I couldn't even tolerate my own farts. They were heinous.
You're lucky! The first week was torture for me withdrawing from wheat.Yeah I figured there is definitely a purging process that takes a long time. I'm feeling great right now, though!
Thank you Path Maker@mintblue It's hard, but, at least you know a way to make it back off!! Hope it quiets again quickly and you enjoy your new place!
Thank you, Cheza! I really will check these out! I'm a committed good eater (except for that big bag of Jackson's Honest Organic Coconut Oil Potato Chips I just had for supper ... ).![]()
Great post and glad you're doing well! I've done tons of reading about this too. I believe cutting out wheat does make a substantial difference. Also consider cutting out sugar and dairy. And soy. Sugar (added sugar, not the sugars which naturally occur in whole food) is a beast to the body. And dairy is too, though the whole world loves cheese. I used to consume yogurt and cheese like crazy, but decided to stop because of animal-industry reasons. Along the way, I also learned how harmful dairy products are to the body. I am so glad you've found success and shared this reference book. It's information that I wish was more widely available even to those who don't specifically seek it. Thanks for sharing!
I can't remember where I read it, but somewhere online I came across that tinnitus in the right ear is linked to wheat inflammatory response and tinnitus in the left ear is linked to rice inflammatory response.
OMG, I tried those for the first time this week. Heaven!!!
High Fructose corn syrup may have been the causing the problem though, I have been avoiding both due to digestive issues and am not sure which one is helping my ear problems.
It could be because carbs get quickly converted to sugar which contributes to neuroinflammation.Hi Everybody
Had tinnitus since 2011. Initial trigger - sparring in the MMA cage.
Went through all the initial early phases - sleeping meds, sleep deprivation, anxiety.
Quickly realized there are no experts. So didn't waste much time with them. Tried the sound therapy approach - useless. All it did was make it harder to sleep properly. Eventually found solace in sleeping in total silence about 3 years ago. Sleeping has been fine every since - but the tinnitus didn't change. Annoying most days - very rarely would it be quiet. During this time I'm totally functionally. Barely anybody except a few close friends knew. Not one sick day from work. Determined to stick with all my obligations - career, family and sporting - I even returned to theatre acting briefly after a 20 year break. I also went back to sparring eventually - determined that the condition wouldn't stop me doing what I like doing. I didn't beleive that the sparring caused the tinnitus - I was sure it was something else...
About 2 years ago I started to investigate high fat low carb diet. All my adult life - 30 plus years - I had taken the high carb low fat approach - with an emphasis on bread and wheat. I started intermittent fasting periodically - about 2 times a week - then eventually tried HFLC.
The reason I was doing this was because of health / sport performance reasons not to lose weight or improve tinnitus which at first it certainly didn't . In the early days I was kind of cheating – still eating bread – but eventually I decided to cut that out completly and this is when I got surprised.
Cutting out bread and wheat has definitely reduced my tinnitus! The change was immediate. For the last 2-3 months it's been quiet almost every day. This is compared to 8 years previously of non stop hissing, crackling... you name it.. all day long every day. The consistency, length of time and timing of the change is too much to be a coincidence. The tinnitus hasn't totally gone... but it's barely audible... even in a silent room where I sit now typing this. And do bear in mind I didn't expect this.
However there is an explanation. Gluten in chronic amounts to those individuals susceptible is neurotoxic. The explanation would be that the problem would start in the gut and over time cause dysfunction in the network of cells connected to the brain that are associated with whatever system is weakest in that person – in my case the hearing system. The bread was gradually poisoning me without me realizing and the tinnitus was a merely symptom of the sickness. There is research evidence supporting this evidence – though quite frankly I don't need it. I'm forming this based on the reality of my experience. My tinnitus is receeding gradually every day since totally eliminating wheat and doing the intermittent fasting - which clearly helps clear out the gut and recycle dead cells.
Did this ever get better for you?These are inspiring entries!! I was paleo two years ago and while I had tinnitus then, it has gotten so much more worse! My ENT suspects inflammation as he doesn't visually see a problem. I do feel that I have eustachian tube dysfunction. I would love any feedback from those who also have this problem and gluten free diet helped. The thing is that certain sound frequencies set off spikes.
For those of you who eliminated gluten/wheat did this ever happen to you and then improved? Any type of motors like lawn mowers, stove fans, any low rumbling at all sets my tinnitus off. My diet now is horrible. Any advice?