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Jan 28, 2014
Springfield, MA, USA
Tinnitus Since
I stumbled upon Tinnitus Talk while doing some online research ... glad that I did because it looks like a good resource! At the very least, it's nice to share with fellow T-folks :).

I'm employed full-time in an office; no extreme loudness around me; not a headphone wearer; just some age-related hearing loss (I'm 61) and resultant tinnitus ... according to my ENT/audiologist. I avoid places with loud music or talking; pisses off my husband because I've sort of become a hermit outside of work. But he's pretty understanding!

I tried chiropractic last year because I read online that it could be helpful. After a dozen appointments it turned out to be a waste of time and money for me ... no benefit at all.

I'm currently trying cordyceps http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=cordyceps+sinensis but I'm only on my second day. Fingers crossed ... always hopeful!

I have a herniated C-4 (or C-5 not sure which) that really causes me no problems but I've also read that the condition can lead to tinnitus; maybe an electrical issue ... who knows?

I guess I don't really need to understand the cause ... I just would love to make it go away and have a more "normal" life. Guess that's what all us T-folks want, right?
Hi Debree, welcome to TT. It is indeed a great place to get good information and meet helpful, friendly people from all over the world. Ask if you have any questions, share if you need to.
I stumbled upon Tinnitus Talk while doing some online research ... glad that I did because it looks like a good resource! At the very least, it's nice to share with fellow T-folks :).

I'm employed full-time in an office; no extreme loudness around me; not a headphone wearer; just some age-related hearing loss (I'm 61) and resultant tinnitus ... according to my ENT/audiologist. I avoid places with loud music or talking; pisses off my husband because I've sort of become a hermit outside of work. But he's pretty understanding!

I tried chiropractic last year because I read online that it could be helpful. After a dozen appointments it turned out to be a waste of time and money for me ... no benefit at all.

I'm currently trying cordyceps http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=cordyceps+sinensis but I'm only on my second day. Fingers crossed ... always hopeful!

I have a herniated C-4 (or C-5 not sure which) that really causes me no problems but I've also read that the condition can lead to tinnitus; maybe an electrical issue ... who knows?

I guess I don't really need to understand the cause ... I just would love to make it go away and have a more "normal" life. Guess that's what all us T-folks want, right?
Hi Debree,

Any improvement in your condition ?
I am trying to do a Medrol pack and a bit anxious about it...

Best Regards,

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