Has Anyone Been Successful in Suing an Audiologist/ENT ‘Specialist’?!


Jan 8, 2016
Tinnitus Since
January 2016
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi everyone!

Quick question... has anyone ever had any success in suing the medical 'professional' who carried out a careless Microsuction procedure? I'm suspecting probably not... Thank you x
Hi everyone!

Quick question.... has anyone ever had any success in suing the medical 'professional' who carried out a careless Microsuction procedure? I'm suspecting probably not...... Thank you x

Proving malpractice in the medical profession can be extremely difficult and I advise you not to even think about doing it. They can afford the best lawyers money can buy. Someone I know tried suing his dentist as he believed his tinnitus increased to severe levels after having dental work. This person paid his lawyers thousands of pounds and he got absolutely nowhere with his law suit. I was advised many years ago by my late father. If possible keep out of court houses and away from lawyers as they don't care about you and just in it for all the money they can get.

Hope your ears start to feel better in time.

PS: In many instances, your lawyer and the opposing side's lawyer are bezzie mates, with you in the middle on the number one sucker list.
@Michael Leigh Thank you for this, I was not very hopeful in any success with this. I just think it's absolutely diabolical that these idiots can have an 'off day' at work which in turn wrecks our lives with no care or apology!!! 'Just get on with your life' is mostly the advice! How? When your EVERY move involves thinking about your damn ears! :(
@Michael Leigh Thank you for this, I was not very hopeful in any success with this. I just think it's absolutely diabolical that these idiots can have an 'off day' at work which in turn wrecks our lives with no care or apology!!! 'Just get on with your life' is mostly the advice! How? When you're EVERY move involves thinking about your damn ears! :(

I feel for you @Vicki14 and I sincerely mean that. Every medical procedure carries risk no matter how small it is. It is for this reason I advise people when having: microsuction, ear irrigation or wax removed by curette. Apply ear drops/oil to each ear 3 times a day for 7 to 10 days before having the wax removed. I am alarmed when some people tell me, they had microsuction and were advised by the clinic, softening the wax with eardrops before removal is not necessary which is the wrong advice.

Take care
Thank you @Michael Leigh. I remember you telling me this before. I think it's absolutely disgraceful that we are the ones which suffer as a result of their incompetence & yet we are made to feel we have no protection against it. It's criminal :(
An idea would be to report them to your state's medical licensing board, and ask for fines, suspension of licenses, further education, and for the complaint to stay on their permanent record. I am doing this with a few of my former doctors, who were clearly negligent in their practicing of medicine. Patients have rights, too. I looked into malpractice from a top metropolitan firm which only handles malpractice. They basically want limbs missing, cancer misdiagnoses, brain injuries from birth, and death cases. For those of us trying to get help for medical conditions, one quickly finds out that the majority of the medical community is severely lacking in comprehensive knowledge to address complex problems. Add in apathy of physicians and their burnout, it is no wonder people continue to suffer.
@PatrizX I absolutely agree! Unless there is any physical damage it almost seems pointless! Unfortunately Tinnitus and hypercausis are very difficult conditions to prove which makes it all the more stressful and difficult to prove!!! I'll bet they (Audiologists etc) already know this and that they are untouchable!!!! X

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