Has Long Hours of Driving Started Off My Tinnitus?


Dec 8, 2014
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Maybe from Long hours or on road or concerts
I have just joined tinnitus talk after having Tinnitus for around 2 years. I suppose i have done what a lot of you have, tried a number of "remedies", books and not had much luck so far.

I have been a van driver for 8 years. Just a small diesel van but I do many long hours on the road.
For the first 6 years driving I had no problem. 2 years ago the tinnitus kicked in and i am wondering if anyone has had a similar scenario at all?? or has problems with tinnitus and car/van driving??
I am thinking the constant whine of the engine and tyres on tarmac has somehow caused the tinnitus.
These days driving really seems to increase the loudness of my Tinnitus and it takes a while after for it to calm down. But I am still putting in a lot of hours on the road, currently at the point where I am about to quit my job just for some relief. I sometimes where earphones and listen to something calming when driving while still being able to be aware of the road. But this always causes Hyperacusis after a few hours.
Any advice from anyone?
also had recent hearing test and have been told I have good hearing
Ive read articles about truck drivers being more exposed to tinnitus compared to the general population. I think the reason for this is that the cause of tinnitus is not only exposure to loud volumes. Its also a matter of time frame. Im pretty certain that low to moderate volumes over large time frames, especially without any breaks, can cause tinnitus...
Cheers for the response Jesse.
Yeah I believe that is true. Driving continuously for 12 hours a day in moderate volume cannot be good. I remember first noticing the tinnitus after a particularly long day driving on the road, sometimes as long as 19 hours without stopping. The more I drove the more the Tinnitus would appear and eventually fade after resting, until one day it appeared and did not go away.
Noise levels for Commercial vehicle drivers is something that is overlooked, the engine and road noise all day takes its toll on the driver and I too have read a few articles about bus drivers getting tinnitus.
I am currently wondering if my Tinnitus will get worse if I continue my current driving Job??. For sure after a long day the volume of my tinnitus goes up but does go down after rest.
If I knew for sure that the long hours driving can worsen my Tinnitus I would quit my job tomorrow!
I am in the same situation as the OP. Van driver, fine for 5 years but then tinnitus at night progressing into tinnitus 24/7. Would love to hear how the OP has progressed, or if anyone else has a similar situation.
I am not sure about driving a van, but driving big trucks particularly those used in mining and earth moving can be a problem to the ears leading to T. Read this success story from a lady driver who has T, suffered badly at first, but then realized that over 70% of her colleagues have T like her but are living normal life. So she said 'screw it Mr. T' and with that she was on the way recovering. Pretty interesting read considering she drives 800 tons big earth moving trucks.

Jade's success story with super loud T :

I was a trucker from 2008 to 2022. About a year ago, I developed tinnitus, and I've decided not to take the risk of getting back into trucking, even though I'd really like to.

Now, I'm looking for a freight dispatcher job or perhaps an apprenticeship in plumbing—something that doesn't involve constant high-decibel noise. I've already got the early signs of hearing loss and mild ringing, and I think it's best to do everything I can to keep it from getting worse.

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