Hi all.
New to this so may be a bit short. My name is Les and i reside in Ashford, Kent, UK.
I have had tinnitus since mid 1980. Cause of it? I would imagine over exposure to loud music right up until five or six years ago . It's got progressively worse. Its that bad i can here it over the noise of my motor bike and even when i listen to music on earphones it spoils my listening experience .
Any advice would be most welcome.
New to this so may be a bit short. My name is Les and i reside in Ashford, Kent, UK.
I have had tinnitus since mid 1980. Cause of it? I would imagine over exposure to loud music right up until five or six years ago . It's got progressively worse. Its that bad i can here it over the noise of my motor bike and even when i listen to music on earphones it spoils my listening experience .
Any advice would be most welcome.