Had Major Hyperacusis Crisis and Then Broke Toe Out of Frustration!


Jan 20, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
exposure to broken muffler noise

Well, a week ago these chirping sounds from our two fire alarms in my apartment started to sound to possibly indicate battery replacement time. However, the warnings then came on fast and I started freaking out that I would not be able to find someone to put in the new batteries for me, because I was worried that the alarm might go off if I did it, which would literally indirectly kill me.

Anyways, I did find someone, but all sorts of stuff then happened that made so nervous.

A few hours later , still upset, I was looking for a book, could not find it, and then, suddenly, I totally lost emotional control and pitched stuff across the room in a rage and somehow stubbed 3 toes, one of which broke.

So now I am even more stuck at home than before. 6 weeks before back to normal! This is the first time in 21 years this has happened.

If anyone replies, please note that I may not be able to reply for a while due to adjustments in my life due to the break. Thanks in advance for any response!

I actually hurt another toe yesterday, this time not loss of emotional control, but stubbing on this metal thingie. But it could be broken a little. Can you believe this !?!?


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