Habituation Setback

clare hart

Jan 22, 2014
Tinnitus Since
Months ago when I first joined the forum, I wrote how well habituation was working for me. Well, the last couple months, especially the last couple weeks, this has changed. I am aware of it all day and especially of course in the silence of my bedroom at night. Even masking it with the fan which used to work, when it first became an issue for me, doesn't help much.

I am wondering if others find that increased tension in their lives will affect their T. I have had a stiff neck, tension due to finances, and find myslff gripping my steering wheel, tensing my jaw (I also have TMJ disorder), or just tightening my shoulders and posture to make it worse. I have to do deep breathing to try to relax and have the headache go away. Sometimes that works.

Headaches have come back (though last time they didn't increase the T) about 2 months ago.

I am not willing to take meds like ativan, but I also have not started any supplements like I have often read about. So I will look into these threads again and try some things.

Just looking for some feedback. Thanks a bunch, Clare
@clare hart --
When I had my onset of T, I had GI problems--for about 4 months. Then when I got the anxiety under control (I used to grip my steering wheel and clench my jaw), the GI problems cleared up. I take Xanax under a doctor's supervision, with no problems--but I understand if you don't want to take any meds.

I'm habituating but I notice that when I'm anxious, my T is more intrusive. From what I learned here, increased tensions=stress=anxiety. I started walking briskly daily and I do meditation and relaxation exercises--they help my feeling of well being.

I hope you feel better soon. ((Hugs))
Thanks Kathi. I need to get back into yoga. A number of my physical issues are limiting that, but I shouldn't let that stop me. Roller blading is another thing I used to like to do. I think if I pcik up again with some of this physical exercise, it will ease the anxiety, increase the dopamine, and so on. :)

Thanks for your encouragement. :huganimation:
Thanks for the encouragement Kathi. The GI stuff is a bit better. I am going to talk to my doctor about Xanax. I am probably just being stubborn because I used to rely on Valium (not for long thank god) and benzos scare me.

I agree about the meditation. I will have to find a peaseful area (my fiance comes home from work about noon or 1 and puts on the tv for "background noise," reruns of old comedy series often. All they sound like to me is canned laughter.) and meditate. I am usually fairly calm but the irritation is just below the surface some days.
@I who love music

How is that suppose to help?
It's supposed to get you thinking about your response to T, not the T. And it does. And of course, thinking about your response to T gets boring, ... and suddenly, well, not suddenly, but pretty soon you're not noticing the T. BeCAUSE, you've told your brain to measure your response, not the T.
It is magic.
So today my T is not apparent as it has been during the day, and when I plug my ears is only slightly there. I expect this is an anomoly, lol. My T is not as severe as many report so it is probably more likely I will experience more periods when it is mild. But it is far better than the last couple weeks so I am enjoying that. Maybe my stress level has gone down. I know I don't feel the physical tension as much and the tightness and soreness is almost absent from my neck.

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