Welcome to the forum. Have you seen an ENT or doctor to check out the ears? If the problem is medically oriented, such as ETD or ear fluid build up or inflammation, they may be able to prescribe something to help get rid of the root cause. To manage a new T, TT has a thread to give you step by step guideline. Try read up the success stories to give you some positive energy and hope that things will get better. Do some masking too. Hopefully this will help you. Take care & God bless.
Some masking suggestions:
1) Mask at bed time so you can sleep better. Find whatever sounds/music that are soothing to you. You can use a sound machine or sound pillow for this, or a computer with speakers.
2) If you need masking on the go, try load an ipod with nature sounds or music using itune. If you have a smart phone, you can download free APPs for soothing or T-masking sounds.
3) If you have computer and speakers, you can try these excellent masking sounds too:
TT's audio player:
or this online sound library, particularly the self-mix nature sounds:
or download free sound generator 'aire freshener':
or search youtube with words like 'tinnitus masking sounds', 'white noise', 'rain sound' etc.