Thought about having a neck massage Karl but if it could cure it.. then it could also make it worse... too scared!
Fancy bolds and italics were much appreciated
Fancy bolds and italics were much appreciated

Pete -...I got NHS digital hearing aids and I put them in and WOW!!!! the tinnitus disappears by a good 80% as does the fullness and pressure.Take them out and the T comes back it is not a cure but as a life saver brilliant....
Ever try accupuncture...? I tried it, had 4 sessions. Seemed to help a little. But some people swear by it. Actually, I think that someone with neck related tinnitus may benefit from accupuncture.Thought about having a neck massage Karl but if it could cure it.. then it could also make it worse... too scared!
click -...
What does being a 'lifetime benefactor' on here mean?
... is this for hosting of the site?
I seem to be obsessing away today. I probably edited my last post about 20 times. Please note all the fancy bolds and italics. I went back and forth on this one, boiling the problem down. (This needs to go into my final grade in this course. Hey, does anyone know when this course will end?)
I've corresponded and talked quite a bit with some experts in the field of tinnitus. I view it almost as an electronics problem involving afferent and efferent circuitry. One of the scientists I know is a world renowned tinnitus expert. He also happens to be a ham radio operator. He views the auditory system as a radio.
Hi louise, what frequency/ies do you have a loss? Mine is at 6-8 khz at 30 (right ear) and 40 (left ear) this one was hardest hit by the fire alarm.
I feel unstable now tooExcellent question. I think once this feedback loop gets going, it reinforces itself. The brain is sort of pumping it along with energy, I think. Earplugs aren't enough to stop this thing, once the deviant cycle gets going, because it feeds on itself. But then its what its triggered that becomes the problem not the initial balancing of the sounds any longer. It must be as I have those earplugs in for 8 hours every night so there's no sound to be balanced.
In 2010, using research funding from the Ford Foundation, researchers built what's called an MEG/MRI scanning machine. They've been able to view how areas of the brain of a tinnitus patient becomes disturbed. Using again 4kHz as an example, the 4kHz region of the brain is overly excited. I think this "keeps the ball rolling", so to speak. It's a ball that is hard to stop. This then would fit in with the Tinnitus Clinics explanation of the over-excited, synchronous neurons being the problem. (I always sort of hope that is the case because then there's the ANM machine to hope for).
The same researchers were able to temporarily cancel tinnitus using a special sound therapy. Using MEG/MRI after sound therapy, they saw that the previously affected brain areas had calmed down, and the tinnitus patient temporarily experienced silence. ...But then it started up again... Because there was still hearing loss and this sound balancing problem happened again. If those people had then worn hearing aids they may have kept the T away.
See this thread:
It doesn't take much to "get the ball rolling" when a system feeds on itself and becomes unstable.
Just seen this post.
During my efforts to help my T
I paid privately, went to see an Ear (not ent) specialist,he is the head of cochlear implant at St georges hospital London. He tested said I have high frequency hearing loss ,he suggested that If I got hearingaids I would be "pleasantly surprised how your ears will feel"
Hetoldme when i put them in my T would diminish as would the full pressure feeling,I left not believing him.
He got me on the NHS list.
I got NHS digital hearing aids and I put them in and WOW!!!! the tinnitus disappears by a good 80% as does the fullness and pressure.Take them out and the T comes back it is not a cure but as a life saver brilliant.
Things to note ,apparently hearing aids do not make your hearing diminish.
Secondly the audiologist im dealing with at the Acoustic Cr Neuromodulation center said ,NHS digitals are as good as expensive private ,its all down to the skill of the audiologist setting them up ,he said there is nothing he could do with private aids that he couldnt do with NHS digitals.
Wish you well ,Pete
Hi Jane...ok ,my T does not seem louder when I take them out.
I did wear them all day as it was such a relief..but at the moment I have the Acoustic CR neuromodulation for 6 hrs a day in my ears so that knocks out the T while its hopefully working its magic.I am also trying Universal sound therapy so my ears are allways full at the mo
As for wearing them at night I was (your not supposed to ,it was the only way I could some peace.)
However re sound enrichment ,everything I have tried re sleep just grated on me ,music ,or white ,or pink noise.So hearing aids were good ,but felt sore in the morning .Thing is the audiologist at the Acoustic cr neuromod place said as I had high freq loss PURPLE noise would be worth a go at night and he gave me a CD ...he was right!!! Its very comfortable to hear and blends and knocks out my T nicely.
Jane for me they made a MASSIVE difference.For the first time I felt I was in control of my T.
If you have High Freq loss ,you have to move forward and get them,really.
All the best jane,Pete
I have the Zen Widex Hearing Aids with Zen Tones to help with Tinnitus. White noise and soft smoothing Bells and charms noises. I can use them amplified or notamplified. I have five different noises with a remote control. The white noise seemed to help me cope with the tinnitus better but it bothers me sometimes too. I don't need to wear them because I can hear fine. I have high frequency hearing loss. The hearing aids did not help my tinnitus But they did not hurt it either. Cost $5900.00 dollars. Insurance paid the first $3000. Had 30 days to return them.
I wear them off and on. Sometimes at night when the tinnitus is real loud I will wear them to help sleep with the Soft bell noises. Like I said they did not get rid of the tinnitus. But I did not return them because I felt they helped take the edge off I little. Anything that anybody needs to know just ask me and I will tell you my experiences with them. Everybody is different when it comes to hearing aids or anything else. What may help one person may totally be different for another person.
This is really interesting stuff Karl. My replies in red!
I feel unstable now too![]()
I also find the Purple noise far better than White. I wish they would make purple noise generators like they do white noise ones. I have the purple noise on loop on my MP3 player but there's an awful little silence when it loops. Also I play it through speakers so its not portable.
I am more and more thinking the hearings aids are a good idea for me. And if I can get them on the NHS its not a big cash risk. I would get them set up by the Hearing Specialist I've started seeing.
Thanks Pete and all the best.
Thanks Karl - I look important too now![]()
Louise, I'm waiting for you to agree that I now look important![]()
Louise -
You're on your way to getting this under control. If you can work through an understanding of this phenomena, you will be closer to managing it.
When we trade stories, we need to be careful not to "mix apples and oranges". People get tinnitus for different reasons, although I think there are just a few different causes. Some people will benefit from hearing aides while others will not.
The majority of people get tinnitus from age related hearing loss. I fall into that group. My tinnitus is quiet in the morning. It gets louder when I watch TV. It is a consistent tone - almost a white crackely noise now. I have no trouble sleeping, perhaps because I take Remeron. I could probably benefit from a hearing aid.
For some other people, their tinnitus is not due to hearing loss. They may have wildly fluctuating tinnitus: Very loud some days, gone other days. For some strange reason, they are getting tinnitus due to neck problems or TMJ or..."somatic tinnitus" they call it. They won't benefit from hearing aides.
I don't think there is a blanket treatment that works effectively for everybody. So, don't be dissuaded if stories seem to contradict each other. Keep on track with your gut feelings.
Click -
Just curious: How much did the "Lifetime Benefactor" title cost you in English currency?
I wonder how it cost for Markku to knight us?![]()
@Karl & click, you just made me giggle out loudI have no idea if the "Lifetime Benefactor" sounds ridiculous or not
It sounds okay to my ear but that's one of the perks of not being native speaker
And speaking of hearing aids: I think it makes sense they help lessen the perception of tinnitus, if you have hearing loss...
Have a good Wednesday folks!
Hmm...let me think:....
Now that's a good idea - there could be knighthoods & other titles - we could choose which one we want and have to pay different prices for each.
We could even suggest a few...![]()