@Eric S Many of us here are in AGREEMENT with you. But now, on to real solutions! I get your rage, really I do. I am similarly angry about that, and also about many other societal abominations!
What we need to do, as individuals, and collectively, is to learn and disseminate the better information we are aware of.
Did you check out the chrisbeatcancer link I put somewhere up above? Chris has experienced this all firsthand, and made it part of his life's mission to educate and help. Please take a look at his site. It is loaded with good information.
My entire life changed, by gradual degrees, as I journeyed into radically different eating habits than what I grew up with and was conditioned to. I know more about food purity and about all the deceptive practices of the food industry than I could ever list here. I did my research.
The thing is, we can "rage against the machine" all we want. And to an extent, we need to and should. Do you notice that over the past few years, public clamoring has moved "organic" more to the forefront? That gradually, stores are expanding their selections of this stuff?
Now it's not perfect. For instance, this whole "cage free hens" thing can be a real sham if you look closely and see how SOME breeders get around that label, and the chickens are still CRAMMED into a small (albeit "cageless") space. So you have to go and look for the "certified humane" label and the better breeders and pay the higher prices.
It ain't perfect.
Then there is the organic "junk" food, and the continued use of questionable things EVEN in organic foods (carageenan, xanthan gums, "natural flavorings" <<--which very well may contain hidden glutamates, etc.).
So you see, I think many people on this thread are already on board with your points.
But again, let's try to make our own progress here, then, with the discussion you've started (and thank you for that!

), and try some things out for ourselves in the direction of tinnitus relief, etc. And yes, even just generally discussing the ways to find and select better food choices. (We already, I hope, KNOW not to fill our grocery carts with boxes and bags and bottles of high fructose crapola.).