Don't forget, my offer of tights still stands Bam!
.....'that gal's a minx'.....
Don't forget, my offer of tights still stands Bam!
If your responses are directed at me, don't involve the other members, just keep it between us.Nobody laughing at anyone for having T, nobody calling anyone a victim. YOU interpret it as much, it is your opinion because you can't handle the just prefer to read into it how you want. You started off shots fired, I'm just returning the favor.
All my responses are only directed at you, nobody else. Think of it as an early christmas gift <3
Don't worry boo you've got my full attention.If your responses are directed at me, don't involve the other members, just keep it between us.
I feel sorry for you man, that you have to go trough what looks like a pretty bad setback.
I too can confirm that you had to tolerate a whole lot for years! I mean being part of the H graveyard section (ass i call it! no insults meant here) ... and still trying to live life and go along, move day by day, trying to keep strong. I hope you can slowly improve again.
ps. You still don't like those light headed comments, hehe, you never did... thats still you! I know you don't mean to stir the pot or insult people.
You need to spend less time on facebook, i can only imagine you frantically refreshing that page trying to see who praised your earliest memes lol"Anybody who trivialises the torment
of Tinnitus, is beneath contempt......"
Are you calling her a liar?What's coffee got to do with tinnitus? It's medically proven that there's no link.
What's coffee got to do with tinnitus? It's medically proven that there's no link.
I've said it before and I'll say it one more time. At least when it comes to me, my brain Tinnitus goes absolutely haywire after coffee.Coffee may not directly cause T ...but perhaps the blood rush after one gets caffeinated makes their T stronger? I know i'm not the only one with louder T after coffee.
I disagree. They have a disease of heart soul and mind and we should have pity on them not contempt."Anybody who trivialises the torment
of Tinnitus, is beneath contempt......"
I disagree. They have a disease of heart soul and mind and we should have pity on them not contempt.
Haha. No, not a fan of light headed comments at You still don't like those light headed comments, hehe, you never did
Am I calling her a liar?Are you calling her a liar?
You mean like how I showed you the prophecies in the book of Daniel ch 9 prove that the Bible predicted the 7 year war between the Roams and the Jews in very fine detail?"Ignorance - in the face of irrefutable evidence, is contemptible in my eyes."
I mean Romans. Thank you Samsung auto correct.You mean like how I showed you the prophecies in the book of Daniel ch 9 prove that the Bible predicted the 7 year war between the Roams and the Jews in very fine detail?
Fishbone, you are seriously the best thing on this forum, and frankly your kindness and strength is beyond anyone I have ever met. I apologize if anything i have ever said has ever offended you, you definitely made me reflect upon a few things.I will not post on this site as much, because Why should I try to motivate people, when no one WANTS it.....
I am facing some scary times right now, I am praying to my maker that I do not have throat cancer. I am doing all I can to make sure I don't have it. Even if I do get it, I will fight it and will not complain and become a victim of it. I will live my life, thrive, kick a$$ and do what I do......
I quite enjoy your posts mr .... keep them coming, you're a good inspiration to someone down in the dumpsReading this thread has been really interesting. It's been a thread filled, with some positivity but TONS of negativity and conflict. I am someone that, will get a new kick in the A$$ by a new problem. I have been afflicted with major acid reflux lately and my throat is a pure mess. I am having a hard time controlling my weight and I have cut back on two things that have kept my depression away (GYM + Martial Arts). It's been hell and the ears are ringing like hell and the hearing is beyond horse garbage.
I am a person that WILL always look for a solution and a way out! I am not gonna just stand there and let the misery take me over. Unfortunately That's what I see a lot on this forum. It's sad for me to see this, but its a reality. Life is a struggle, I am agreeing on that 100%. You will never see me, play the role of the victim. I am all about finding the solution and doing all I can in my power to beat my affliction. My throat is pretty bad, I burnt it 2-3 weeks ago and it's very tender. I chocked on food yesterday and I was seeing my life flash in front of my eyes. I have been looking online for ways to heal my damaged throat. I have appointments with ENTs, gastros. I am talking with friends that have had throat injuries. I am doing ALL I CAN to solve my issue. I am NOT sitting and complaining!
I have been dealing with tinnitus for over 30 years. I have spent over 1000 hours trying to make my life better with the tinnitus. I NEVER said that I will just let the ringing win and take me over. I will not post on this site as much, because Why should I try to motivate people, when no one WANTS it.....
I am facing some scary times right now, I am praying to my maker that I do not have throat cancer. I am doing all I can to make sure I don't have it. Even if I do get it, I will fight it and will not complain and become a victim of it. I will live my life, thrive, kick a$$ and do what I do......
It's not negative or positive, it's just a discussion/disagreement. Think in terms of just trying to communicate and figure each other out, sure things get a little heated but it's not a big deal, we are all adults here.Reading this thread has been really interesting. It's been a thread filled, with some positivity but TONS of negativity and conflict.
I am a person that WILL always look for a solution and a way out! I am not gonna just stand there and let the misery take me over. Unfortunately That's what I see a lot on this forum. It's sad for me to see this, but its a reality. Life is a struggle, I am agreeing on that 100%. You will never see me, play the role of the victim. I am all about finding the solution and doing all I can in my power to beat my affliction.
same. if I wake up during the night I hear nothing. most mornings nothing. then when I remember it comes back. Damn you Brain!!!I too get periods of low, no tinnitus like this, usually right in the morning like you.
Have you tried ACV for your acid reflux? acid reflux is the devil!!Reading this thread has been really interesting. It's been a thread filled, with some positivity but TONS of negativity and conflict. I am someone that, will get a new kick in the A$$ by a new problem. I have been afflicted with major acid reflux lately and my throat is a pure mess. I am having a hard time controlling my weight and I have cut back on two things that have kept my depression away (GYM + Martial Arts). It's been hell and the ears are ringing like hell and the hearing is beyond horse garbage.
I am a person that WILL always look for a solution and a way out! I am not gonna just stand there and let the misery take me over. Unfortunately That's what I see a lot on this forum. It's sad for me to see this, but its a reality. Life is a struggle, I am agreeing on that 100%. You will never see me, play the role of the victim. I am all about finding the solution and doing all I can in my power to beat my affliction. My throat is pretty bad, I burnt it 2-3 weeks ago and it's very tender. I chocked on food yesterday and I was seeing my life flash in front of my eyes. I have been looking online for ways to heal my damaged throat. I have appointments with ENTs, gastros. I am talking with friends that have had throat injuries. I am doing ALL I CAN to solve my issue. I am NOT sitting and complaining!
I have been dealing with tinnitus for over 30 years. I have spent over 1000 hours trying to make my life better with the tinnitus. I NEVER said that I will just let the ringing win and take me over. I will not post on this site as much, because Why should I try to motivate people, when no one WANTS it.....
I am facing some scary times right now, I am praying to my maker that I do not have throat cancer. I am doing all I can to make sure I don't have it. Even if I do get it, I will fight it and will not complain and become a victim of it. I will live my life, thrive, kick a$$ and do what I do......
Have you tried ACV for your acid reflux? acid reflux is the devil!!
ACV set my stomach on fire. I was hopeful of it helping it, but it did the opposite for me. My issue is not really acid reflux. I destroyed my stomach, with the poor food choices I made and now I am trying to reverse the mess. It's a long and bumpy ride, but I like challenges and nothing will stop me! Thanks for your input![]()
you need a good probiotic and some digestive enzymes...also raw milk would prob help too.ACV set my stomach on fire. I was hopeful of it helping it, but it did the opposite for me. My issue is not really acid reflux. I destroyed my stomach, with the poor food choices I made and now I am trying to reverse the mess. It's a long and bumpy ride, but I like challenges and nothing will stop me! Thanks for your input![]()