You have an interesting case. We have some slight similarities. It's phenomenal that you can get a month or two off from your main tinnitus. That must give you some amount of relief to reset a bit before it reoccurs. I bet it sucks when it returns but it sounds like you can weather through it before your next quiet period.
Mine cycles but at a relatively higher frequency. I get a loud day (about 6/10) every 4 days on average these days. A loud day is typically followed by 2 milder days (about 3/10), then a quiet day (about 0/10). That's the typical pattern, but it does vary. My main tinnitus is in my right ear and my reactivity is in both.
It's good to hear that your reactivity ceases when you remove the external noise. When my reactivity first started, it was pretty crazy. It would react super readily to just about every noise, and if the noise was loud enough or sustained enough, my reactivity would spike and not settle until the next day. After about 4 months of that, the reactivity settled down, and after a year of it, it barely registers. These days, I have to concentrate to hear it. It's still there, it sounds like a faint whistle or a zing! whenever I'm hearing a noise like a fan or an A/C. And it rarely spikes. Like, I'd have to take a long airplane flight for it to spike.
My reactivity really freaked me out in the beginning. I had major panic attacks. If you ask me if I did anything in particular to treat my reactivity, I'd say yes. I followed my audiologist's advice not to overprotect. She told me to be in a sound rich environment as much as I could stand and to protect when it made sense (like, if I were vacuuming, that sort of thing). So, to start, I would listen to nature videos in the day a few times for about 20-30 minutes at a time. And I would go for short walks around the neighborhood. At night, I would listen to nature videos but at a volume that wouldn't spike my reactivity. Over time, I listened to sounds for longer periods and ventured out to louder places. Occasionally I would spike, but I kept at it. It took a lot of courage to trust that It was helping.
I know for some this approach doesn't work or actually makes things worse, especially if they have hyperacusis or noxacusis. But it worked for me.
As for coping, my biggest challenge was dealing with my anxiety and depression resulting from my onset. I went down hard and had to get on meds and seek therapy. Like for months. I'm in a much better place now. Not on any meds or seeing a therapist. Mostly I'm just annoyed at my loud days. I try my best to ignore and habituate, but it's a challenge since the loud days are such a contrast to the preceding quiet days.
How about yourself, how have you been coping with your main tinnitus and your newer reactivity? Do you know any causes for your main tinnitus or know why it reoccurs? Have you been listening to white noise at night despite your reactivity, perhaps at a lower volume? By the way, these days I've stopped listening to any sounds at night. I've gotten used to my tinnitus enough that I don't bother masking, but it still is damn annoying.