Got Tinnitus 4 Months Ago. Two Potential Causes.

Zarif Khan

Sep 21, 2018
Tinnitus Since
May, 2018
Cause of Tinnitus

I got tinnitus in May, 2018 and it's been 4 months now that I am having 24/7 ringing in my both ears. Does anybody know what could have caused this?

1. I was exposed to loud noise. I was sitting very close to a speaker for an 1 hour during my graduation ceremony but it was 10 days ago before the onset of tinnitus!!

2. I have congested nose since from my school age and lots of allergies and my nasal passages are always blocked. I went to an ENT and he prescribed me nasal spray and antihistamines for allergies.

Does anybody have an idea what might have caused my tinnitus??

I got tinnitus in May, 2018 and it's been 4 months now that I am having 24/7 ringing in my both ears. Does anybody know what could have caused this?

1. I was exposed to loud noise. I was sitting very close to a speaker for an 1 hour during my graduation ceremony but it was 10 days ago before the onset of tinnitus!!

2. I have congested nose since from my school age and lots of allergies and my nasal passages are always blocked. I went to an ENT and he prescribed me nasal spray and antihistamines for allergies.

Does anybody have an idea what might have caused my tinnitus??

Well, both are possible culprits.
You're already taking care of #2, but since you've had #2 for a long time and T for a short time, I'd be surprised if that was the main problem.
Does #1 correlate in time with your T onset? When was that loud noise event in relation to your T onset?

It may be useful to do a hearing test to see if you have any detectable hearing loss.
Well, both are possible culprits.

Does #1 correlate in time with your T onset? When was that loud noise event in relation to your T onset?

It may be useful to do a hearing test to see if you have any detectable hearing loss.

Well, the event took place like 10 days before the onset of Tinnitus. I am thinking maybe that wasn't the reason becuase I never had anything after the event infact the Tinnitus started after 10 days from that lol
Well, the event took place like 10 days before the onset of Tinnitus. I am thinking maybe that wasn't the reason becuase I never had anything after the event infact the Tinnitus started after 10 days from that lol

So there is a good chance that your T is related to that acoustic trauma. It is quite frequent to see the onset happen a few days after the actual acoustic trauma.
Well, the event took place like 10 days before the onset of Tinnitus. I am thinking maybe that wasn't the reason becuase I never had anything after the event infact the Tinnitus started after 10 days from that lol

Sometimes onset of tinnitus can have a delayed effect from immediately after noise exposure to two weeks after.
My t started a few days after a concert, but it was definitely the concert that "hurt" my ears. Then i made it worse by listening to music in my car (maybe?). Either way, imagine the noise exposure as a tear, then whatever loud noises that happened so soon afterwards made that hole bigger and the T is more clear. Did you have any noise exposures afterwards? Like headphones or speakers?
My t started a few days after a concert, but it was definitely the concert that "hurt" my ears. Then i made it worse by listening to music in my car (maybe?). Either way, imagine the noise exposure as a tear, then whatever loud noises that happened so soon afterwards made that hole bigger and the T is more clear. Did you have any noise exposures afterwards? Like headphones or speakers?
Well, just some music using headphones not too loud.
1. I was exposed to loud noise. I was sitting very close to a speaker for an 1 hour during my graduation ceremony but it was 10 days ago before the onset of tinnitus!!

this was the major trigger for your tinnitus confirmed
1. I was exposed to loud noise. I was sitting very close to a speaker for an 1 hour during my graduation ceremony but it was 10 days ago before the onset of tinnitus!!

this was the major trigger for your tinnitus confirmed
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I just had a hearing test today and my hearing was completely normal then how could this can still cause Tinnitus while normal hearing?? Maybe that isn't the cause of my Tinnitus
Well, just some music using headphones not too loud.

The most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noise. Typically, it is headphone use. If you have been using headphones regularly or going to places where loud music is played. Most likely your tinnitus was caused by "noise trauma". My guess is that headphones is the cause of your tinnitus. I advise that you don't use them even at low volume.

Go to my "started threads". In the list read my posts: New to tinnitus what to do? Tinnitus, A Personal View. Hyperacusis, As I see it.

All the best
I just had a hearing test today and my hearing was completely normal then how could this can still cause Tinnitus while normal hearing?? Maybe that isn't the cause of my Tinnitus
Professor Liberman and Professor Kujawa discuss the mechanism's of hearing loss


First, common hearing tests only test to 8kHz as these frequencies are the most useful for common activities and speech and are less subject to variation from person to person. However the frequencies from 8 kHz to 20 kHz are the most susceptible to damage and it is common for people even in their 20s to show hearing loss in these regions. Second, it has been shown that hearing tests can still be normal even with the loss of 80% of inner hair cells (IHCs) as long as outer hair cells (OHCs) are still intact. Third, each IHC is connected to roughly 10 nerve fibers that react to different loudness levels. Loss of these fibers would not show up on a hearing test as long as lower loudness level fibers remained intact. Thus cochlear output will have decreased while hearing tests would look normal. All three of these examples of hidden hearing loss are thought to have potential to initiate hyperacusis.

Most ENT's use outdated tonal audiogram's and do not keep up to date with research.
Could be a combination of noise and medications, so what kind of nasal spray or medications were you taking for you sinus problem?
Could be a combination of noise and medications, so what kind of nasal spray or medications were you taking for you sinus problem?
Well, I am taking Oxymetazoline Hydroclorid spray for my nose congestion it helps in decongestion but after some hours it gets block again.
I just had a hearing test today and my hearing was completely normal then how could this can still cause Tinnitus while normal hearing??

You've asked the tin of worms question there my young friend. The truth is none of us really know......All of us have driven ourselves mental wondering.

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