Haven't Found Any Medicine That Helps


Oct 6, 2017
Michigan, USA
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
slept next to air conditioner for prolonged period -Menieres
I've had tinnitus since 1990 and was diagnosed with and have been treated for Meniere's Disease since about 1994. It started in 1990 from sleeping close to a very cold air conditioner in a dormitory. The fact that I played very loud guitar in bands for years prior to 1990 could be a contributing factor though as well as the fact that I worked around very loud machinery for most of my working years.

I have found nothing that relieves the tinnitus, but I've grown so used to it that I rarely notice it unless I'm thinking about it. I also have found only one thing that has been somewhat effective for the dizziness and vertigo, and that's Antivert; and it's not really all that effective. At least not as effective as I'd like it to be. LOL

So, I guess I'm more interested in finding remedies for the dizziness than for the tinnitus. But, if I run across something that looks like it might work and is safe enough to justify trying, I'm definitely game for trying.
Tinnitus does not need you to think about it, but you feel it, because tinnitus is in the brain acting as sounding thinking, So that thinking about it would be redundancy.

This explains and perfectly solves your contradiction that you have been looking for a relief for tinnitus for a long time although you supposed that you not noted it.

Then we must begin to differentiate that, one thing is not to think of tinnitus and another not to feel it, because it feels, suffers and bitter for life althougt you never thought about tinnitus.

I can't make heads or tails of this comment.

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