Good Results: Home Remedies


Jun 23, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
dental work
This problem is three fold.

1. Somehow (from a dentist and a vaccine) I developed heavy metal (mercury) poisoning. When I first suspected a problem after dental work, I went back to the dentist (who was not in and couldn't get an appointment as I was no longer eligible for their program) and the ER of Wentworth Douglas Hospital and was told I had Celiac Disease for a seemingly raw burning infection in my throat, sinuses, neck, eyes and all around where I had been injected and had fillings. It took a month to settle down and then I started having eye problems. Then the Tinnitus and then severe anxiety. I went back to the hospital later on for anxiety and burning foot and was given another injection as they were taking blood and my symptoms got worse, not better. I also had chest pain and thought I was having a heart attack. Now it is just tinnitus and hot flashes, with tingling in my foot and I did not feel well at all (until recently). If these symptoms sound familiar - the anxiety and tinnitus and gut problems please read.

2. The problem with mercury poisoning is more than the direct effects. It causes you to lose the ability to create enzymes needed in your gut to fight mold, fungus and bad bacteria. Probiotics (good bacteria) will not help if you are at the point of having tinnitus and gut issues, but the idea is on the right track. These microorganisms set up colonies and mutate genetically to adapt to their environment- any toxin or insult they compensate for by Quorum Signaling making their survival even to irradiation and toxins not only possible but the best possible environment. These toxins (mold, fungus, cyanogenic bacteria) give off cyanide, like plankton and other bacteria do.) It is not enough to kill a person but it is enough to deplete what little countermeasures your body should produce. (For instance cherries and peaches have a small amount of this same chemical and the body has no problem with it when working properly.) Everytime there is an insult to the colonies of bacteria, fungus and mold, there is a release of this toxin (maybe to assist with genetic mutating). You will experience things like burning foot, and odd appearance of the sole of your feet, especially the left, ringing in your ears, striated fingernails, hot flashes and more. The defense to this is to to take Vitamin B12 daily and if you are having many hot flashes, it is water soluble so taking one in the morning and one at night will help. But drop back to the regular dose. Another thing is that if you smoke you are getting niacin or vitamin B3 in the direct form of NO. If you don't smoke, you might want to think about taking B3. If you do smoke, don't. Further as you progress thru this plan of detox, your desire to smoke decreases--unbelievably so. If at all possible, do not take any other drugs or vitamins for a few days.

One of the biggest problems with the cyanide release from bad bacteria, mold and fungus colonies that set up shop in your gut, sinuses, mouth, etc is that cyanide will actually activate heavy metals in your body. Cyanide and Mercury are both used in gold mining because of their ability to chemically melt metals. The normal nature of heavy metals is to sink in the body due to gravity. But, when mixed with cyanide, the small amount from the food and the small amount from the gut contamination of fungus, mold and bacteria toxin release, the metals are pumped about the entire blood stream. These active heavy metals have an affinity to electrical signals, like in your brain and spine, skin and fingertips.

To fix your gut a little bit, to get the enzymes and pH back, drink before you go to bed, 2-3 tablespoons of DISTILLED apple cider vinegar. (Don't test out bacteria or whatever it might be at the bottom of the latest fad, non-sterile fermented apple skins that grow in orchards on chemically treated soil into your gut yet. ) This drink is acetic acid and will help kill microorganisms in your ear canals, sinus, mouth, and esophogus while you sleep, plus it will help your gut start producing enzymes. To this tea you can add a bit of honey if it is too sour or molasses and tumeric (a yellow spice.)

In the day time, get some mustard packs going. Look these up online on how to do this. It involves grinding mustard seed or buying powdered and mixing with water and flour into a paste on a cloth that is placed on the body. Apply to places like the chest, ankles, and tail bone for 5-10 minutes--it will burn if left in place too long. This is an old remedy for lung issues and asthma that is very much related to mercury toxicity and fungal overgrowth.

Soak your feet several times with vinegar and mustard powder as well. Clean your feet, and do it again. This not only kills fungus and bacteria but heavy metal sinks to your feet. The vinegar and mustard help to transport the overload out. You can also throw in some copper pennies and silver wire to help pull mercury out--it creates a weak charge.

Everyone notices that when they are out in the woods that the T is less. This is because there are plants that suck in toxins, so well in fact that they are selected specifically to do soil remediation in toxic chemical sites. Pine is one that loves mercury and lead. So, adding pine needles to your foot bath is helpful and also you can add some boiled needles to your bath water. If possible, take baths and not showers. Mix vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use after your bath. Don't use deodorant (vinegar will take care of it.) Spray yourself throughout the day, including your face and neck. This kills the crap that is living in your pores and you might even notice in a day or two new hair growth where you thought you had gone bald - like eyebrows and leg hair. Do this for a week or so.

3. Mercury and lead deplete Vitamin D3 that is needed in the renal tubules for kidney function. Take D3 capsules, daily. Also start taking E because it will protect you from the effects of mercury--taking two won't hurt for a day or two. Mercury will leach out the skin and itch, so bath and scrub, using vinegar and pine.The liver becomes toxic because of mercury so then next attack is there. Dandelion roots--roasted in the car until dry (1 day in hot summer sun) or oven up to 150 degrees so as not to ruin their chemicals, then ground into powder that can be added to tea will improve the bile flow and help cleanse the liver.

Related to the mercury and the fungus issue, it is very important to clean out the nasal passages and ears with saline using a neti pot or new rubber ear bulb. You can also use a very weak acetic acid (vinegar) and water solution for the ears to clean. At night when you sleep this is a prime area for the metals to seep to and for fungus that likes mercury to grow. Do this a day or two until you feel clear breathing. It isn't good to do this daily, just enough to get your system on track when it can't defend itself.

The next and perhaps most potent part of the detox is get the skin cleaned out. Get some clay. If you live in a clean area, river, stream, or ocean clay will work. Take a bath as above and then exercise/ walk until you start sweating. At this point, when your body is releasing toxins. Apply the clay, all over including the spine. Soak in a tub with it after. Do this for several days adapting to what feels right. Your skin will fill back up overnight with mercury filled sweat until you are detoxed.

For food, investigate sulfur containing foods. Chlorella is very strong and a lot of people have a horrible reaction. You would be better off to take an antihistamine that has HCl in it. (Anxiety reducing). Make berry shakes for breakfast--frozen blueberries are the best antioxident. You can add dandelion greens that you won't taste over the fruit. Also wild mint (look for around marshy streams) will help detox you. To this add a raw egg, water and bit of cream if desired. If you have a good blender a few new growth pine needles will help with your interior detox and are high in vitamin C.

Hummus for lunch with lots of fresh garlic will kill bacteria and add to the sulfur that binds the mercury with corn chips. Avoid as much starch as possible but fried corn with salt and the hummus is a concoction that will bind the mercury. Avoid milk. Cheese is okay. Meat is okay. Shrimp is about the only safe kind of seafood. Avoid the rest. Eggs, Eggs and more eggs. Egg white mereigne instead of cake with berries for dessert. Jello with grated carrots, tobouleh made with quinoa, steak-with sweet marinade burnt on the grill for charcoal source. (don't trust big pharma to make your activated charcoal). Things to avoid in your diet are gluten from wheat, sugar, starchy foods, alcohol (even beer), xantham gum (it has been found to have live gram negative bacteria in the pharmaceutical grade and the food grade is less stringent on requirements.) fish and most seafood. There is a diet that would take some work call the GAP diet--that might be helpful to some.

As you start getting the however many CC's of mercury pulled out of your blood, brain, eyeballs, spinal fluid, auditory nerves and lymphatic system, you will notice decreases in your tinnitus. But, it will come back from time to time--as the mercury moves around. Just keep on as you can. If you have a day (and you probably will) that you feel ill, after you start detoxing just concentrate on detoxing through the bottom of your feet for a few days. The trick is to go very slow. Let your body guide you on how much detoxing it can handle.

If you read this far, I hope this helps you. Doctors don't even like to test for mercury because the AMA doesn't want to upset their gravy train. The government isn't going to help you because they have been duped into believing we need vaccinations and the casualties among us are worth it. The ADA isn't going to admit either.

Once you are feeling better, please help others with Tinnitus but especially the elderly who are dying with misdiagnosed Parkinson's disease, Alkheimer's, ALS, MS, dementia, loss of vision, bone pain... this is all related to mercury.

If you are a skeptic about all this please have a search on Google for old 19th century books that describe mercury poisoning in miners and hat felters. For any medical community to have ignored our symptoms that are overt, mercury poison is one thing-- but to have injected us with it to the tune that we have developed tinnuts and slow cognitive decline, while feigning that they are "searching for a cure" is heinous. The knowledge of mercury poison was well documented even back then and I am very certain that in their medical training and even chemistry class they were made aware of mercury damage. I have lost over a decade of my life to it. It has cost the government money because I finally got so bad I could not see or function to work. One effect of mercury poison is extreme temper and irrational behavior. When you look at the many cases of young people who are now not only effected by tinnitus and mercury but are having it enhanced by all the enviromental EMF and RF from cell phones and certain lighting, it is absolutely no wonder that some have gone mad after not being helped by the doctors who are hired and paid to do so. The rise in extreme violence among our young at schools and the like, is all related to this problem, I guarantee. There are even a few of these criminals who described in videos before they went off the deep end, the effects of chronic mercury poisoning that they had been experiencing and tinnitus and the B12 deficiency symptoms but were so out of it from the heinous effects of environmental things like RF and EMF, that they could not see clear to understand or help themselves.
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Tinnitus is mercury symptom or other heavy metal symptom. My advice is: don't bother going for more tests. They will lie and tell you that they can't test for mercury poison which is not true. Blood, urine, hair, skin all can show mercury if tested correctly. The test is expensive. It should be free given considering that we often have been forced to have shots that contain mercury for work or school and as unconsenting children. Mercury is about the only metal that will act like a barometer and the only one flexible enough to resonate in the closed blood vessels of your ears to whatever frequency they are exposed to by the small but real electrical system of your body's nervous system and pH. (Why do you think fluorescent lightbulbs glow when exposed to electrical current or RF? )
Tinnitus is mercury symptom or other heavy metal symptom. My advice is: don't bother going for more tests. They will lie and tell you that they can't test for mercury poison which is not true. Blood, urine, hair, skin all can show mercury if tested correctly. The test is expensive. It should be free given considering that we often have been forced to have shots that contain mercury for work or school and as unconsenting children. Mercury is about the only metal that will act like a barometer and the only one flexible enough to resonate in the closed blood vessels of your ears to whatever frequency they are exposed to by the small but real electrical system of your body's nervous system and pH. (Why do you think fluorescent lightbulbs glow when exposed to electrical current or RF? )

That's quite a long winded answer to my question. The simple answer is "none".

A simple blood test is not expensive, even if you pay out of pocket:

If I were you and strongly suspected mercury poisoning, I'd do the test, even at my expense. Your health has no price... it could be the best $60 ever spent.

Good luck.
Your link provides some good information about mercury blood test--that it settles into the brain and organs so it cannot be found in blood beyond 3 days from exposure. $60 doesn't include local lab who has to draw and ship the blood. Doctors offering chelation in my state do not accept insurance, so what good does a test do?

Three years ago both mercury and lead were tested in blood work at 3. I was told this was normal considering I had just had a corroded amalgam filling pulled a week before. 2 yrs ago another doctor refused to test me for it and said that it couldn't be determined by blood.

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