@Mister Muso
I used melatonin for sleep as needed, and omega3 (about 500 mg) daily in the afternoon.
Just to be clear, I had severe, loud intrusive tinnitus, and mild hyperacusis. I never protected 24/7, and don't recommend that for anyone.
I protect from objectively loud sounds, everything 80 dB and up, including lawn mower, weed wacker, vacuums, with double protection. I also use earplugs for sleeping, haircuts, paper shredder, electric shaver, and longer car trips at freeway speeds. I wore plugs when walking on busy streets.
I don't protect just to go outside, in the shower, when shopping in the store, or to watch TV. I listen to the TV at volume <20%, and the same for the car radio. I do not use headphones for anything, and put the phone headset at the lowest volume, or use speakerphone.
I have not been to any bars, loud events, etc. I go to quieter restaurants at off times, and do not use any protection.
I have not tapered plug use, other than for short walks in traffic. I have done this a few times with nothing and been fine, although I did cover my ears when a cement truck passed.
I think my key is consistency, and avoidance of further exposure.