tinnitus free, but it gave me a little extra boost to start feeling normal again. And then of course I messed up my IT Band and had to sit the half marathon out but hey! There is always other half marathons!

I also understand the tinnitus relationship factor. Its hard. Especially when they other totally doesn't understand. I am so THANKFUL that my fiancé was supportive and understanding through all of this. But at one point, he sat me down and looked at me and said "I understand you are going through a rough time, but I really need my girlfriend back." Well as most of you can guess, I lost my shit. I cried, and cried, and well cried some more. I refused to let this ruin the best relationship I ever had. I decided that not only I was I going to get better for myself, but that I was going to get better for us. And well guess that worked out because come 10.29.2016 I will be a Mrs.

So just remember:
- This takes time and patience. One step forward two steps back but it will happen with a little faith and a little action. But it DOES get better. This is different for everyone so please don't compare yourself to anyone.
- Keep your self busy and active
- Mask when necessary
- Don't be afraid to ask for help...
- Get a handle on your anxiety, that is really half the battle
- Do whatever you need to get some sleep, that's another part of the battle lol
- Protect your ears
- Live your life!
Hope this provides a little hope to someone out there. It DOES gets better! Its a bit of a journey but what you learn about yourself on the other side may surprise you

I do what to give a shout out to @billie48, @awbw8, @I who love music , your stories helped more than you know!
Hang in there everyone! It gets better!