Got Tinnitus 2 Months Ago

David Jones

Oct 18, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I was diagnosed with tinnitus in my left ear 2 days ago. I'm really worried about this. I live in Canada and 'm about to retire. My wife comes from Thailand, and we're about to buy a condo there for our retirement. The flight time from Toronto to Bangkok is a gruelling 20 hours (usually 15 hours to Taipei, the 5 hours on). Is there any point in buying the condo now? am I stuck in Canada?

Obviously I'm really worried that this tinnitus will wreck by future. Is it possible to lead a normal life with tinnitus? It seemed to start when I had a bad cold/flu; could it just as easily disappear?
Hello David and welcome to the forum.

Are you stuck in Canada?? Well only you can answer that I suppose. The problem with tinnitus is there is no real treatment that works for everyone. Typically any treatment available will still be paid out-of-pocket, even with our health care system in place. Some prescription medications can help you cope, but all in all won't cure the noise.

Tinnitus is nothing to be feared. It's hard to understand and cope in the beginning but it's not a death sentence. Make sure you keep your doctors appointments and get a referral to an ENT. Have some further testing done just to know there is no underlying issues. If your health is still fine and nothing turns up, it really won't matter where you live..........

Hope you can come to grips with this David. It's a tough go in the beginning!
Also note, there is a very real chance this will all go away for you if it was caused by a virus. Takes time for the brain to heal from bugs. Try not to let this stress you, as stress will make it worse for awhile.
No stress. I am hoping you can retire peacefully without stress. Tinnitus isn't something to be afraid of. If you wish, play some white noise or use a fan to mask your T. Therapy is also available to help you cope with T, if you feel that's needed. Go to Bangkok, live your life and pack me in your suitcase. I'm your new granddaughter. ;)
Hi David,

Welcome to the site!

Your first plan of attack should be to see your friendly neighborhood ENT. He/she will check your ears and your sinus cavity and also prescribe meds for you, ie. steroid. Hopefully, it will clear up for you.

In the event that it does not, do not worry! Over time, your mind will be less and less focused on it and your prime focus will be on other things. All will be good! :)
Thanks for the welcome. I have to admit I am really stressed at the moment, but your comments certainly help. I've already seen an ENT specialist. He's going to carry out further tests tomorrow. He did mention MRI, and to be honest that terrifies me. I had an MRI a few years ago, and I remember then it was unpleasant, but mainly I remember the noise, so loud and pulsating... that really worries me, if I have to have an MRI, how will the T react? anybody had an MRI?
I had a MRI a few years ago. Don't stress about it. The more you focus the louder it'll get. Focus your condo, the calm sea and a gentle brease. My T did not react to the MRI, just thought of other things..
If you take @Kazue with you, you might consider someone to help you carry the luggage? :D
Is it possible to lead a normal life with tinnitus? It

Depends on consider normal, if by normal you mean avoiding loud places such as live music, cinema, anything loud, as well as never using headphones, or getting a solid night sleep, being unable to relax for 1 second.... then yes sure why not.

But no, some people claim to get used to it, but i wouldnt say anyone ever gets thier old life back, especially if its bad enough to look for answers on the net.

It will stay or go.. it rarely goes unless theres some obvious problem.
When you go in for the MRI, just tell the technician about your hearing issues and concerns. They may suggest more hearing protection during the procedure. An MRI is important however, rarely does anything show up. If you decide not to undergo it then thats fine. I was sorta worried about tumors and such so when I was asked to have mine done, it was more of a relief knowing everything is normal as far as no growths etc. I was actually shocked they found I had a brain!! That was welcome news to me lol.
I had an MRI... T didn't react (used both in ear plugs and the over ear plugs they had at the clinic). Also been on 13 hour plane flights from Toronto to Japan... T didn't react (used noise blocking headset for most of the flight).

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