Hi, I would like to know if anyone is having or has had a similar experience to me. I started with a high pitched squeal in December that didn't really bother me. 3 weeks ago it got louder and started depriving me of sleep. I found out I had an ear infection and was prescribed amoxycillin. 3rd day of taking them it disappeared for 12 hrs then came back. 5th day it disappeared for 24 hours then came back. I was a suicidal mess, getting less than 2 hours sleep in total but by this Wednesday I was dealing with it quite well. 4 hours sleep (on and off) and the anxiety had lifted. Weds night I had 2 new sounds in my right ear, one low pitch, the other medium. They have become increasingly louder and I now have another 3 sounds, one of which is like having a fly in my ear and I cannot sleep through it. I am a complete mess, can't sleep, can't eat and can't carry on like this anymore. I've tried numerous masking apps, music,TV etc. Nothing can help me sleep through it. I know that if I could sleep I could learn to deal with it. My life may be different but I would still have one. I have a 6 year old daughter who needs me and I just don't know what to do. I can't understand why it's getting worse and why I have so many different sounds
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who can shine any light on this as I have yet to come across anyone on forums who has so many different T sounds.
Sorry for the essay. I am in a very bad place
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who can shine any light on this as I have yet to come across anyone on forums who has so many different T sounds.
Sorry for the essay. I am in a very bad place